5 tips for raising a cat in an apartment
Discover how to provide a perfect home for your cats in your apartment. Valuable tips to ensure the well-being and happiness of cats in reduced spaces.
tips below
Of the many myths people talk about cats, one of the ones that makes us the saddest is about apartments. what does that mean? What common sense says is that cats and apartments don't mix!
Absurd! You can tutor cats anywhere, you know? Whether at home or in an apartment, if you raise your cat with love and care, it will respond with love and care.
On the one hand, it is clear that an apartment has limitations that a house does not. The main one is the issue of height. If you live in a very large house (three floors, for example), it is clear that your cat will also be at risk of falling and getting hurt.
Another important question is about gardens. Are cats animals that like to explore places? Undoubtedly. Of course, houses with a garden provide this side of them, much more than an apartment.
However, being in an apartment (even a kitnet) does not mean that your cat will not be able to explore places and learn about new things. Want to know how?
Read our tips here, and raise your cat, either in a duplex or in a studio, without fear of making the cat unhappy.
05. Put nets and screens on windows and outside spaces
The first tip for raising cats in apartments is to protect windows, balconies and outdoor spaces with nets and railings.
Some apartments have terraces, some have balconies, some have mansards... It's windows and areas that make your apartment stand out, whether in terms of ventilation, light or use of space. However, they present risks for your cat.
Thus, placing nets, screens or grids is very important. Your cat will want to get shots of wind in the face – it is through the windows that he will hear and smell the world.
So put those protections on. And remember to make the periodic exchange - in general, every 5 years.
Your cat will want to stretch out, walk along the thresholds, get a sunbath. And you can't just rely on his claws.
Golden tip: make sure your cat can't get through the nets! We do not recommend the situation in the photo below (in the case of apartments)!
04. Keep the house clean
This is a tip that may seem obvious. In the case of cat tutors in apartments, in turn, it is more important.
Cats, in general, don't like to do their business in a dirty litter box. However, in an apartment, there is no garden, so…
Another tip is with regard to hair. Your cat will shed fur, and it will spread around your apartment. If you neglect cleaning, get ready for a lot of sneezing and infested clothes.
Already nails and teeth, these can become a problem, if your cat has nothing to scratch and what to bite. More than defense and food, teeth and nails are for your cat to relieve stress, and with less space, it will be more stressed.
Make the hygiene moment a special moment in the Tutor-cat relationship. Your cat will feel great, even if your place is only about 30 m².
He will feel like part of the place where he lives.
3. Have assorted toys
Your cat will be much happier in an apartment with different toys than in a house with only one scratching post. This means: more important than a large space, it is a diversified space.
Like this? Simple: if you have large scratching posts, full of entrances and hiding places, posts, ropes and the like, your cat will not get bored.
He needs to have challenges and stimuli, so he doesn't get fat or go into depression. We are not talking about doing a “feline cross fit”. Allow him to circulate under tables and chairs, allow him to climb into places. Also, hide toys and snacks behind furniture, under tables…
Your cat needs to move around when you can't go outside. Need to expend energy. Creating these “circuits” will do that.
Different toys, with rattles, lights, elastics and springs will also make your cat happier, even with little space.
02. Neuter your cat
People always emphasize here, in the Mister Cat: neuter your cat! If you are not the owner of a catyl, your cat does not need to have sex glands.
Keeping them, the cat is more susceptible to diseases such as cancer and urinary infections. On the other hand, cats, during the heat period, are agitated.
And it is these behaviors – of hormonal influence – that hinder the training of a cat. The male will have territorial dominance impulses, and, depending on the approach, will have aggressive behavior with strangers.
In an apartment, where he will already have more stress due to the space, these hormone-stimulating behaviors become more intense.
By neutering her cats, they lived in the apartment more peacefully. They didn't feel impulses to cross, fight or dominate the space. It makes it easier for them when it comes to learning where to pee, including.
01. Take a walk with your cat
It's not that common, someone walks with cats. On the other hand, walking can be a great way to raise cats in apartments. Your animal will interact with the world in a safe and healthy way.
Of course, not all cats will want to go outside, and some won't want to go outside with a leash on. However, for those who accept it, going for a walk is a great way for the cat to get out of the commonplace of the apartment.
He feels new smells, sees other people and animals, receives new stimuli. Going out with the case stimulates his brain, preventing possible mental illness.
Think about what it would be like for you: Of course there's no place like home. But isn't it good for us to move our legs sometimes, even if it means going to the bakery and coming back? For an apartment cat, it's the same thing.
He will leave, he will be stimulated, he will move his body, spend energy. And when you come back, you'll be so tired, you'll just prefer to throw yourself in bed and take a nap.
What did you think of our tips? Do you have a cat, living in an apartment? How is that? What are your techniques for your cat to be happy, in a building? Write to us in the comments!
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