
Learn all about eyelash extensions with mega volume!

Eyelash extensions are a smart solution for those with few strands or short strands. Learn more about the techniques available!


Discover the techniques to have an incredible eyelash extension

Alongamento de cílios
eyelash extension

Currently, there are several techniques for lengthening eyelashes. They promise a striking and illuminated look. Thus, it is possible to circumvent any lack of wires.

These techniques are in great demand. After all, nowadays there is no doubt that the eyes are one of the most important parts of the face. Thus, by highlighting them, it is even possible to rejuvenate.

Among the most successful techniques today are Thread by Thread stretching and Russian Volume (Mega Volume). They are joined by the Hybrid type. Each of them has its advantages and special effects. So, it's up to you to know which one is best suited for what you're looking for.

Below you will find information about each of these eyelash extension techniques. That way, it becomes easier to recognize which one can transform your look!

What is mega volume lashes?

This is one of the techniques that are currently available to lengthen eyelash strands. The Mega Volume or Russian Volume is characterized precisely by focusing on the volume of the threads. For this, it has ultrafine threads, with a much smaller thickness than the natural thread.

In this way, these thin strands are glued to each other. Afterwards, the tufts that form are applied over the natural threads. Their fixation, there, occurs with the use of a special and safe glue. 

This technique, by the way, is just one of those that allows the lengthening of the eyelashes. Therefore, be sure to check, in the sequence, what are the other types of techniques that fill in the eyelashes. With them, you can conquer the eyelashes of your dreams!

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Which type of eyelash extension lasts the longest?

Alongamento de cílios com muito volume
Eyelash extensions with a lot of volume

The average length of eyelash lengthening is quite similar. All guarantee at least 20 days. However, some may last longer than others.

As for that, we have that the extension of eyelashes of the hybrid type is the most durable. After all, it can last for up to 03 months, which is a very considerable period. For this, of course, special care for the wires is needed.

Discover the best eyelash extension techniques

Alongamento de cílios
eyelash extension

In the following items you will find information about the main eyelash extension techniques. So you can find the one that fits what you are looking for.

Russian Volume or Mega Volume

The first technique we bring to you who are looking for eyelash extensions is the Russian Volume. This technique is special for those looking to add volume to the strands and sustain a very striking look.

This type of stretching is also called special. It was one of the first to gain the attention of those seeking to enhance the look. The difference between before and after application is quite clear. Therefore, it is indicated for those who have few strands.

In this case, the desginer lengthens the threads by gluing one to 20 ultra-fine and artificial threads onto a natural thread. That is, those who sustain this application are your natural eyelashes.

The application is made a little above the root of each strand and the waterline of the eye. This ensures application security and durability. Threads can be 2D (two artificial threads for one natural), 3D (three for one) and so on.

The average durability of this technique is 20 days after application, when maintenance should occur. In it, there is an analysis of the need for relocation and addition of wires. That way, your look always stays up to date.

Eyelash Extension Thread by Thread

The second technique that we present is the one called Thread by Thread. In this case, correction of flaws that the eyelashes eventually have is sought. For example, places with less hair or strands that are not long enough for highlighting.

Thus, this technique consists of placing strands, individually, along the natural eyelashes. For this, first there is the isolation of the lower eyelashes. Then, on the adhesive that isolates them, the designer studies how the placement will be.

That is, she analyzes which are the regions of the eyes with less hair. Also, where the longer strands of eyelashes are concentrated. Afterwards, she plans a method that will guide the entire application of artificial threads. They are usually silk or synthetic.

Thus, the designer stretches the threads along the eyelid. Again, the glue is not applied to the skin or eye line. It reaches a region just above the root of the hair. With that, it does not generate any damage to the glands that are in the region.

In addition, this technique makes use of wires of different sizes. This gives naturalness to the lashes and the look. With this, you can always wake up with your eyes lit and ready to rock.

The length of eyelash extensions thread by thread varies, with an average of 30 days. Care after application is what guarantees the longest possible duration. Among them are avoiding eyelash curlers and waterproof mascara. In the same way, do not rub your eyes.

Hybrid type stretching

Thirdly, we also brought the technique that mixes eyelash lengthening thread by thread and Mega Volume. With that, she manages to balance the look. The volume, although latent, remains natural.

This is especially true due to the bet on the distribution of strands and tufts of ultrafine strands along the eyelashes. For this, natural threads are taken into account, how they are distributed, where they are missing and where there are more.

Note, therefore, that here harmony is one of the main factors. The technique lasts between 20 days and three months. Therefore, the more care for maintenance, the longer your eyelashes will be perfect.

eyelash lift

Finally, we bring a technique that is not necessarily an eyelash extension. However, it deserves to appear on our list for its lasting and practical effect. In that case, techniques are applied to the wires to bend them.

That is, this technique is perfect for those who already have a significant amount of natural eyelash strands. Thus, by not leaving them straight and looking for a curvature, they appear more. This then allows for the natural highlighting of the look.

The technique can last between 4 and 8 weeks. She is not invasive and does not even use products that endanger the health of the eyes or hair. In addition, it allows you to wash your eyes and wear makeup normally after application.

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