
Toxic food for cats and dogs: meet 10!

There are some toxic foods for cats and dogs that deserve the attention of all pet owners. Know what they are and prevent accidents!


Find out which foods are toxic to cats and dogs

Alimentos tóxicos para gatos e cachorros
Toxic food for cats and dogs

Knowing toxic foods for cats and dogs is important to know how far the different treat can go. Also, to avoid accidents and real disasters.

Even those who stick to pet food know that they don't always eat only what we offer. After all, a slight carelessness and that's it. Your cat or dog may have grabbed a food that was on the table. Or else find leftovers in the trash.

Unfortunately, no matter how well-behaved an animal is, it has instincts. And, therefore, it is attracted by smells. Still, curiosity makes him want to try other things, whether he is a sweet tooth or not.

Who has never found their pet eating something in a hidden or sneaky way that throws the first stone! Therefore, regardless of how well-behaved your partner is, you need to know what is good for him or not.

Learn more about toxic food for cats and dogs here

Knowing more about toxic food for pets is a form of care. Thus, you recognize risk situations and take the necessary precautions. Still, don't make the mistake of offering your pet something undue.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you supplement your pet's diet with natural foods or not. Or if he gets snacks in a hidden way. Having a dog or cat, in itself, asks you to prepare yourself to take care of it.

And that involves recognizing foods that are toxic to their bodies. After all, some of them can even lead to death. Others leave irreversible sequels and can undermine the well-being of the pet. Therefore, prevention is care. 

To find out which foods pose a risk to dogs and cats, read on. Below you will find a complete list of what is prohibited in their diet. And with that, it ensures the safety and well-being of your 04-legged companions!

What foods are toxic to cats and dogs? See 10!

Veja os alimentos tóxicos para gatos e cachorros
See toxic foods for cats and dogs

There are several foods that are common to us and that are not suitable for pets. Some are only toxic to dogs. Others, only to cats. Still, there are those that hit both groups of pets. Check out the main ones below.


First of all, milk is one of the toxic foods for cats and dogs. It affects dogs due to the natural sugar contained in the liquid. Its consumption can lead to the development of diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

On the other hand, you've probably come across a cute image of a cat drinking milk from a bowl. While charming, this is actually a danger. Felines, after weaning, develop lactose intolerance.

Thus, the consumption of milk is harmful for them, who are not able to digest the lactose protein. As a result, they may suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.


Continuing our list of toxic foods for cats and dogs is chocolate. It has a substance called theobromine, which is the real villain here. She is poisonous to canines and felines. So not even a bit!

Any intake of chocolate, regardless of the amount, can cause side effects. Among them are breakdowns in the heart, kidneys and nervous system.


Avocado is a fruit that can be very interesting to human health. However, she is a toxic food for dogs and cats. Thus, she should stick to our plate and not the pet's bowl. This is due to the vegetable fat present in the fruit.

Forbidden food for cats

There are prohibited foods for cats that should be taken care of by guardians. After all, they put the life of the kitty at risk. Find out what they are below.

Onion and garlic are toxic foods for cats and dogs

Still, onions and garlic are toxic foods for cats and dogs. These important seasonings in our cuisine are harmful to pets. This, therefore, is capable of causing anemia to them, which is the low level of iron in the blood.

Therefore, they can make you weak, in addition to affecting the distribution of nutrients throughout the body. So leave those seasonings away from kittens and dogs!


Alimentos tóxicos para gatos e cachorros
Toxic food for cats and dogs

Both dogs and cats can eat fish meat. For this, they must be lean, cooked and clean. That is, you need to discard the pimples. Their presence is dangerous mainly for choking or hurting the animal's throat.

But not only that, because the ingestion of pimples, and also of bones, increases the concentration of calcium in the blood. In high amounts it overloads the kidneys and therefore can cause kidney disease.

Raw meat

Still, animals can also eat meat, such as chicken and beef. However, they must always be cooked beforehand. Otherwise, they can become toxic food for cats and dogs due to the possible presence of parasites.

With that, it's important to always be careful when innovating in your pet's meal!

Greasy food

Still, it is important to emphasize that the presence of excess fat is also harmful to dogs and cats. With that, never offer fried foods or foods like fast food, pizzas and cheeses. By the way, the latter contain milk, one more reason to keep it away from your pet.

tomato and potato

Tomatoes and potatoes are also toxic foods for cats and dogs. While the potato has solanine, which affects the nervous system, the tomato contains glycoalcoids. Thus, they are harmful and even affect the pet's well-being to the point that they cause depression!

grapes and raisins

Grapes, in their natural form or in raisins, are also toxic foods for cats and dogs. In both cases, experts still haven't been able to identify exactly which substance affects pets.

However, both dogs and cats experience severe symptoms after ingesting them. They usually involve diarrhea, pain, weakness, vomiting, lethargy and malnutrition. So make sure you keep them away from them.

Coffees, teas and other caffeinated products

Finally, dogs and cats also suffer from caffeine. Therefore, whenever she is present, she will be faced with toxic food for dogs and cats. The symptoms are quite similar to those of ingesting chocolate. That way, it can cause real damage!

toxic food for cats

Do you know what toxic cat foods are? So check out here what are the main ingredients that put the feline's health at risk!

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