
5 tips for caring for your elderly cat

Discover the best tips for taking care of your elderly cat and giving them a happy and healthy life. Learn how to adapt your environment, food and care to ensure your feline companion's well-being.


Time passes for everyone. Even for cats. And even if he's not one 30 years old man, living longer than 12 years is already quite a lot for a feline. The body is no longer the same. The senses are no longer so refined. Stomachs can't handle all kinds of food anymore.

Yeah, my friends, being an elderly cat doesn't seem to be much different (in terms of health) from being an elderly human, does it?

In practical terms, let's go to the picture: your cat has just erased 13 old ladies, something around 70 years. And now, what care to take? Can your cat continue its usual antics? Can you eat everything he ate? Need some differentiated care?

Looking for an answer, we looked for these 5 tips to make your senior cat enjoy the best of age. Check out!

5. Play a lot with your cat

Elderly cats are slower in their behavior, attention and adaptation to novelty. In other words, they get cranky.

This means that your cat will want to play with new toys less, preferring the old ones. And, due to his age, he won't be as active if you don't encourage him to do so.

Therefore, it is vital that you always look for your senior cat, play with him, make him move... He needs to be stimulated, so he doesn't suffer so much with the changes in heart rate, bone density, flexibility, and other body changes that come with the time.

Also, playing with him, you avoid the feeling of abandonment and boredom. This may seem like a minor thing (in the case of a cat) – but they are factors that can lead to depression.

4. Be aware of any symptoms

As your cat ages, it will be more susceptible to illness. Even if these have already been treated with vaccines, some may require a booster now that he's older.

In the case of others, vaccines are not always 100% efficient. In addition, there are opportunistic diseases (which will attack the cat when the metabolism starts to slow down). There are also bone, blood, stomach and neurological diseases…

In many of them, we don't notice the initial symptoms, because they are very subtle and specific conditions. Thus, only a veterinarian will know how to look at the animal, and soon notice a symptom.

Your cat will also undergo physiological age changes such as flexibility and resistance to jumping and falling. In this case, wait for minor accidents.

It may be the case that your cat previously jumped from the top of the closet to the floor, landed on its feet, and kept walking. Now, he'll land a bit awkwardly, and maybe even get a bruise.

Normal, he is also adapting to the new conditions of his body.

However, it is important for you to notice signs of the cat's body at these times. If after a fall, he leaves with a limp, if he can no longer hold on to places, if he is avoiding some food...

3. Increase trips to the vet

If before your cat was in good health, now he is more susceptible to diseases, changes in physical conditions, changes in the digestive tract... Cats can also suffer from diabetes, they can have cavities and develop hypertension.

Did you know, for example, that most likely, your cat is going to lose some teeth, after a few years?

Also, every cat is a cat. This means that your cat may have some rare genetic disease, and only now, in old age, does it manifest itself.

Other senior cat problems can include malnutrition, dehydration, and allergies. Therefore, going to the vet more often is very important. Not just when the cat has a symptom, but go preventively.

The doctor will order blood and stool tests, perhaps an audiometry. Think about it, as you get older, it is much more difficult to remedy a problem that has affected your cat than to prevent it.

2. Change the diet

If before your cat ate a vigorous dry food, now, you may need to adapt. Dry food is like a biscuit, and has the huge advantage of being able to store longer, as well as holding longer, in the bowl. In terms of costs, that means a lot.

Wet food, on the other hand, is soft, watery, and looks like a pâté. That is, it is easier to be chewed, swallowed and swallowed by cats. And maybe it's necessary now that your cat's metabolism is slower and her teeth are more fragile.

Changing your cat's diet, however, is not just about changing the format of the food. It may happen that your elderly cat needs a food rich in calcium or low in sugars. Perhaps she develops a specific allergy. Maybe he needs to eat less. Or more.

The nutritional needs of an elderly cat are different from those of a kitten or an adult cat. Changing your cat's diet can be costly, but it will be healthier. His body and stomach are not the same anymore, so don't think that food will be either.

The veterinarian, of course, will know how to provide better guidance in this case.

Another aspect of the diet includes hydration. Your elderly cat will need to drink more water, and providing that larger volume will depend mainly on you. Encourage him to drink water with creative water fountains, and start considering the possibility of buying supplements (always with the guidance of the veterinarian, of course).

1. Make the house adapted

Making the house adapted is not just about reducing the risk of falling. It is, first, to adopt a series of changes and behaviors.

First, consider the space and light of your home. Your senior cat won't be able to see or hear like it used to. So, it is important that the house is well lit.

Also, don't put things your cat likes in high places. He might want to go up, and everything that goes up eventually goes down – the problem is if your cat doesn't have the strength to go down.

Also, be careful with objects, vases or furniture on edges. Your senior cat will not have the wit and speed it once had to notice the accident and avoid it.

Avoid moving furniture unless it's something extremely important. A new home setup means new information, and the old cat's brain won't process the information as quickly as it once did.

Keep objects that cannot be touched, scratched or bitten out of the cat's reach. The saying “An old parrot learns no new tricks” applies here. Your cat lived 10, 12 years as the king of the house, knowing the limits and possibilities. Now it's not much use trying to impose new rules.

Also, remember: cats, of any age, are very stressed by sudden changes.

Do not move the litter boxes, and be extra careful with hygiene. Help your cat eliminate quickly, easily and cleanly. A dirty box becomes a potential source of disease.

Finally, elderly cats will also feel colder. So, making a very cozy bed is vital, for him to be calm these days.


Anyway, it may seem that the adaptations are a lot of changes. But it's little, compared to all the love, affection and dedication you owe him: your four-legged friend. Having an elderly cat at home is not a hassle – rather, a wonderful opportunity to continue living with the little fur ball you adore the most.

And you, do you have an elderly cat at home? Have you? How is/was the experience? What changes have you needed to make if you've already owned an older cat? Tell us in the comments, give your tips!

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