Allowed food for cats and dogs!
The feline and canine diets are similar in many ways. Discover allowed foods for cats and dogs and learn how to feed your pets!
Find out which foods are allowed for cats and dogs
There are several foods allowed for cats and dogs. Thus, those who have felines and dogs at home can bet on them and make feeding them easier.
Feeding animals can be done with both natural and industrial feeds. The first refer to the ingredients that we find in nature. For example, meats, eggs, fruits, greens and vegetables. The second group refers to rations.
Although the rations are industrial, there are good brands that really guarantee nutrient balance. Furthermore, nothing prevents them from being complemented by natural foods.
But for that, you need to know which foods are allowed for dogs and cats. After all, just as there are prohibited ones, there are also those that do not affect them. On the contrary, they promote your health.
Below, check out a complete list of some foods that are beneficial to the body of dogs and cats. So, see how you can naturally introduce more health into your companions' lives.
What are the main ingredients used in diets for dogs and cats?
Rations vary from one to another, but some ingredients are repeated. After all, there are some nutrients that necessarily need to be present in food. Thus, they generally come from the same sources.
Cat and dog food rations usually have these ingredients:
- Meat (fish, red meat and chicken);
- Cereals and grains (wheat, corn, beans, linseed, rice or soy);
- Fruits;
- Meal from bones and other organs of animals;
- Vegetable roots;
- Vitamin additives.
Wet food or dry food: which one to choose?
What's better for pets: wet food or dry food? This is a very common doubt and therefore can cause confusion. See how to do it.
What foods are allowed for cats and dogs?
Check below, then, which foods are allowed for both felines and canines. Thus, ensure that your pets will always have the best ingredients. Still, of course, with all the nutrients they need!
dry food
First, of course, dogs and cats can eat dry reactions. They are the industrial feed you find in petshops and supermarkets. However, of course, cat and dog food differ. So it's important to buy the specific one for your pet type.
Likewise, the purchase of feed requires other important precautions, see:
- Age of the animal;
- Weight;
- Whether or not he is neutered;
- Ideal daily amount;
- Special needs due to illness;
- Veterinary indication.
wet food
Another allowed food for cats and dogs is wet food. She is also known as sache. There are wet feeds suitable for felines and others suitable for canines. Both are good for your pet's health. Also, they're worth a snack!
Wet kibbles are good foods because they have a lot of water. Thus, they help to promote the hydration of your pet. That is, with them, they consume liquids. This is important for your pet's health, especially its kidneys.
Lean and cooked meats
Now let's go to the allowed foods for cats and dogs of a natural order. The first ingredients that can complement your pet's bowl are meat. The main ones are chicken, turkey, frog and fish. Also, red meat, but it must be lean. On the other hand, pork is harmful for your pet. Therefore, do not offer.
See what are the essential precautions when serving meat to your dog or cat:
- Never offer raw meat;
- Cook without adding spices, salt or oil;
- Introduce warm food;
- Remove any remaining pimples or bones. In addition to being a danger of injury, they can also increase the level of calcium in the blood and affect the kidneys.
Boiled eggs is one of the foods allowed for cats and dogs.
Other foods allowed for cats and dogs are eggs. They are a great source of omega 3 and protein. However, they also require care, as they should never be served raw. After all, otherwise they give loopholes for bacterial poisoning.
Fruits (Watermelon, Melon, Banana and Strawberry)
Animals can also eat some fruits. Therefore, they are also among the foods allowed for cats and dogs. However, be careful! Do not go out offering any fruit to your pet. Some are toxic and can kill you!
The fruits allowed in your partner's bowl are:
- Banana (in small quantities, as it contains a lot of fructose);
- Strawberry;
- Watermelon (seedless);
- Melon (seedless).
On the other hand, there are fruits that are forbidden to animals. Therefore, under no circumstances make fruits such as grapes (even raisins) and avocado available to the pet.
Finally, allowed foods for cats and dogs also include vegetables. Again, not everyone is welcome. Some can be harmful. However, just follow our list to see which ones are beneficial and make the right choice. Look:
- Carrot: assists in cleaning teeth and makes the coat more beautiful and shiny;
- Chuchu: helps with hydration, because it contains a lot of water;
- Zucchini: strengthens bones and helps the immune system against diseases and parasites;
- Beet: it's great against inflammations, helps strengthen the heart of pets;
- Green beans: helps strengthen muscles and helps the intestinal system.
- Broccoli: this is a famous food among dogs, who tend to love it. It is great for lowering cholesterol.
Therefore, there are ways to bring natural and healthy food to your pet's plate. That, by the way, even if he is a dog or a cat, because the foods we have listed serve both.
But how to start natural food for pets?
For this, there are some special precautions. For example, never change the industrial feed completely for the natural one before talking to the veterinarian. He should analyze your pet and his specific needs.
With this, you can give him instructions for a special diet. This can be part with natural foods and part with industrial foods. Or else entirely natural. However, be aware that this requires care and time to prepare all the pets' food.
Natural feeding course for pets
A natural pet food course is a great way to promote your pet's well-being. Discover some options today.
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