
Siberian Husky Dog: learn all about this breed here!

Siberian Husky dogs were bred for hunting and pulling sleds in Siberia. Today the breed is popular around the world with its wolf-like appearance and fun-loving temperament. See how to care for these dogs.


Discover all about the Siberian Husky dog breed

Então, conheça tudo sobre a raça. Fonte: Pexels.
So, know everything about the breed. Source: Pexels.

As the name implies, the Siberian Husky dog breed originates from Siberia, and its first records make it one of the oldest breeds in the world. In addition, this animal's main function was to pull sleds in the cold terrain of the region, which is why the breed is known for being strong and robust.

Known as wolf dogs, Siberian Husky are animals suitable for facing rigorous winters, perhaps that is why they are not so popular in Brazil. Although they have a powerful appearance, these dogs are not aggressive at all, and they get along very well with humans. So, learn everything about the breed below and see how to take care of a Siberian Husky dog!

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What is the Siberian Husky dog?

First of all, the Siberian Husky dog breed is quite ancient, and its origins date back to 2 thousand years ago. In this sense, the Husky emerged in a nomadic tribe called the Chukchi in the Siberian region, with the function of hunting and pulling sleds. Since these animals were very resistant to the freezing temperatures of the place, they made a difference in terms of the survival of the tribe.

However, it was only in 1909 that a trader took some dogs of the breed to Alaska in order to participate in a sled competition. In this way, the Siberian Husky dog became popular in the United States and soon the world already knew about the breed. However, they were only officially recognized in 1930, after a heroic act of taking medicine to a village during an epidemic.

The main feature that makes this dog so charming is its wolf-like appearance. In this sense, its body is proportionate, with robust and strong paws. The Husky has an excellent combination to be a fast and resistant animal. Their hair is double layered, dense and of medium length.

Incidentally, this dense coat is what protects it from the intense cold, and its colors can be the most varied. Furthermore, their ears are large and erect, their tail has thick, soft fur, and their eyes are generally light in color. In fact, it is very common to find animals with heterochromia.

How much does a dog of this breed cost?

Afinal, qual o valor do filhote? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, what is the value of the puppy? Source: Pexels.

Despite being a breed with a coat characteristic of cold environments, there are some kennels in Brazil that work with the creation of the Siberian Husky dog. In this sense, it is important that you look for reliable places if you intend to acquire a puppy of the breed, or you may end up with an animal that does not follow the standards.

In general, the value of a puppy tends to vary between R$1,000.00 and R$3,000.00 according to different kennels and breeding sites. It is worth remembering that this variation can happen depending on the pedigree of the animal, offspring and sex of the puppy.

That is, dogs descended from competition and exhibition animals tend to be more expensive. In addition, it is important to look for a good kennel that offers quality of life to the animals, good food, space and hygiene. It's interesting to research the opinions of other people who bought puppies in the same place to make sure it's reliable.

Furthermore, there are many establishments that sell Husky puppies for a much lower price. This happens because these dogs come from clandestine kennels, without ideal conditions for animal husbandry. So be suspicious and, if necessary, report it!

How big does it get and how long does it live?

First of all, one of the characteristics of the Siberian Husky dog that most attracts attention is its colored eyes. In this sense, it is common to find dogs with heterochromia or with lighter eyes like crystalline blue. However, the breed is very prone to vision problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy and corneal opacity.

That way, if not treated, these diseases can lead to total blindness of the animal. Therefore, it is important to maintain regular appointments with the veterinarian, in addition to routine examinations to avoid further problems.

In addition, skin problems are quite common, as their coat is thick and has two layers. So, keep your dog brushed and clean to avoid allergies and infections. Finally, the Siberian Husky dog can also develop hip dysplasia, causing pain and walking difficulties.

Although these problems mentioned are of hereditary origin, the breed is considered healthy and strong. That is, not necessarily your dog will develop these diseases. Generally speaking, their life expectancy can vary between 10 and 15 years.

The Siberian Husky dog is considered a medium-sized animal, and its size can reach 60 centimeters at the withers. Meanwhile, females can be smaller, but never below 51 centimeters. The weight of these animals ranges from about 30 kg to 44 kg.

How to raise a Siberian Husky puppy?

Então, como criar? Fonte: Pexels.
So how to create? Source: Pexels.

Although this animal has a serious expression and a fearsome bearing, the Siberian Husky is very friendly, companionable and sociable. By the way, this is a great company for children and even other animals of the same size as him.

Furthermore, the Siberian Husky dog is expansive and playful, and likes wide spaces. In addition, they are animals that need physical exercise on a daily basis, as they were created for the heavy work of pulling sleds and hunting. So, if you are thinking about having a specimen of the breed, keep in mind that you will need to walk him every day.

By the way, dogs of the breed are strong animals, used to walking and spending their energy. Therefore, it is important that you offer a balanced diet with a good quality feed. Talk to your veterinarian about ideal brands for him, and set a mealtime. If overfed these dogs can become obese.

Keep in mind that Siberian Husky dogs communicate with others in their pack by howling. That is, it is very common to have dogs of this breed that tend to howl, so you may need to train your puppy to avoid this type of behavior.

So, you like dogs that size with plenty of energy to burn? Because you will love to meet the Collie dog. These dogs are among the smartest in the world and were bred for herding. Want to know more about the breed? Just access our content below.

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