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Senac Makeup Course


Professionalize without leaving home! If you are looking for a professional career, Senac's Makeup Course can be an excellent option.


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The course is extremely simple and practical. Still in doubt? See below for some of the main benefits.

100% course online and free
Receive a certificate at the end
Increase employment chances in beauty salons and SPAs
Gain access to over 160 hours of video lessons

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The main thing is to take professional courses like the one at SENAC, as this will provide training to provide good services and work in beauty salons, for example. In addition, it is important to always be aware of trends and study about entrepreneurship to be able to grow within the area.

In addition to taking courses in the area, it is interesting to choose a niche to become an expert. For example, do you want to specialize in artistic, bridal or film and television makeup? Also, think about putting together a portfolio with the “before and after” of your work and publicizing your productions on social networks. This way, you'll be able to start building a list of clients, which at first may be your friends or family. Finally, don't forget to always keep an eye on trends.

At the beginning of their career, a make-up artist earns around R$1 thousand reais. Then, as you specialize, that amount can reach more than R$2500.

So, did you like to know more about the makeup market and would you like to become a professional to enter the area? Then follow a complete step-by-step on how to enroll in the SENAC course!

imagem de propaganda do SENAC

How to take Senac's makeup course?

In Senac's Makeup course you learn about visagism, light and shadow techniques, color theory, products and more! Find out how to sign up for classes here!

But if that's not exactly what you were looking for, that's okay. If it's simpler for your day to day to take an online makeup course, it might be interesting to know the Makeup on Web 2.0 course.

In all, there are 25 video classes to learn about skin preparation, shading and much more. So, if you want to know more, just access the content below and check out how to sign up to follow the classes!

How to take the Makeup course on the Web?

When taking the Makeup on the Web course, you will find many professional opportunities. Be sure to see everything about it and learn how to apply!

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