
Castration of cats: everything you need to know!

Learn everything you need to know about cat neutering here. From how the procedure is done to the benefits, both for your pet and for you and your home.


Learn all about how it works to neuter a kitten and ask your questions about it!

Uma das funções da castração é evitar que a gata fique prenha. Fonte: Pexels.
One of the functions of castration is to prevent the cat from becoming pregnant. Source: Pexels.

Regarded by all veterinarians as an important preventive health procedure, castration of cats is still surrounded by myths. That's because it's an operation, so it requires a highly qualified medical team.

In addition, these pets bring a series of costs and concerns that not every cat owner wants or can have, so it is important to know everything about the subject before actually deciding to have a cat.

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Furthermore, castration is still viewed with reservations by some tutors. Many ideas are myths, but it is important that you have some information about this operation before submitting your cat to it.

So, thinking about all this, we prepared a complete article on the subject. We will explain to you how neutering works, what its benefits are and why you have to neuter your kitten.

What is cat neutering and how does it work?

Within the veterinary literature, castration is called orchiectomy (males) and ovariosalpingohysterectomy (females), and it is an operation that will remove the feline's testicles or uterus.

But unlike the technical name, castration of cats is simple and quick, as well as essential to ensure that cats live longer and better. This is because it prevents your cat from getting pregnant (the animal term for getting pregnant).

And along with that, neutering prevents diseases like cancer and inflammation, as well as helping to control feline mood. It can even be done for free at the Zoonoses Control Center (CCZ) in your city.

Neutering is not (only) about preventing puppies from coming

A castração de gatos é uma forma de manter a saúde dos felinos. Fonte: Pexels.
Castration of cats is a way to maintain the health of cats. Source: Pexels.

Many cat tutors understand castration from a human perspective, that is, you would be preventing your cat from having “affective relationships”.

But, that's a myth because, that way of thinking is human - talking about "love" requires abstract thinking that cats probably don't have.

Therefore, castration serves, mainly, to help in the your cat's health. The relationships that the male cat has with the female are instinctive.

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Meaning, when you neuter your cat, he won't be sad because he can't "date" - because that's a human idea. So, castration is about preventing a lot of problems that the sexual organs can bring.

That is, in the future, mainly cancers. Did you know that cats can also get uterine cancer, and cats, prostate cancer and that they are just as fatal for animals as they are for us?

Reinforcing the idea, for cats, crossing is not an “affective” act, but an instinct. The male will not have affection for the female in the same way that the man for the female, because that is an abstract feeling – love.

The benefits of neutering cats: peaceful animals, rested owners

A castração também vai acalmar o seu animal. Fonte: Pexels.
Castration will also calm your animal. Source: Pexels.

Other advantages of neutering include improved behavior. That's because the uterus and testicles are organs that produce hormones that affect the temperament of animals in various ways.

Therefore, neutered animals become less aggressive and territorial - it is the so-called "hormonal stimulus" of behaviors such as scratching, biting or meowing loudly for hours.

In the case of male cats, some behaviors, such as urinating around the house, scratching furniture and attacking other animals (and even visitors) are inherited from their wild relatives in the past.

When the non-neutered cat does this, it's as if he was wanting to prove his “virility”, to show that there, he's the boss. These instincts come from sex hormones, because for wild cats, dominating the region was essential.

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In the case of cats, anyone who has had a non-neutered cat should remember: they are meowing all night, curled up around people's legs and messing with windows and doors.

Instinctively, what the female cat is doing is trying to get the attention of males, because her body is ready to produce kittens.

Furthermore, both male and non-castrated females eventually flee in search of mates. So, they can be kidnapped, run over, get lost, contract diseases on the street, return home with fleas and ticks…

Behaviors that are unpleasant and dangerous for a domestic cat. And all of them are much easier to get around when the cat is neutered.

And when should I castrate?

As a general rule, veterinarians talk about neutering the cat after 60 days of birth, preferably before completing 1 year. Even so, cat castration can happen at any time in the feline's life.

However, look for a veterinarian you trust before making any decision. Senior cats are usually the only cases in which castration is not recommended. But that, who's to say, is the vet.

Another myth about neutering concerns the cat getting fat. Supposedly, with the loss of these hormones, there would be a deregulation of appetite. However, many factors (besides sex hormones) can lead to this.

The lack of toys, scratching posts and adequate food contribute (much) more to obesity than neutering, for example. So remember to entertain your little animal, okay?

How is the castration of cats?

For you to neuter your cat, first, you need to look for a veterinarian. Only this professional will be able to make the correct assessment of the cat's situation, and say whether it is time to castrate or not.

If so, then an operation will be scheduled. Most likely, he will ask you to fast your cat for about 12 hours. Then, in the operating room, the cat will be given general anesthesia.

Then comes the operative part. In the region where the procedure will be performed, the cat will be shaved and the genital organ (the ovary or testicles) will be removed, and then the incision will be closed with stitches.

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Castrations (even in females, who need to have their wombs opened) are usually very quick, and the animals are discharged on the same day.

Eventually, the veterinarian will ask you to put an Elizabethan collar (that tube around the neck, looking like a lampshade) or an operating vest on your cat.

Maybe he feels pain in the first few days (but that's because it's an operation and not because it's castration). If this happens, you need to notify the veterinarian, and this professional will recommend the most appropriate remedy, if applicable.

So, you already know…

Adopted a cat and don't want kittens at home? Neuter him! Neutering is a gesture of love for and with your cat, as this will allow it to live longer, better and more peacefully.

Don't think of it as an invasive operation (something that will hurt you), but as a preventative one (to avoid bigger problems). The memories and happy moments that you and your cat live will make it all worth it!

And, if you want to continue reading about general cat care, we recommend that you read the following article. In it, we gave tips on how to handle and care for kittens. Log in below!

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