
Portuguese Water Dog: learn all about this breed here!

The Portuguese Water Dog is, as you might imagine, a dog that loves to get wet. In the old days, he was the one who protected and accompanied sailors and vessels, being a friendly and sociable animal.


Discover all about the Portuguese Water Dog breed

Conheça tudo sobre essa raça de cachorro. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Know everything about this breed of dog. Source: AdobeStock.

That the dog is man's best friend, we all know that. Now, did you know that he can keep up with his owners even on the high seas? This is the case of the Portuguese Water Dog, which emerged to guard boats and be part of the fishing crews in their country of origin.

Incidentally, this breed was part of several expeditions with the crews of ships, earning respect and affection from sailors. So, do you want to know more about the history and personality of this curious breed? Just keep reading to learn more about the Portuguese Water Dog.

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What is the Portuguese Water Dog?

Well, as you might have guessed, the Portuguese Water Dog has its origins in Portugal. In fact, this dog was a sacred animal for the people of the region, who believed that killing would bring divine punishment. The breed continues to this day very dear and loved by those who have contact with it.

Furthermore, this is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, and there are archaeological finds that prove their ancestry in the 3rd century! However, the standards of this dog were still not as we know them today, as he is a mix of breeds such as Newfoundland, Labrador and even the Poodle.

Incidentally, its official origins are still quite obscure and this breed has only recently become more popular outside Europe. In this sense, these animals ended up in the Americas only in the 1970s, being officially recognized in 1983. Although there are standards for the Portuguese Water Dog, many confuse it with the Poodle.

However, this dog has a more elongated body, with stout and strong front legs so that it can withstand more time in the water. Incidentally, its double coat needs to go through a special clipping for dogs that are always in the water, avoiding knots and tangles. It is worth remembering that the colors black, black and white, fawn with white, fawn and cream are accepted.

Its thick fur usually covers its rounded head, muzzle and eyes, which are generally round and of medium size. Meanwhile, his ears are positioned sideways, lying on the side of his head, giving him a docile and friendly expression.

How much does a dog of this breed cost?

Mas, afinal, quanto custa esse cão? Fonte: AdobeStock.
But, after all, how much does this dog cost? Source: AdobeStock.

Although it is a very popular animal in its country of origin and in Europe, the Portuguese Water Dog has only recently become more popular. In that sense, the former president of the United States Barack Obama was a lover of the breed and owned a few specimens.

Still, it can be difficult to find reliable kennels and breeders to acquire a puppy. In that sense, always remember to look for references and indications of the place, in addition to visiting if possible. That way, you can be sure that the animals are healthy and that the kennel follows breed standards.

Generally speaking, you can find Portuguese Water Dog puppies with prices ranging from R$1,500.00 to R$3,000.00. This variation is usually due to the animal's sex, pedigree and descent. That is, if the pet's ancestors are champions and competitors, the tendency is that you pay more for it.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

First of all, the Portuguese Water Dog is a very robust animal, with a longer and more muscular body. This is due to the fact that their ancestors were always in the water, swimming and exercising. That is, the stronger the dogs, the better adapted they would be to their daily lives.

However, this pet is not very tall, ranging from 43 centimeters to 60 centimeters at the withers. In general, females tend to be smaller than males, but the breed is considered medium-sized. By the way, this dog can reach up to 25 kg, with a minimum of 16 kg.

In addition to being a dog with a strong physique, its health also leaves nothing to be desired. In this sense, these animals have almost no health problems, especially when young. Meanwhile, remember that elderly pets may end up developing diseases like coxofemoral dysplasia, cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy.

So keep regular appointments with the veterinary doctor, plus routine exams up to date. It is also important to vaccinate your pet and deworm your best friend to prevent the appearance of other diseases. Generally speaking, the Portuguese Water Dog has a good life expectancy, usually reaching 15 years.

How to breed a Portuguese Water Dog?

Então, veja como criar esse cão. Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, here's how to raise this dog. Source: AdobeStock.

As you might have guessed, this breed needs plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. While these dogs can get used to apartments, ideally they should have a large backyard with ample room to run and play. By the way, the Portuguese Water Dog loves the water!

Thus, it is common to see him playing in the rain, or even diving in lakes and pools. Therefore, if you don't have the patience or don't want to see your dog wet, maybe this is not the best pet breed for your profile. Therefore, keep these characteristics in mind before choosing to acquire a puppy.

Furthermore, these dogs can have a wavy or even curly coat. Although they don't usually shed a lot of hair around the house, you need to maintain a brushing routine of at least three times a week. Thus, you will avoid knots and tangles, in addition to keeping the coat beautiful and healthy.

Finally, the Portuguese Water Dog is a very sociable animal, both with humans and with other animals. That is, if you have small children or even animals of other species, you don't have to worry, because he is everyone's friend! In fact, his personality is that of an affectionate, docile and very intelligent dog. A true best friend!

How about getting to know a Brazilian dog breed? Well, the Podengo Crioulo dog has its origins in Portugal, arriving here with the ships of settlers. Soon, these animals crossed with indigenous dogs, thus appearing the Podengo Crioulo. Want to know more about his personality and behavior? So go ahead and check out all about it!

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