6 tips for training your cat
Discover the best techniques to train your cat with ease! Check out 6 practical and efficient tips to turn your feline into a true obedience show. A must for cat owners!
One thing that science has only discovered in recent years, but people who have cats have always known is: cats and dogs have similar intelligence. That is, cats learn to jump, open things, have memories, know how to recognize some feelings...
Thus, cats can also be trained. Both to do funny tricks and to not do nasty things like pee on the carpet. However, some tutors, even more experienced and experienced, still suffer to teach their felines.
This happens because cats are as smart as they are independent. Remember the big cats: jaguars, leopards, tigers? They are solitary hunters. And that loneliness is in your cat's blood
In other words: training is not simply talking to the cat and giving it biscuits. Training a cat requires techniques. Here we are going to show you the 6 main ones that, I am sure, will help to make your little lion turn into the affectionate tuft of fur that he, in fact, is.
But first: why train?
Anyone who thinks that training an animal is just teaching him to sit and pick up a toy is wrong! Training is much more than that.
First, when we train a cat or dog, we are teaching them behaviors and rules of conduct and coexistence. that is, when we train, we are teaching him to “speak” and to better understand what we say.
Second, when we train, we are putting limits on the animal. Anyone who has a cat knows: if the feline is not trained, it will touch everything, even where it shouldn't.
Third, training your cat will help him adapt better to the house and routine after castration. Without hormonal stimuli, the cat will not act wild; On the other hand, this does not mean that he will be meek and obedient.
So dressage is important YES!
06. Know how to convince your cat
Training a cat is no simple task. If you think of a tiger, you understand why. Tigers are independent. They don't gather in groups waiting for the leader to say how to act, who to attack, where to go.
Who does this are the wolves, who live in packs.
a cat is almost a tiger. The domestic cat has its origins in wild cats, which, in turn, come from big cats. And all of them are solitary animals, to some extent, and independent.
That is, giving orders to your cat it will not work.
For you to convince your cat to do something, the rule is to make him realize that that action is advantageous. And in that case, it's not just advantageous in terms of snacks.
Hugs, toys, cuddling, and smiles also count for the cat. So, valuing an action with pleasures will show that this action it is worth it.
05. Teach little by little
It's no use for you to complain that your cat doesn't obey you, if you don't go little by little. The cat is smart, but not a genius. Neither are we. People need to go slow. The cat too.
Start by teaching the cat where to pee. It's not as funny for you to say "My cat knows exactly where the litter box is", as it would be "My cat knows how to open the food cupboard". But priorities come first.
Start with simple things like pee spots, places he shouldn't go, things he shouldn't bite.
04. Don't be too angry
When we are going to train a cat, as well as a dog, we must not be too angry. The dog still has the sense of group in its genetics. This means that he can handle better hearing some “Nos” shouted.
Not the cat. Being a very independent animal, he will not understand your screams as much as a form of education. Before, he will get angry, with the feeling that you are going to attack him.
Soon, he will attack you first and quickly hide.
Getting a little angry, screaming a little, sketching a face of displeasure is important. Soon, the cat understands that you will not accept everything. But also, don't hold a grudge for too long - that way, the cat understands that the scolding was because of that action.
03. Only scold at the exact moment of the error
Continuing the previous topic. When you go to train your cat, only scold him when the mistake happens.
Cats don't think as much sequentially as we do. For example, if the feline pees on the rug and soon after, it goes to bite a toy, don't get mad, because the animal will think it's because of the toy. And not because of the pee.
And again, don't hold a grudge. The cat will not stay in his corner, brooding with rage, he will do something else. This other thing can, and should, be praised so that the cat can see that different actions lead to different reactions.
02. Give snacks
One of the best compliments when training your cat is treats. Not feed grains, but a biscuit, with a different flavor.
Do not use differentiated food as feed. And don't even spend it on anything. If the cat is still, you don't need to give a treat. It will seem that standing still is a good thing, and this behavior will be repeated.
Give treats when you are playing. When you need him to back off (when you're on your phone writing a comment for Mister Cat, and your feline comes to sit right on the keyboard). When you need to leave, and the cat will stay.
The snack is a stimulus. How will you want to stimulate your pussy?
01. Praise
It may not seem like it, but cats understand variations in our tone of voice. The sound of an angry speech is different from a compliment.
Use this to your advantage. Not that your cat will understand the meaning of the words. However, the sound of a compliment will be better for his ear than the sound of a scream.
He won't feel threatened if you don't yell. You will feel wanted, accepted, safe, peaceful.
His voice of praise will be like a code, that there, acting that way, he will not be at risk of "attack".
Bonus: Use cat educator spray – avoid the famous “water spray”
Avoid the famous splash of water. Traditionally, there was talk of splashing water in the face of dogs and cats that made a mess.
Sprinkling water will make your animal fearful, stressed, and smarter about making the mistake (in the sense that it will better hide the “burden of proof”). Worse, it might make your pet angry when you try to give it a bath.
On the other hand, educator sprays can help you. They are liquids with natural scents (rosemary, mint, etc.), which cats don't like, and in anti-allergic formulas for them.
This resource is not simply wetting your cat with the perfume. It is wetting the area to be avoided. One squirt of the spray at the bottom of your bookshelf and that's it – for a few hours, or days, the cat won't want to climb up there.
And you, have you trained your cat? Did you find it difficult? Easy? Tell us how this experience was! And about the techniques, what do you think? Did we miss something to say? Write in the comments.
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