
Train a cat: See 10 tips and tricks!

Training a cat can be an interesting solution for many situations. See tips and tricks for teaching your kitten today!


Learn how to train a cat in the best way

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train a cat

One solution to feline misbehavior is to train a cat. And not just for that, but also to help him socialize and even play. Learn how today.

Cats are very independent animals with a strong personality. These two factors make many people believe that cats cannot be trained. This, however, is a big lie.

Cats, like dogs, learn responses and commands. For this, of course, it is necessary to have patience. In addition, cats have some behaviors that are used during training.

For example, cats love attention. It is mainly for the recognition and granting of affection and a special cookie. And that's exactly what you focus on when training cats. That is, the teachings link games and rewards.

As a result, the likelihood of getting the cat's attention, as well as teaching it, increases. So, be sure to continue reading to check out, below, special tips for successfully training your domestic feline.

Why train a cat?

Cat training can be an interesting solution for these situations:

  • Bad behaviors such as scratching furniture, peeing out of place, or biting;
  • Lack of ability to socialize and difficulty with visits;
  • To teach him tricks and play.

Is it difficult to train a cat?

Well, it's not easy. In fact, what we have is that compared to dogs, cats take longer to learn. Therefore, they require more patience and also attention and time.

However, this does not mean that they are not capable of learning. Cats are animals that like routine. Therefore, they can adopt routine behaviors and responses to commands.

That way, with the right tips and a good dose of patience, it becomes possible to train a cat. To find out how, keep reading and check out the special tips below!

What not to do when training a cat?

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How to train a cat

Training a feline requires some care. For example, never yell at him, although reprimanding behavior requires a firm tone of voice. Likewise, never resort to violence, which will have no practical result other than stress and fear.

Also, especially if the act of training the cat is to avoid bad behavior, analyze the space around it. It's no use training him not to scratch the furniture if he doesn't have a quality scratching post available. Also, training to avoid peeing out of place goes down the drain in front of a dirty and stinky area box.

How to educate your cat? See 5 tricks

Many feline tutors have questions about how to educate their cat. However, there are tricks to help in the success of this endeavor. Check some!

10 tips for those who want to train their cat at home!

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train cat

Now, see 10 essential tips for your cat's training to be successful. With this you improve coexistence with the feline and you can even have fun with it, and a lot.

Water spray to prevent bad behavior

First, a tip that is often successful in discouraging the feline from some behaviors is the water spray. For example, when he climbs into a place he shouldn't. Or, when trying to attack the food on your plate at meals.

Use a spray with pure, clean water. So, when he approaches, splash some water on his snout. Another way to do it is with a PET bottle and half grain. That way, you don't get him wet, you just startle him with the noise.

Just remember to use this type of retaliation if you catch him doing something. Using the tactic after damage is useless and the cat will not understand. Also, always give a "No" command in a clear, firm voice to steer him away from something he's not doing.

Use water with citrus peels to keep your cat away from plants.

It is possible to train your cat to stay away from your plants (which are sometimes toxic to cats). For this, leave lemon and/or orange peels in water. After a few hours, sprinkle this water over the leaves.

use rewards

As we mentioned earlier, cats simply love rewards. Also, they love attention. Therefore, giving them rewards when teaching them or when they correctly repeat an act is a way to encourage them.

Affection also helps

Not only is the special snack an incentive. The same happens with different affections. Show your joy and please him so he understands that this is a positive behavior.

Use toys to train a cat

Another tool in the kit to successfully train a cat concerns toys. Use mainly those with noises or cacareques that call the feline's attention.

Don't let yourself be overcome by tiredness

The cat will require a considerable amount of your attention and, above all, your patience. However, resist, as it is possible to successfully complete the task of training a cat. So don't let yourself be overcome by fatigue. Insist on your goal!

Try Ignoring Negative Behaviors

In some cases using reverse psychology can help. Cats really like attention. Thus, negative behaviors are often the result of attempts to get your attention.

And by responding (run away, talk to him, get him out of the room), he will have your attention. Thus, they may tend to repeat the negative act knowing that, in return, they gain attention. So, try ignoring some behaviors.

Teach him as soon as possible

The sooner you start activities to train the cat, the greater the chances of it learning. Also, learning tends to be faster. As we quickly mentioned, cats like organization, routine and discipline.

Train specific commands

A good way to train the commands and train your cat is by choosing specific words for each thing. For example, there are the traditional “Senta”, “Lay down” and “Give a paw”. However, use this logic for other issues, such as calling him for food or games.

Repeat activities often

Teaching depends on training. Therefore, repeat the training activities several times and on several days. In time, your cat will spontaneously respond.

Behaviors Cats Don't Like

Did you know that there are behaviors that cats don't like? They can stress and irritate them, which is undesirable. See what they are below.

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