
Labrador Dog: Know everything about this breed!

This dog is very friendly, intelligent and energetic. He is ideal for anyone who wants a companion for all hours! Discover all the tips for having a Labrador.


Discover all about the Labrador dog breed

Conheça tudo sobre o Labrador! Fonte: Pexels.
Learn all about the Labrador! Source: Pexels.

Cute, friendly and playful. These are the main characteristics of the Labrador Retriever dog. Firstly, this breed is known for its balanced temperament.

In addition, he is also famous for liking water and for his habit of biting slippers. Thus, this is a companion breed for all hours, which likes and needs the company of its owners.

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So if you think you have the time and energy to care for a Labrador, this might be the breed for you!

Want to know more? Keep reading to find out how to care for the breed most used as a guide dog!

What is the Labrador puppy?

Firstly, the Labrador Retriever dog has its origin in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada.

The ancestors of this breed were water dogs, which helped fishermen retrieve fish that fell from their nets. Thus, you can understand why Labradors like water so much.

But, in the 19th century, they were taken to England. There, they helped rescue dead game animals, such as birds. That's why his second name is retriever, retriever in English.

Furthermore, the recovered game meat was undamaged. That's because the Labrador's bite is soft and careful.

Physical characteristics

This is a medium sized dog. Thus, it presents a robust and well-built body structure. Additionally, there are three official coat colors: chocolate, black, and yellow.

However, chocolate can have slight variations in light and dark. On the other hand, yellow can range from light gold to reddish.

In addition, the hair is soft, short and voluminous, making brushing necessary. Makes you want to hug, doesn't it?

intelligence and balance

The Labrador is considered the seventh smartest dog breed in the world. He loves learning activities and games, for example.

Furthermore, the Labrador is a dog that barks very little, only when it needs to. As in cases of danger or nuisance, for example.

But what really defines the animals of this breed is their balance. The Labrador knows when to be agitated, ask for affection and play, and when to work and be serious.

It is even a highly recommended breed as a guide dog and for some rescue activities.

Energy and sociability

As has already been said, he is very energetic and needs moments to let out all his spirit. Labradors like to play games with their owners. So you need people capable of giving you attention!

In addition, this dog does not show any traces of aggression in its personality. So, it's one of the only breeds that look their owners straight in the eye.

The Labrador is also an extremely sociable dog. Thus, he gets along with either other animals, other races, or other people.

Also, he tends to be quite passive and friendly. This way it is ideal for those who have children and elderly people at home!

How much does a dog of this breed cost?

Afinal, qual o valor do filhote? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, what is the value of the puppy? Source: Pexels.

Thus, for being so kind, the price of the Labrador puppy can vary between R$ 1000 and R$ 2500 in the most diverse stores and kennels in the country. Also, research different kennels and visit before deciding where to buy your Labrador.

That's because it's important to make sure the place is responsible and follows all laws. That is, it takes care of health and respects animals.

Also, have you considered adoption? There are many places that donate animals, including breeds! So choosing to adopt can be a conscious action, bringing a lot of love to an abandoned dog!

How big does it get and how long does it live?

First, the height of a Labrador reaches, on average, 54 cm, in the case of females. And, in the case of males, the height can vary between 55 cm and 57 cm. 

On the other hand, the weight of a Labrador puppy can vary between 33 kg and 39 kg in females. In the case of males, it can reach up to 43 kg. That's a lot for a dog, isn't it?


The breed is quite healthy and with proper care it can live long and well. However, you need to pay attention to some diseases that may affect your pet. For example, hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia.

Another important point to pay attention to is the Labrador's diet. This breed is very hungry and has a tendency to gain excess weight. So keep an eye on what your pet can eat.

Also, because it is an animal that loves to get into the water, the Labrador can develop otitis, a kind of inflammation in the ear. So, be careful and dry your dog's ear well after a bath.

Furthermore, their life expectancy can range from 12 to 14 years. But for that, they need to be treated well. So be careful!

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How to raise a Labrador puppy?

Então, confira dicas para criar seu cão! Fonte: Pexels.
So check out tips for raising your dog! Source: Pexels.

So, to have a healthy Labrador that lives long and well, it is necessary to raise this dog properly.

Apartments are not usually ideal for this breed. But if you walk him often and give him enough attention, the Labrador will be fine! So, remember that this breed does not like to be alone!

Behavior and training

Be aware if your Labrador wants to get the slipper. They are playful and because of their nature as retrievers, they like to bite objects they find lying down.

However, misbehavior is easily corrected. Dressage and training are great for this breed due to its intelligence.

Also, be aware, if you don't fulfill your role correctly, your Labrador may try to run away. If not walked and played with enough, this breed may want to figure out its own way to have fun.

What to do?

First, as already said, he needs attention. Labradors need walks and physical activity at least once a day.

Also, due to its retriever origins, this breed likes to pick things up in its mouth. So simple pranks like playing ball can be great to entertain them.

Furthermore, because of their origin, Labradors are dogs that love to swim. So remember whenever possible, take your animal to a pool or sea for him to have fun.


So, outside the pool and sea, the less bathing the better. The Labrador's coat has a natural oil layer that protects the skin.

So, the ideal is a bath every two months. More than that can cause skin problems. Also, it's important to brush your dog daily. That's because this action avoids peeling on your skin. 

In addition, it is important to always observe your Labrador's ear. The configuration of their ears favors infections. So clean them weekly, especially if your dog gets into the water.

Labrador or Finnish Spitz?

Companions, playful, intelligent, crazy about water. The Labrador can be the ideal dog to brighten your life and/or that of your family!

However, if you want to know other dog breeds, maybe the Finnish Spitz is an option that interests you.

This breed is very docile and sociable. That is, it is perfect to be a companion animal for your family. Also, if you have kids at home, it might be even better!

So want to know more? Click on the link and check out all the information about the Finnish Spitz!

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Finnish Spitz Dog: know everything about him!

Bred to be a hunting dog in Europe, currently the Finnish Spitz is a very docile and sociable companion animal.

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