Collie dog: learn all about this breed here!
Meet the Collie breed, one of the smartest dogs in the world, as well as being loyal, protective and very companion. With plenty of energy and a playful personality, this dog is ideal for families and children. Check more here!
Discover all about the Collie dog breed
Considered one of the smartest dogs in the world, the Collie dog breed is sure to delight its owners. In that sense, these dogs are extremely loyal and companions, being devoted animals to their owners. By the way, the dog from the famous movie Lassie was a Collie breed, and believe me, they can be just as amazing as in the plot. So, do you want to know everything about this dog breed? Just continue reading.
In addition, it is important to inform that this is an easy dog to train, in addition to being protective of the family. Therefore, if you live with children, this breed can be ideal due to its sensitivity and courage. Check out everything about the Collie dog below.
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What is the Collie dog?
Firstly, ancestors of the breed date back as far as two thousand years, and some believe they were brought to the British Isles by the Romans. Although there are still controversies about the name of the breed, a unanimous characteristic of these dogs was strength and intelligence. Thus, they were very coveted animals for grazing sheep typical of that region.
However, over the years, the Collie dog underwent new breed selections, being transformed into a more elegant dog. Thus, with its improved appearance, the Collie becomes a sheepdog for competitions, and becomes part of exhibitions from the 1860s onwards.
It was only in 1867 that there was a record of a dog of the breed born with the pattern of the Collie dog as it is known today. Thus, in 1879 the first specimen of the breed was imported to the United States and this dog began to be known worldwide.
Currently, dogs of the breed have variations of long and short hair, which can change between three main colors, dark brown, tricolor and with black spots. Their head is thin and long, they have almond-shaped eyes usually in brown or blue colors. Furthermore, the ears are pointed, of medium size and commonly alert, with the tips folded back.
How much does a dog of this breed cost?
First of all, if you intend to have a Collie dog, it is important that you research a good kennel before purchasing the puppy. Try to visit the place, meet the dog's parents and ancestors to verify the health and pedigree of the lineage.
Furthermore, there are unregistered breeders that cannot guarantee a pure breed, or even do not respect the welfare of the animals. So, it is very important to do a lot of research, ask buyers for information and directions. That way, you avoid funding the mistreatment of other puppies.
Also, before you get your Collie puppy, make sure you have enough time and space to dedicate to your new puppy. It's also important to take him to a veterinary appointment for routine exams. That is, in addition to the value of the puppy, which can vary between R$1,500 to R$3,000, you must also take into account the secondary expenses.
How big does it get and how long does it live?
Although it is a strong and very active dog, there are some diseases that the breed is more prone to and you need to keep an eye on. Firstly, due to the thick coat of this dog, some animals may have dermatitis and allergies. That's because long hair can cause fungus and dirt to build up, so pay attention if your pet is scratching too much or is bothered.
Furthermore, another very common disease is hip dysplasia, which causes instability in the animal's gait, as well as signs of pain and discomfort in the bones of the dog's back. Even though none of these diseases are fatal, it's important to take your pet for regular vet appointments, performing routine exams to avoid more serious problems.
In this sense, your Collie dog can have a good life expectancy when well cared for, and can exceed 12 years of age. Incidentally, this robust breed, with strong muscles and can fit into the medium size. The height of this dog tends to vary between 55 centimeters and 60 centimeters, and can weigh 30 kg.
How to raise a Collie puppy?
This is a very popular breed in Brazil, and many are still in doubt if their home would be an ideal environment for a Collie dog. However, even though it is a medium-sized breed, this dog can adapt to almost any environment. But, of course, he will need daily walks and games so that he can spend his energy.
Incidentally, the breed gets along very well with children, the elderly and large families. Because it is a sensitive dog, it is not ideal that you leave it in a separate environment, such as in the backyard for example. That is, Collie dogs need to be with their tutors, enjoying their company or they may end up getting depressed.
In addition, its coat also needs some attention, and ideally you should brush it two to three times a week to avoid knots and build up of hair. Remember that their skin is very sensitive and you can avoid allergy flare-ups by brushing your dog regularly.
Finally, try to feed your Collie puppy a quality food, as this can have a great influence on his health. As a dog prone to allergies, it is important to check with your veterinarian for a good brand of food, and also avoid self-medicating your dog! You could end up creating more serious problems.
Now, if you like big dogs and want to know breeds bigger than the Collie, then check out our suggestion below. In this sense, the Hungarian Shepherd is a dog with a good life expectancy, in addition to having strong health. See all about it by clicking below.
Hungarian Shepherd: know everything about this breed
The Hungarian shepherd dog breed or kuvasz is charming and today we will understand why. Below, learn all about her and be enchanted too!
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