
10 golden tips on how to take care of a kitten

Discover the 10 essential tips for taking care of a kitten, from food and hygiene to play and health. Your new companion deserves the best care to grow up happy and healthy.


Picture the scene, you've always wanted to adopt a cat; so you go to the nearest adoption center, and when you get there, what do you see? Puppies! That's it, now your difficulty is just choosing which of those hair acorns will be the newest resident of your house.

What a lot of people don't know, however, is that raising a kitten is much more than just teaching them to pee in the sand, and taking care that they don't fall into the gap in the sofa.

Think with me: do you know the feline vaccine calendar, do you know the correct feed? Do you know when your little friend will change his hair and teeth?

Speaking like that, it sounds like a lot. However, these are details that, with dedication, you learn quickly. And then, your cat will grow up so fast that teaching it all over again will make you miss it. Check out!

10. How to set up your kitten's space?

The kitten is, like any kitten, an innocent little thing, and full of curiosity about the world. So he'll come to your house, eager to find out about as much as possible.

Just think: he doesn't know that light bulbs burn out, he doesn't know that vases fall to the floor and break, they don't know that his silk pillow is not fit to be bitten...

It's a new world for him. So, you need to prepare the space for your kitten and, above all, stay close to the kitten, so he doesn't get hurt.

Putting screens on the windows, keeping away plants (and not having any poisonous ones), is also essential. Creating “hide places” and “challenges” with boxes and scratching boards will also do your pup a lot of good.

On the other hand, having different toys and scratching posts will help your puppy develop autonomy, self-awareness and confidence.

Self-knowledge, in this case, is knowing and understanding his physical limits, his abilities, and his preferences. And of course, having the litter box (or boxes) in strategic and easily accessible places.

09. Teaching your kitten to pee

Precisely because it's a puppy, your healthy kitten will know what it's like to pee or poop in the sand. If he's a little older, he's probably seen his mother doing it, so he already has some idea.

But if the puppy is very young, you will teach it. So some tips are essential.

The first is to have at least two litter boxes for your cat. Sometimes, the cat pees in one corner and poops in the other, so it's important that you consider this in training. Also, always keep the boxes clean.

The second tip is to limit your cat's access. If he already knows where he can't go from a young age, this will make it easier for him to choose where he will do his needs.

Other things, like cleaning up the waste right away – so the cat can't smell it again, and then it doesn't think it can poop there all the time –, and putting strata or dry leaves of plants that your cat doesn't like, in the place , can help.

But the first rule: encourage the use of the litter box.

08. Kittens' teeth and nails

A lot of people don't know, but cats also have milk teeth. They fall out over the first year of a puppy's life, even then, they must be brushed.

To do this, look for a pet brush and paste at the specialized store you trust.

As for the nails, they must be taken care of so as not to ingrown and not to overgrow. Scratchers help to wear down old nails, but cleaning, filing and clipping is important to maintain kitty hygiene.

Conditioning your cat to these rituals, from their childhood, is important, so that they grow up to be healthy adults, and don't surprise you by doing the cleaning acts.

07. The kitten's diet

A kitten, contrary to what many people think, cannot drink milk. At least, not cow's milk. Just your mother's.

Weaning usually happens naturally, and in the cat's time. However, the cat must be encouraged to consume feline food from an early age.

It is important to consult the veterinarian before buying any food, because sometimes your cat has an illness or condition that requires greater care in its diet.

But, in these first months of life, mainly, avoid that your cat eats anything other than food. Thus, you avoid malnutrition and low in his immune system.

06. The coat of a kitten

When you adopt a kitten, get him used to the ritual of hair brushing. You can ask the petshop to do this, but it's not a difficult thing.

It's important that you use a brush with soft bristles, and an anti-allergic material (in specialized stores there are several options).

This prevents the formation of knots, the accumulation of dirt, and hairballs - which will appear, but will be less frequent, with the correct brushing.

Washing the cat's hair is also essential. For this, look for cat-friendly hygiene products.

Taking care of your cat is also taking care of its fur.

05. Vaccines and diseases of kittens

Kittens, like children, need to be immunized against disease in the first few years of life.

Five diseases, specifically, so on cat vaccination schedules. They are Chlamydia felis, Calicivirus, Scratch disease, feline flu and feline Panleukopenia.

Furthermore, feline leukemia and rabies are also preventable by vaccination.

When you vaccinate your kitten, you even prevent other cats in the house from eventually becoming infected (and vice versa).

In addition, it is important that your cat is dewormed, and is free of fleas and ticks, which can even contaminate the humans in the house.

However, do not forget: all vaccination guidelines must be given by the veterinarian.

04. Imposing limits on your kitten

Enforcing boundaries does not mean oppressing your kitten. It's simply making him understand that there are places in the house he can't go, and things he can't do.

Places of need, food, times to sleep, eat and play... These are simple things that your cat, as a domestic animal, needs to learn.

For this, it's important that the kitten has several toys, so he doesn't get bored.

Also, you can try educator sprays, sold in pet stores. With them, you spray a little of the perfumed essence in the place to be avoided, getting your cat used to it.

03. Kittens and other animals in the house

If you are already the guardian of other animals, before bringing a kitten into your life, take a good look at your old friends: will they like a new being in their lives?

The question is simple, because there are animals (some breeds of dogs, older cats) that simply cannot stand the idea. Thus, having a puppy at home will be a tremendous headache. And sometimes, the worst can happen (with the puppy).

But, if you realize there are no problems, adopt the puppy. But be aware: your older cat will feel invaded, and, at first, will be a little reluctant with the newbie. So create the new cat's space away from the old cat's space. And don't change your behavior with the old one for the sake of the new one.

Increase the amount of toys, sandboxes and scratching posts, too. Adopting a new cat is adding new expenses, and considering this is important. Your old cat will not accept a different being peeing in the box from him, for example.

02. Neutering the kitten

Neutering a cat is extremely important.

First, it will considerably reduce hormone-influenced behaviors (such as aggression).

Cats with their sexual organs are more likely to exhibit nervous behavior.

Cats, due to hormonal stimulation, become restless during the heat period. Cats, on the other hand, are distressed when they smell the odors of a cat in heat, and many run away from home on those days.

The second point in favor of castration concerns disease.

Cancers, inflammations and the like can be avoided with this procedure. And, contrary to what many people say, it can be done at the municipal Zoonoses Control Center, for free.

Just pay attention to the time. The vet will be able to tell you the most suitable period for your puppy. But, in general, from 6 months it is already recommended.

Third, a cat's pregnancies are quick. Sometimes you prefer to wait a year, an “accident” happens and then your cat becomes pregnant with 12 kittens… So, what will you do?

Even if you want to have a cattery, know that every year, at least 10 new kittens will be born,

01. When to adopt a kitten

The most important tip is to know when the cat can be adopted. Raising a puppy is all well and good, but it has to be at the right time. The best thing is for you to wait about 60 days, to separate the calf and the mother.

Be it for health, habits, food... Very young cats will require much more care, since everything is new for them.

Therefore, it is important to adopt only from recognized and qualified catteries. "Backyard" breeders usually do not take care of the mother properly, nor the puppies, charging abusive veterinary fees.

In other words, they sell the puppy, inventing expenses that don't exist.

To avoid this, you can look for more information at Clube Brasileiro do Gato.

And you, have you ever had a puppy? How was your experience? Was there any doubt? Do you have any suggestions? Tell us in the comments.

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