
Hair stretching is bad? Everything you need to know!

Is hair stretching harmful to your natural strands and scalp? Find out today whether or not it can affect your health and which one is better!


Find out if hair lengthening does any harm

Descubra se o alongamento de cabelo faz algum mal
Find out if hair lengthening does any harm

Some myths indicate that hair lengthening is bad. But are they really myths or do they correspond to the truth? Today, see the answer to that question.

Many women dream of having long hair. After all, with them it is possible to perform different haircuts or hairstyles. Also, who never wanted volume and a head of hair to show off? However, it is not always possible to achieve this naturally.

And this occurs either because of the lack of patience with hair growth or the weakening of the strands. Therefore, hair extensions are presented as an alternative for women who want to have long locks.

But is hair stretching bad? Is it possible to use it in a healthy way? Which is the least aggressive? Check out the answers to these and other questions today. So, see if it is possible to conquer the long hair of dreams without dangers with natural strands.

Can putting hair extensions hurt?

Colocar alongamento de cabelo pode fazer mal?
Can putting hair extensions hurt?

This is an answer that does not accept a simple answer like “yes” or “no”. In fact, the correct answer to the question whether hair extensions are bad for you is “it depends”. And what justifies this is what we will see now.

When hair lengthening is not done with proper care, it can cause damage. These then refer to the scalp where they can cause inflammation. Likewise, natural hair, which can fall out and cause baldness.

Therefore, hair stretching can be harmful. But that doesn't mean he actually will. Thus, caution is needed before hiring the technique. Especially in relation to the type of use and the professional who will apply the hair extensions.

With the right care, however, it is possible to stretch in a healthy way. So, if you dream of long hair, you need to know the techniques better. Equally, the disadvantages that can accompany the laying of wires.

So keep reading to see even more information about hair growth techniques. With this, you can understand whether or not this is a solution for you. In the same way, guard against any type of risk that it may accompany.

Tips for curly hair

Your curls deserve special care. So today we brought tips for curly hair. With them your hair is even more beautiful!

What is the downside of hair extensions?

To know if hair lengthening is harmful, we need to know what its disadvantages are. They mainly refer to the weight that the yarn appliqués, natural or synthetic, make over the natural ones. By the way, not only on natural strands, but mainly on their roots and on the scalp.

Depending on the placement technique, the root of the hair can cause pressure, which causes pain in the scalp. And in some of the techniques this is natural at least in the first 03 days after application.

However, in some cases this pain can extend for longer. And not only that! It can cause irreversible inflammation in the scalp! After all, imagine that there is weight on the root and hair and it affects circulation there, in addition to causing pain.

All of this, then, creates the risk of hair loss. And, according to experts, when the natural thread is lost in this way, it does not grow back. That is, there is the development of baldness, which can affect various regions of the skull.

Therefore, hair stretching is bad in some situations. In them, generally, there is not due care for the technique, the application of materials and the study of the client's threads. For example, consider that more fragile and brittle strands should not use the techniques.

The megahair or extension, after all, was made for healthy hair. Otherwise, the natural thread is not even able to withstand the weight and force that the application exerts on it. 

In general, the risks of hair extensions doing harm are:

  • Loss of hair;
  • Early baldness;
  • Scalp inflammations;
  • Pain and injuries.

And how to avoid it?

To do so, follow these precautions:

  • Choose an experienced professional with good reputation in the market;
  • Know the types of stretches;
  • Only look for the technique when your strands are strong and healthy;
  • Follow all post-application instructions;
  • Do the maintenance correctly;
  • Opt for the technique only when really necessary, such as in times of special events;
  • Consult a dermatologist to analyze your scalp and hair before applying the technique.

Which type of hair extension is less damaging?

Qual tipo de alongamento de cabelo danifica menos?
Which type of hair extension is less damaging?

In fact, all types of extensions can cause damage to natural hair and scalp. However, some can be more or less aggressive. 

For example, the “Italian knot” tends to cause more pain than other techniques. And with that, greater risks of inflammation of the scalp. On the other hand, even if the other techniques present risks, it is possible to avoid them with correct care. Below, learn about the main modalities.

hair extensions with tic tac

This is the least harmful hair lengthening method. But it is also the least versatile. After all, he is nothing more than tufts of natural hair that are manually placed next to the natural strands.

Meanwhile, in that case the strands don't stick to the scalp. They are just stuck with clips that don't harm your wires. So, at the end of the night or event, just take them off at home. 

In that case, the strands of hair extension are attached to the natural ones with a metal ring. It is small, does not rust and is less aggressive than the Italian knot. The placement and removal are done in the salon, with a specialized professional.

keratin glue

The mega hair strands are glued together with the natural ones with a keratin glue. Thus, the technique is carried out in salons where additional strands are also removed. Although there is a risk of mega hair fall, it is possible to avoid it with the necessary care.

Great Lengths

Another hair lengthening technique that also uses glue. In that case she is based on keratin and proteins. The additional strands are placed 1.5 cm from the root of the natural strands, being less aggressive.

Is nail stretching bad?

Nail stretching is bad if the necessary care is not applied. See below how to avoid problems with the technique!

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