
Dog does not want to eat: how to help?

A situation where the dog does not want to eat is worrying. After all, nutrition is essential for health. See what to do then.


Find out how to act when your dog doesn't want to eat

Cachorro não quer comer
Dog doesn't want to eat

When the dog does not want to eat it is essential to investigate the reasons. Likewise, that measures be taken to revert the situation. Check out some tips today.

There are numerous reasons for a dog to lose its appetite. Some of them are behavioral and typical of some species. It's what we call selective appetite, which is choosing what you want or don't want to eat.

Therefore, in these cases it is common for the dog to only skip one meal or another. However, the most frequent refusal points to other causes. For example, for diseases. But also for less serious issues.

Behaviors and habits can lead them to refuse some foods. Or, then, losing your appetite or stalling to eat. Be that as it may, there are solutions and methods to whet your dog's appetite.

Furthermore, when the dog does not want to eat it should be seen as a warning sign. When behavioral cues and other issues don't resolve, it could point to something more serious. And here, the best thing to do is always to look for a veterinarian.

Although lack of appetite can refer to punctual and harmless issues, it can also indicate a number of diseases. Therefore, it is essential that you always observe your partner and his behavior. Still, make sure he always counts on veterinary follow-up.

But calm down, this is just a warning! Most of the time the explanations are much simpler. And do you want to know what they are? So keep reading and see the main reasons for changing canine appetite.

When the dog does not want to eat what can it be?

Entenda porque o cachorro não quer comer
Understand why the dog does not want to eat

As we said above, canine lack of appetite or food refusal stems from numerous factors. See some of the main ones and then check out how to deal with it.

Dog doesn't want to eat too much snacks

First of all, know that you may be the reason why the dog does not want to eat. When the dog is constantly offered treats, he tends to prefer them to the regular food. And this is harmful.

First, because you can refuse to eat other foods. Secondly, because snacks tend to have an exaggerated amount of sodium and coloring agents. So step on the brakes and take it easy when offering this type of food.

selective appetite

Another reason why the dog does not want to eat is selective appetite. Some smaller breeds, like Yorkshire, are famous for this behavior. It consists of refusing a food by simple selection by the dog about what he wants or not.

But that doesn't mean the dog will never want that specific food again. Usually he just turns it down at a point in time. Thus, skipping a meal is not a cause for concern. However, remember to always observe the behavior.

excess heat

Just like us, dogs also get more tired in the heat. And this can result in a lack of appetite. Therefore, it is natural that it occurs and that he becomes slower, lethargic. One way to help you is by offering fresh water or even ice cubes.

Dog not wanting to eat could be caused by recent changes

When the dog does not want to eat, also analyze the occurrence of some recent change. Canines, like cats, are averse to sudden changes. Moving furniture or the arrival of a new family member can cause you to lose your appetite.

Bad eating habits

Finally, consider whether your pet is in the habit of eating only in your presence. Some dogs and cats enjoy eating with an audience. So think of ways to change that. A vet as well as training can help at this point.

Likewise, granting food without time restrictions may also be the reason. Often the dog "gets lost" in the schedule. And so it goes hours without eating, or eats and you don't even notice.


Still, when the dog doesn't want to eat it can indicate some kind of illness. This is often a sign of gastrointestinal problems or pain. So, if the lack of appetite persists, seek a veterinarian. Also, ensure that your pet has regular appointments with this professional.

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What to do to whet your dog's appetite?

Cachorro não quer comer
Dog doesn't want to eat

Finally, now that you know some of the main reasons why dogs don't want to eat, here are some solutions. There are some tricks that help to whet the appetite of canines. Check them out and try them out!

Always offer fresh dry food

First, make sure you always offer your dog fresh dry dog food. This means that you need to discard what is left in the bowl exposed to microorganisms and dust. Likewise, it requires care with the storage of the rest of the feed.

Promote physical activity when the dog does not want to eat

Another good way to whet the appetite of a dog that doesn't want to eat is through physical activity. Plan to go for regular walks, walks, and runs with your dog. Also, of course, promote pranks to entertain him and expend energy.

This energy expenditure is also revealed in caloric expenditure. And this tends to increase hunger and drive away food refusal.

Avoid constant snacks

The third tip for when the dog does not want to eat is to avoid constant snacks. In addition to the low nutritional value, they can make the dog refuse other foods.

Consider introducing dietary supplementation with natural products

Another interesting point to help a dog that doesn't want to eat is the introduction of new foods. For this, of course, count on the help of a veterinarian. After all, only he is capable of prescribing the ideal diet for his dog.

In that case, it is possible to introduce cooked meats (and without seasoning) and boiled eggs, for example. This scenario requires a nutritional analysis of the dog, tests and following a balanced diet that follows proportions as prescribed by the doctor.

Bet on wet food

Finally, you can also use wet food, sachet type, to solve the problem of the dog that does not want to eat. This type of food tends to attract them and also increase their appetite.

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