
Can distemper have a cure? Understand and see how to take care of the pet

Can distemper have a cure? This is one of the main concerns of those who have a pet that has been diagnosed with this type of condition. See the answer here.


Understand better if distemper has a cure and the severity of the disease

Cinomose tem cura
Canine distemper has a cure

Distemper can be cured, although it does not have a specific treatment. Therefore, if you are diagnosed in advance, it is possible to save your pet's life!

Distemper is a disease caused by the CDV virus, Canine Distemper Virus. It leads to the development of this disease that can claim your dog's life. In this way, it requires specific care, which includes the observation of some symptoms. Likewise, it needs veterinary follow-up to determine the best treatment.

Therefore, today we have prepared a manual for you with everything about distemper, its cure, treatments and diagnosis. With this, you guarantee the well-being of your pet and protect it. Still, you can take preventive measures to protect it.

Illnesses that dogs can get

Know, today, what are the diseases that dogs can have. With that, learn how to take care of your pets, as well as ensure their well-being.

Main symptoms of distemper

This is one of those canid diseases that offer multiple symptoms. Despite this, it is not rare for dogs to even manifest them.

However, even when there is the presentation and development of symptoms, they will depend on the type of distemper developed. This, therefore, manifests itself in different ways as it attacks several different systems.

Therefore, the symptoms and treatments for distemper will depend on the type of disease. Check out the main signs of infection by this virus according to the types of distemper developed:

  • Cutaneous distemper: development of pus balls in the abdomen (pustules), pimples and development of a rough, thick layer on the paws and over the nose (hyperkeratosis of the pads);
  • Digestive: presentation of weakness, diarrhea (with or without blood) and fever;
  • Nervous: tremors, seizures, difficulty standing and lack of motor concentration. Also, involuntary muscle contractions and loss of some movements. Equally, constant crying, howling or screaming;
  • Respiratory: finally, in this case, canine distemper usually presents with a cough with phlegm, dry eyes with the creation of yellow and white secretions and nasal secretion.

What is the chance of curing distemper?

Cinomose tem cura
Canine distemper has a cure

There is no way to specify a specific chance of healing. What should be clear is that distemper can be cured. However, for it to be possible, it is ideal that the diagnosis occurs as soon as possible. As we have seen, the symptoms are quite severe, which demonstrates the aggressiveness of the disease.

That way, the sooner your dog goes to the vet and is diagnosed with distemper, the greater the chances of a cure for him. Time, here, runs against you and your dog. Therefore, always keep an eye on him and if any symptoms appear, contact the veterinarian.

Even if it's about something else, it helps you to always make the best decisions regarding your pet. Keep in mind that your veterinarian will always direct you on what to do and what to observe, whatever the case. 

What is the best remedy for distemper?

Distemper is curable and can be treated in different ways. What actually happens is that there is no specific treatment for it. Thus, treatments aim to strengthen the pet's body so that the body itself is able to fight and eliminate the virus.

Also, there may be additional medications and treatments to ease the symptoms while your dog gets stronger. However, this will always depend on the diagnosis of the veterinarian and the conditions that your pet presents.

Therefore, once again it is always necessary to rely on a quality professional to accompany your pet and give the necessary guidance.

How to avoid distemper contamination?

Cinomose tem cura
Canine distemper has a cure

Although it is true that distemper is curable, this does not dispense with care so that there is no contamination by the pet. After all, the disease causes rather exhausting and severe symptoms. Equally, it can progress quickly without giving a chance for diagnosis and treatment.

The good news, on the other hand, is that today there is already a vaccine to prevent contamination by distemper. That is, it is possible to ensure that your pet is protected against the disease and that, in the event of contamination, it does not develop serious symptoms and consequences. In this case, it passes quickly.

The vaccine against distemper must be administered from 45 days of life of the dog. However, care is needed: it requires another 02 doses, adding up to a total of 03. All of them must be given at intervals, between one or the other, of 20 to 30 days.

This, then, will allow your dog not to become infected with the disease or, then, it will guarantee that distemper is curable, since it will not be able to affect it. Vaccines work miracles in the body not only of humans, but also of pets!

In addition, it is crucial that during this vaccination period the pet does not circulate in streets and parks. Distemper is transmitted through the air. That is, you will have no control over it. Therefore, avoid him being in environments that may be contaminated.

This means, then, that walks with your pet must await the end of all vaccines. 

Importance of correct vaccination

In that case, consider that the pet should start taking the first dose after 45 days of life. Thus, between each of the doses it will take between 20 and 30 days, in a total of 90 days. After that, finally, you have to wait another 21 days to expose it to public environments.

Finally, avoid leaving your pet in places where there are animals that are infected by the disease, as well as keeping up to date on vaccines and visits to the veterinarian. These are the best preventive actions that can be applied for the well-being of your pet.

Therefore, be sure to apply them to protect your companion from distemper, with this, he will always be safe!

Health plan for animals Pet Mais Vida

Want comfort and safety for your pet? See the Pet Mais Vida pet health plan and understand how it can help you achieve this goal!

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