


Cat scratch causes infections: find out here!

Does cat scratching cause infections? Because it is possible, yes, the cat's scratch to cause something like that. Check out all our tips on this!



Do you know how to take care of your cat's nails? See tips!

Synthetic nails, cutting care and frequent trips to the vet help maintain the health of the cat's nail. See more tips here.



See 10 behaviors that cats hate!

Direct stares, belly rubs, lots of noise and cold food are some behaviors that cats hate. See others here!

Cat scratch causes infections: find out here!

Does cat scratching cause infections? Because it is possible, yes, the cat's scratch to cause something like that. Check out all our tips on this!

Animals October 28, 2020

Do you know how to take care of your cat's nails? See tips!

Synthetic nails, cutting care and frequent trips to the vet help maintain the health of the cat's nail. See more tips here.

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Animals October 9, 2020

See 10 behaviors that cats hate!

Direct stares, belly rubs, lots of noise and cold food are some behaviors that cats hate. See others here!

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