Different animals to have at home: meet 15!
How about choosing different animals to have at home when adopting a pet? Today there are several options, meet some!
Find out which are the most different animals to have at home
Having a pet is amazing. But how about betting on different animals to have at home and call yours? They can be as much companions as traditional cats and dogs.
With this, you can live new experiences, with animals that we don't usually see in people's homes. However, this is done safely, considering only animals that do not pose a health risk. Also, that they have authorization from surveillance bodies.
And if you think there aren't many options, know that you might be surprised! There are several alternatives for different pets to have at home that go far beyond dogs and cats. For example, there are birds, reptiles and even primates.
So, there are no more excuses for not having a pet. Below, then, check out some options for exotic animals to call your own. That way, see their characteristics, what they need and the requirements to be able to take one of them to your home.
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What are the different animals to have at home? See 15!
We separate, below, numerous options of different animals to have at home. With that, you squander alternatives and you can find the one that is your face! Be sure, therefore, to continue your reading to find a pet that suits you!
water tiger
The first choice of different animals to have at home is the water tiger. This is the name given to a small turtle that belongs to the same family of tortoises and tortoises. Green and with yellow stripes, this pet is a great option, even for small places.
After all, the water tiger only needs an aquarium that has enough space for him to swim and move around. In fact, it needs an aquatic and terrestrial environment, which is possible in an aquaterrarium. This little reptile, then, could be a perfect pet!
However, be careful! This animal can only be purchased in stores that are certified by Ibama. Otherwise, obtaining it will be considered illegal. So remember to inform yourself about this great detail.
Continuing our list of different animals to have at home, we have the marmoset! This friendly little primate can be an inexhaustible source of joy, adventure and fun at home. They are tiny, with an elongated tail and larger than the body itself.
However, don't get too excited! To have him, you need to have enough space for him to play and move around. Likewise, it can only be purchased from sellers certified by Ibama.
mini pig
This pet experienced a brief fever a few years ago, but today it is again one of the different animals to have at home. They are really miniature pigs. In this case, they measure up to 40 centimeters. They are very docile and love human company.
They do not need specific authorization. However, they need adequate food and short, constant walks. Or else, an open and walled space, such as a backyard or garden, for them to circulate.
The central character of the movie “I want to be with Polly”, played by Jennifer Aniston, has a pet ferret. And, at the time of launch, this could really be shocking to Brazilians, not so used to the domestic species.
But know that even in Brazil, the ferret is among the options of different animals to have at home. Cheerful, playful and very lovable, he loves human contact. However, it is necessary to acquire it, again, from breeders and sellers accredited by Ibama.
Also, care is needed. For example, they do not adapt to very hot climates and can even die in temperatures above 30°C. Therefore, it is not anywhere in Brazil that has the right conditions for this pet. In fact, they are few.
Also, it should be noted that the monthly maintenance of these pets can be quite high. It averages R$ 200, which might put off some of its enthusiasts.
This is one of the best known different animals to have at home. The iguana is a reptile that can reach 2 meters in length. Therefore, it requires space for a large terrarium that reproduces its natural habitat. Still, it needs climate control.
In the rest, however, it is quite easy to create them. They get along well with humans and find a variety of quality industrial feeds.
The chinchilla is a very cute and docile little rodent. The greatest care is in maintaining the hygiene of the cage. Likewise, in this space, since that is where they spend most of the day.
This is one of the exotic birds that can be one of the different animals to have at home. The cockatoo is authorized and recognized for breeding in captivity by IBAMA. It is quite quiet and does not need a specific permit.
For those who dream of living the magic of Harry Potter, having an owl can give a taste of it. She is one of the different animals to have at home, but she requires special care. First, because it is carnivorous. Secondly, by nocturnal habits.
Still, one should think about the space so that she can feel comfortable and the species of owl released by Ibama.
This is an extremely intelligent and loving bird, perfect for a pet. She enjoys human company and loves to stand on her guardians' shoulders. Authorization from Ibama is not required, but it must be obtained from whoever is certified for sale.
Guinea pig
Another rodent that is great to have at home is the guinea pig. He requires care with food, cage and hygiene. However, it is perfect for those with children at home.
Those who really like different animals to have at home can bet on a tarantula. Here, the investment is due to special food and terrarium. And, of course, not to let her roam free and cause a real Home Alone scene!
corn snake
Other different animals to have at home are snakes. In this case, the corn snake is a great option. Easy to create, it only requires care in feeding and laying out a terrarium.
caninde macaw
Finally, this bird is also allowed to be bred in captivity. However, in this case specific authorization must be obtained from Ibama.
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