
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Dog: learn all about this breed here!

Although they can be a possessive breed with their owners, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog is very affectionate and sociable. In addition, these dogs do not shed much hair and are very adaptable to their environment.


Discover all about the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog breed

Então, conheça tudo sobre a raça. Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, know everything about the breed. Source: AdobeStock.

First of all, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a breed with a keen protective instinct. In addition, they are very intelligent and friendly dogs, and can be great companions for families with children. Although it was used for grazing, currently this animal does not need much exercise.

Incidentally, this is a very adaptable breed, in addition to being very sociable and affectionate. So, if you are thinking about adopting a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog, read on to find out all the details about this cute and friendly breed! Check out more information below.

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What is the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier puppy?

Firstly, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog breed is quite old and its records are scarce. In this sense, it is estimated that its origin occurred in Ireland, more precisely in rural areas of the region. Like other terrier dogs, the Soft Coated Wheaten was also used to hunt burrowing animals.

In addition, this animal has always been very adaptable and intelligent, which helped the breed become a favorite among peasants. In this way, this dog helped in the herding of sheep and pigs, as well as hunting and fetching prey.

Although the origin of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog is not exactly known, there is already evidence that both he and the Kerry Blue dog have common ancestors. Therefore, there is a high chance that the Soft Coated Wheaten was the result of crossing a Kerry Blue.

Incidentally, although the breed has more than 200 years of history, it was only recognized in the 1930s, and its soft and characteristic coat began to make it a popular animal. In this sense, this dog has thick and fluffy hair and is slightly wavy.

In addition, the color of the breed should be wheat, but the puppies are usually born darker and the hair only becomes lighter and wavy with the passage of time. Generally speaking, its body is square, somewhat compact. Its head is long, like a terrier's, and its nose is large and black. The ears are drooping, positioned on the sides, and the eyes are dark in color, usually brown.

How much does a dog of this breed cost?

Afinal, qual o valor do filhote? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, what is the value of the puppy? Source: Adobe Stock.

First of all, if you are interested in buying a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier puppy, you need to find a reliable kennel or breeder to acquire the puppy. So, look for references, recommendations and always try to visit the place before buying the animal.

That way, you can get to know the puppy's parents and ancestors to make sure he's up to the breed standard, as well as being healthy and well cared for. In this sense, there are many places today that unfortunately do not pay due attention to the needs of animals, aiming only at profit from the sale.

That's why it's important to always check the origin of the place where you're buying your puppy. This way you avoid pet health problems and do not finance animal cruelty. In fact, this breed is not very popular in Brazil, and you may have to import a puppy if you are interested in buying one.

In short, you can end up spending up to R$4,000.00 to have a dog of this breed, due to the difficulty of finding a copy in Brazil. The value may vary according to the sex of the animal, in addition to pedigree and lineage.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

Well then, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is a dog with a compact but balanced body. By the way, he is well known for his square body, with a deeper chest and highlighted ribs. In fact, this is a sporty dog, considered medium-sized.

In this sense, males are usually slightly larger than females. Thus, their size should not exceed 48 centimeters at the withers, while females are between 40 and 45 centimeters. That is, it is not a very tall dog.

When it comes to weight, the ideal is that this dog does not exceed 20 kg, or you run the risk of having an obese animal. In addition, because they are smaller in stature, females also have a lower weight, but both are strong and agile dogs.

Although it is a very healthy breed, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog can present some diseases characteristic of the breed, such as kidney and enteric problems. Thus, renal dysplasia, nephropathy and enteropathy are common diseases of the breed. In addition, hip dysplasia and retinal atrophy can also affect older pets.

In addition, another common disease of these animals is allergies due to their very characteristic coat. That's because this terrier has long, thick hair that can hide parasites and burrows. Therefore, regular visits to the veterinarian, good nutrition and routine exams can contribute positively to the health and life expectancy of these pets, which ranges from 12 to 15 years.

How to breed a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog?

Mas, como criar um exemplar dessa raça? Fonte: AdobeStock.
But how to create a specimen of this breed? Source: AdobeStock.

So, as you've already seen, this dog is quite intelligent, but it can become possessive of its owners. This happens due to their protective instincts, which are very strong in the breed. By the way, this is a great dog to take care of children and the house, since he must warn of any danger.

Furthermore, as you might have guessed, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier dog requires special attention with its coat. In fact, it is recommended to brush the animal at least 4 times a week to avoid knots and tangles. Also, that's a good way to check if everything is right with your skin health.

However, contrary to what you might think, these dogs don't shed much hair. So, if you have allergic problems or just don't like to see your house full of hair, this breed is definitely ideal for your profile.

It is also worth remembering that these dogs are very adaptable and can live happily in houses or apartments. Even though they don't need a lot of physical activity, it's important to take them for a walk every day to avoid major health problems. As an intelligent dog, keeping him entertained and challenging his intellect is also a must.

So, do you like dogs with the characteristic terrier face? How about meeting another dog from the same family? In this sense, the Airedale Terrier dogs are the famous mustachioed dogs, very energetic and full of love to give to their owner. Learn all about the breed by accessing our content below!

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