
Need to adapt your cat with another cat? 5 practical tips!

Having several cats is great, but it requires care to adapt a cat to another cat. Today we separate special tips for you to ensure harmony!


Discover how to adapt cat with another cat easily

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How to adapt cat with another cat

Adapting a cat with another cat to live in the same home is essential to ensure peace. However, it is a task that requires patience, time and care.

This is important, for example, when you already have a kitten, but decide to adopt another one. Or when you adopt two at once. Know that this act could be great for both of you, as you will have company. However, unfortunately this is not true from the beginning of this relationship.

Cats require care when introduced to each other. So know that an adaptation period is very important. It is during this that one feline will get used to the presence of the other. Thus, this is what allows for good future coexistence.

But how to do it? That's just one of the questions we'll answer today. So, be sure to continue your reading to adapt cat with another cat successfully. In this way, you guarantee not only the well-being of the animals, but also yours.

Why do cats need to be used to other cats?

Adaptar gato com outro gato
Adapt cat with another cat

The main reason cats need adaptation to others is the fact that they are territorial. That is, when they are faced with the presence of another animal, they feel that their spaces have been invaded.

In addition, cats often compete for a space in which they live. Not only him, but also the owner. Therefore, if care is not taken to adapt a cat to another cat, this can lead to serious behavior.

Among them are pee out of place. Equally, attack furniture and objects or even the aggressive behavior of cats. In this way, the adaptation period is crucial so that they do not destroy your home, do not get affected and allow a harmonious environment.

For this, then, patience will be needed. The cat that already lived in the house must understand that it is not wasting its space. The new one will understand that there is already an animal there and that this will be part of their routine.

There are several methods and strategies that help in the task of adapting a cat to another cat. And, to help you, today we list the main ones. To check them out, keep reading and see how to adapt two felines without major dramas.

10 tips on how to care for a kitten

To take care of a kitten, you need some care, but above all a lot of affection and love!

How long does it take to adapt cat with another cat?

Como adaptar gato com outro gato
How to adapt cat with another cat

This is something that varies from cat to cat and also the types of cats you are introducing. For example, when the resident of the house is an adult cat, he tends to get used to kittens better.

Firstly, because cats, during childhood, get used to spaces better. Thus, they tend to adapt to the routine and habits that that home has. Likewise, they are not resistant to the adult cat.

By the way, they tend to copy the adult cat and not compete with it. Thus, it is clear that adapting a cat to another cat is an easier task when one of them is a kitten.

However, this does not mean that it is impossible to adapt two felines already in adulthood. This is possible, however, it requires more time and patience.

In general, it is possible to say that cats take 10 to 15 days to adapt to each other. However, know that some seizures up to the 2nd month are still normal. After all, they can be bothered at some point, even if they are already used to another presence.

How to adapt a cat to another cat: 5 tips

Finally, we separate 05 tips for you to make the adaptation between cats in the least traumatic way. Equally, with the greatest chances of building a beautiful friendship. This relationship, then, will be beneficial to you and the cats!

Remember that the space belongs to the resident cat to adapt cat with another cat

Our first tip is that you must remember that the resident cat is the “master of the house”. That is, for him, this is his space and territory. Therefore, for the first few days, leave the new cat in a separate space.

For this, leave a room in the house, which has a door, reserved for him. In this space, leave a litter box, water and food. Remember to leave the box as far away from the food and water bowls as possible.

So, don't let the new cat run free in the house for the first few days. He must stand aside. With that, the resident cat realizes he still has the space. Also, it begins to get used to the smell of the new feline.

Don't put them face to face, presenting them

Also, never place one cat in front of another, as if introducing them. Unlike with humans, this is not the best way for presentations. Incidentally, this tends to cause stress and scares.

Get one cat used to the smell of the other

To adapt a cat to another cat, bet on smells. Once the newbie arrives, leave him in a separate room. Then let the resident feline smell the door and cracks, but without eye or physical contact.

In this way, the resident cat begins to get used to the presence of another feline. Another tip is to exchange belongings between them. For example, take a blanket that one sleeps on and give it to the other and vice versa. That is, present the smells.

Give rewards in meetings

When the cats are more used to each other's scent, begin the first encounters. So, let the newbie leave the room, always under your supervision. Let them see and smell each other.

Some reactions are natural, such as screams, high-pitched meows and bristling fur. But let them get to know each other little by little. Also, try to give rewards during meetings, such as snacks or toys. With that, they understand that the moment they are together is good and generates rewards. 

Only interfere if extremely necessary to adapt cat with another cat

Finally, it is normal for cats to be strange at first. Also, it is common that when adapting a cat with another cat they exchange fine meows and even some paws. But, know: this is normal.

By the way, even when they adapt, games usually involve fights. Cats jump on each other, kick each other and that's fun for them. However, if things really get violent, then intervene!

5 tips for raising a cat in an apartment

Read our tips here, and raise your cat, either in a duplex or in a studio, without fear of making the cat unhappy.

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