
Forbidden foods for cats: Meet the top 5!

There are prohibited foods for cats that should be taken care of by guardians. After all, they put the life of the kitty at risk. Find out what they are below.


Find out the main forbidden foods for cats here 

Saiba aqui os principais alimentos proibidos para gatos 
Find out the main forbidden foods for cats here 

Did you know that there are prohibited foods for cats? And they can often be deceiving and look perfect for kittens. Therefore, care is needed.

Whether due to popular myths or legends, we often associate kittens with foods that are not ideal for them. Notice, then, how dangerous this can be! The ingestion of products without indication can lead to the development of diseases and even death. Therefore, it is something that requires a lot of attention.

Cats have several restrictions. This is due to the presence of predisposition for the development of some diseases. Likewise, due to the reaction that their organisms present to some substances.

Therefore, food must follow some crucial steps. Likewise, leaving out some products that could undermine all the other care you dedicate to the kitten.

However, there is no reason to despair! Today we already know in a very profound way the organism and health of kittens. This also includes foods that benefit them or not. Therefore, there are different feeding methods, as well as specific diets.

With them, you avoid the ingestion of prohibited foods for cats. At the same time, you work to promote your partner's health and well-being. Interested? So be sure to continue your reading to learn more about it.

We separate below a series of crucial information to your kitten's health. They include food tips, with beneficial foods. Also, point out which foods should stay away from your kitty's bowl. 

What foods can cats eat?

Today there are several types of industrial feeds on the market. They have become popular and much more accessible in recent years. However, the plurality is also reflected in the composition of each one of them.

While some are balanced, others exaggerate in sodium, preservatives and dyes. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to come across a ration that discloses a composition that is not reflected in reality.

But what to do then? Experts today agree that dry food (feed) should not be the only part of the feline diet. Feed is not a forbidden food for cats, but it shouldn't be the only one either.

And how, then, to supplement the feed to enrich the feline diet? As we said earlier, cat food finds problems even in social myths. This is illustrated, for example, by giving milk to kittens. However, there are contraindications for this, behold, it is harmful to the little one's organism!

Likewise, there are other foods that are part of human everyday life and that can make up the cat's diet. Care, then, must be in relation to what is or is not compatible with the feline organism.

And there are several products, mainly natural, that can enrich the feline diet. For example, meat rich in iron, such as offal, gizzard, heart and liver. The care, here, is that there is always previous cooking of the food.

Likewise, you can bet on chicken or fish. Regarding the latter, remember to remove the thorns before serving. On the other hand, however, know that pork is a forbidden food for cats. She is toxic to them.

In addition, other foods that are indicated for cats are boiled eggs. They are joined by some fruits like banana, strawberry, melon and watermelon.

feline natural food

A natural feline diet guarantees your cat the intake of all the nutrients it needs. See how to enter it!

What is bad for cats?


As we said earlier, there are several prohibited foods for cats. And the ban stems from the toxicity they offer. Or, even, due to allergic reactions or the impossibility of digestion by the feline organism. 

Sweets, in general, have contraindications. So no sweetening the kitty's dish. In the same way, there are some fruits beneficial to kitty cats. At the same time, some species are toxic and even lethal. 

Likewise, pork, as noted above, is harmful to kittens. Thus, it becomes another prohibited food for cats.

In the face of this, see how complex your cat's food is. However, it is possible to map the prohibited foods to ensure the feline's food balance. See the main ones below and ensure your kitten's well-being!

What can't the cat eat? Learn 5 forbidden foods for cats!


To help you in the task of ensuring your cat's longevity and well-being, be sure to continue reading. We separate 05 foods forbidden to felines. That way, you don't run the risk of serving them with the best of intentions.

1. Chocolate

Many people know that chocolate is harmful to dogs. However, they don't even imagine that he is also a prohibited food for cats. Therefore, never leave this type of candy available to your kitten.

Chocolate has a toxin that is harmful to kittens. It can cause adverse reactions and quite worrying.

2. Milk and dairy products

Second, forget the image of a cute cat enjoying a bowl of milk. This is just a popular myth that, incidentally, can be quite harmful. Cats should not consume milk after weaning.

During growth kittens develop lactose intolerance. In this way, milk is a prohibited food for cats. The same occurs in relation to its derivatives.

3. Grape

The grape is also prohibited for consumption by cats. Although experts haven't mapped out what, exactly, is bad for the fruit, we know that felines have negative reactions after consumption.

4. Foods with salt

Cats are prone to developing kidney and urinary diseases. Therefore, salt is a prohibited food for cats, which already have fluid retention. Thus, it is very important that you never salt food (even meat) that you are going to offer him.

5. Avocado

Finally, avocados should also stay away from the feline diet. This is due to the fact that the fruit is quite fatty. Thus, it affects the intestinal system of the feline, in addition to helping in the tendency to obesity.

Important recommendations for the feline diet

The health of cats depends on respecting the recommendations for a feline diet. Discover, below, the main ones for the well-being of kittens.

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