Find out how and with what to undertake to earn extra income in 2023!
If you're looking for something to do in 2023, know that you can invest in digital opportunities, private lessons and more!
5 advantages of being a microentrepreneur
There are several advantages of being a microentrepreneur. You acquire your own CNPJ and enjoy special taxes and credits!
AfroEstima Salvador Course: see if it's worth doing online!
If you are an Afro-entrepreneur from Bahia, the AfroEstima Salvador course is worth it to leverage your business! Check out how it works!
How to take the AfroEstima Salvador course?
Find out how to take the AfroEstima Salvador course and take the opportunity to learn everything about Afro ethnic tourism. See the step by step!
Digital Marketing Course for Entrepreneurs Sebrae: see if it's worth doing online!
It's worth signing up for Sebrae's Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs course to learn how to use social media to sell!