
Our course recommender found an option for you

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An option for every taste

Based on your responses, we recommend that you consider applying to one of the courses below.

We have put together a step-by-step post for you to understand how to register, just continue by clicking on To know more.

After choosing one of the courses below, go to your email box and look for Confirm your subscription.

You'll find instructions for continuing to invest in your career.

Free beauty courses: meet 10 online!

Discover some free beauty courses. They are a great starting point for anyone who wants to work in this area with a low initial investment.

Ginead manicure and pedicure course

The first option for a free course in the area of beauty focuses on nail care. Ginead's pedicure and manicure course is a great option. It lasts 60 hours, with completely free classes. However, you have to pay a fee to get certified.

This course is interesting because it starts with the beginning of nail care. With this, it ranges from those who know something about the area to those who do not know the steps of manicure.

Ginead Manicure and Pedicure Course online

The beauty field is growing every day, and that's why you can stand out by taking a manicure and pedicure course from Ginead! See more here.

Senac makeup course

Another option among the free courses in the area of beauty is makeup offered by Senac. This course lasts 160 hours. Again, the course goes from the beginning steps to the more advanced ones.

Discover the Senac Makeup course

The Senac makeup course is a great opportunity to specialize without having to pay anything for it. See how to become a professional!

Senac eyebrow design course

Finally, another of Senac's free beauty courses is eyebrow design. In this case, it has a much shorter duration, with only 24 hours of online class. Here you start learning design and also application of henna.

Discover online eyebrow course options

A good free online eyebrow course can give you great professional opportunities. Here's how to choose the best one!

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