
Irish Water Spaniel Dog: learn all about this breed here!

Of origin still quite unknown, the Irish Water Spaniel dog may be a mixture of several breeds from the 19th century. Still rare, this animal is an excellent water hunter, with almost waterproof fur!


Discover all about the Irish Water Spaniel dog breed

Então conheça tudo sobre essa raça. Fonte: AdobeStock.
So know everything about this breed. Source: AdobeStock.

Of remarkable physical characteristics, the Irish Water Spaniel dog has its origins somewhat uncertain. However, his curly fur ends up convincing many that he may be an ancestor of the famous poodles. Furthermore, this breed is very friendly and loyal, and may be the ideal dog for your family.

Although their thick fur requires more frequent grooming, the Irish Water Spaniel is a strong animal and companion that you will definitely fall in love with. So, are you thinking of getting a puppy of this breed? Well, check out all the characteristics and care you need to have before adopting a specimen!

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What is the Irish Water Spaniel dog?

First of all, this breed of dog was developed especially to be a hunting dog in an aquatic environment. However, its origins are uncertain, and an example of this animal appeared for the first time in an exhibition in the middle of the 19th century. Soon, it became quite popular, as its coat, in addition to being unique, is almost waterproof!

That is, this dog was already quite desired to hunt in lakes, rivers and even swamps and soon after its appearance the first club of the breed was created. However, after World War II, Water Spaniels almost disappeared. Currently, these animals are still considered rare.

Furthermore, some experts believe that the Irish Water Spaniel is a mix of several Setters, in addition to Curly-haired Retrievers and Barbet dogs. Its most distinguishing feature is its curly, thick, double-layered coat that is water resistant.

However, its muzzle and face have a soft coat, with the famous curly fringe that gives it an exotic look. Its tail is also distinctive, known to have a rat-like tail, with smooth fur like the face rather than curly like the rest of the body. The unique color of this dog is dark brown.

Although it is a strong, robust and easy to train animal for hunting, some specimens are easily found by the nobility as a sign of status. However, it is quite rare to find a breeder for this breed, as there are very few Water Spaniels in the world.

How much does a dog of this breed cost?

Afinal, quanto custa um filhote? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, how much does a puppy cost? Source: AdobeStock.

Well, if you are interested in buying an Irish Water Spaniel puppy, know that it can be quite difficult to find a kennel or breeder for the breed. As we already mentioned, these dogs are quite rare, and it is very important that you find a reliable place to acquire your pet.

In this sense, there are several clandestine kennels that, in addition to not guaranteeing the standards of the breed, still do not respect animal welfare. Therefore, avoid buying puppies over the internet, and look for references and indications from other customers to make sure that the breeder is reliable.

A Water Spaniel puppy can cost R$5,000.00, and you need to be sure of your purchase so you don't have headaches later. Also, knowing the pet's parents and ancestors can guarantee you a healthy animal. By the way, demand the pedigree of the breed to make sure that you are bringing home a dog that respects the standards.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

Although the Irish Water Spaniel is strong and prepared for intense physical activity, the breed does have some health issues. Thus, it is important to follow up with a veterinarian to keep routine exams up to date, in addition to vaccinations and deworming.

Generally speaking, these dogs are susceptible to food and even drug allergies. In addition, they may have hypothyroidism and epilepsy in the first years of life. Older dogs often develop cataracts, which can lead to blindness.

Thus, the life expectancy of the Irish Water Spaniel is only 10 to 12 years. But, with good care, these years will be healthy and very well lived. By the way, it is worth remembering that these dogs require regular physical activity. Their bodies are prepared for hunting and swimming, weighing between 21 kg and 30 kg.

However, these are medium-sized animals. Females are usually smaller than males, measuring between 53 cm and 58 cm at the withers. Meanwhile, males measure between 55 centimeters and 60 centimeters. Generally speaking, this pet is the largest among the Spaniels.

How to raise an Irish Water Spaniel puppy?

Então, como criar esse cão? Fonte: AdobeStock.
So how to raise such a dog? Source: AdobeStock.

First, this dog has a very strong hunting instinct. However, he is a silent and reserved dog, which means he is not ideal as a guard dog. In addition, it is worth remembering that you will need to have a daily time to take him for walks and provide intense physical activities so that he spends his energy.

In addition, their abundant and curly hair requires greater attention. That is, brushing needs to happen at least 3 times a week to avoid knots and tangles. But don't worry, baths don't need to be frequent.

Even if this dog is reserved, he will be the liveliness of the house! That's because Water Spaniels are extroverted animals with their owners. In addition, they like to play and are very attached to their tutors. Being a hunting dog, they don't usually get along very well with animals of other species and are also not very friendly with strangers.

Finally, this is a very smart dog. Thus, you will also need to keep your intellect active with activities and games. This way you will avoid a bored dog that can bring unwanted behavior. Therefore, take the time to give him special attention, or think about training him to better control your pet.

So, do you like Spaniel dogs? Did you know that there are other of these animals each with unique characteristics? Well then you need to meet the Boykin Spaniel, one of the newer Spaniels. In this sense, he emerged in the United States in the twentieth century and soon became a popular pet dog. Access our content below and learn all about it!

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Boykin Spaniel dog: know all about him!

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