
Protect furniture from cats: see 10 practical tips!

How to protect furniture from cats and deal with the feline urge to scratch everything? Learn great tricks here how to use catnip and more!


Discover how to protect furniture from cats

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Protect furniture from cats

Many tutors have doubts about how to protect furniture from cats. Cats' habits of scratching furniture can damage them. And that, of course, turns out to be a detriment.

However, there are some tricks that help - and a lot! – to control that feline impulse. In addition, they help to show the cat the places that are suitable for them to scratch. After all, it doesn't cost to adopt a cat. You need to adapt your home for it.

And when there is more than one cat in the home, the attention must be even greater. This may even be the reason for the deviation of scratches. So be sure to check out our tips on how to improve kitten behavior.

This is, of course, maintaining their well-being while protecting your home and furniture. Below, then, see tips that will make all the difference and see how to protect furniture from cats.

10 best tips to protect furniture from cats

Proteger os móveis dos gatos
Protect furniture from cats

We brought some infallible tips for controlling feline behavior in relation to furniture. With them, you guarantee that your furniture will remain beautiful and complete. At the same time, the kittens will have places to scratch and be calm.

Use different scratching posts to protect furniture from cats

Firstly, using scratching posts around the house is essential. They are specially made for kittens to scratch and sharpen their nails. They are usually made of sisal, although there are also cardboard versions.

Place scratching posts at a good height for cats

Cat tutors often have scratching posts, but these do not attract the attention of cats. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the environment in relation to the scratching posts and their availability.

After all, something is wrong! So first consider the height of your scratching post. It should be about 30 to 50 cm off the ground. That, of course, if he's wall or side. For vertical ones, make sure it's secure.

Have a scratching post for each cat

Do you have more than one feline at home? Well then, know that to protect furniture from cats you must analyze if there are enough scratching posts. It is best to have a scratching post for each of the kittens.

With this, each object will have the exact smell of its feline owner. This helps to attract the kittens and also allows them to use the objects simultaneously. That way, remember to invest in these special furniture.

They can, after all, be the lifeline of your couch, chairs and other furniture that attracts kittens and their sharp nails.

Make the scratching post more interesting

Proteger os móveis dos gatos
Protect furniture from cats

Did you follow the previous tips and still not succeed in how to protect furniture from cats? So, consider making the scratching post (or scratching posts) more interesting. That is, get the cat's attention.

Today there are several scratching posts that come with balls, towers, feathers and other toys or niches. They are there precisely because they attract cats. So, know that this is a good solution.

In that case, you can immediately opt for the scratching post with accessories. On the other hand, it can also complement yours. So, know that it is possible to make an object more attractive and efficient in protecting furniture.

Bet on Catnip (catnip)

Following our tips on how to protect furniture from cats, know that catnip is a great solution! It corresponds to Catnip, a natural plant that makes cats feel calm and relaxed.

Still, she attracts them by the smell they identify. Therefore, you can use it to attract your felines to scratching posts. That is, moving them away from your furniture and offering a scratching solution.

In that case, there are several options. Today you can find in the market some herbs in spray, of the synthetic type. Likewise, you can use the dried leaves of the herb and apply them to your furniture. Or, boil them in water and then use the liquid to spray on the scratching post.

How to Get Your Cat to Stop Scratching Your Furniture

Scratching is part of feline nature, but it's possible to stimulate your cat's instincts and save your furniture at the same time.

Use other feline pheromones

Catnip is a way to protect furniture from cats by attracting them. However, it is not the only solution of its kind. When scratching furniture, kittens leave pheromones on the spot. That is, smells that they exhale and later recognize.

Thus, the place that exudes the feline pheromone (although we do not feel it) indicates that there is a safe place. Or else that belongs to you. Therefore, nothing prevents you from using the pheromone on the scratching post.

With that, the cat understands that there is a safe place. Likewise, you can use other types of pheromones to push you away from a place or piece of furniture. Incidentally, there are numerous types of this pheromones. So talk to the vet and see which ones to use.

Trim the cat's nails

This is a very simple solution to protect furniture from cats: trim their nails. However, extract only the tip and do not overdo it. If you don't have experience how to do it or are afraid, take it to the petshop for this.

Reprimand harmful behavior to protect furniture from cats

Another very important issue to protect furniture from cats is to reprimand the feline's harmful behavior. However, attention: it is only valid to scold him when you catch him in the act, in the act, scratching furniture.

Otherwise, the cat will not understand anything, much less what the wrong behaviors are. Also, never use violence. The right thing is to use a specific tone of voice that shows that you are not kidding. Also, speak louder, but not in shouting.

Bet on water sprays

Water sprays also help protect furniture from cats. In this case, follow the same logic as in the previous item. That is, only use the spray with water if you catch the feline in the wrong act.

Thus, he will understand that he should not scratch this piece of furniture. Or that, if you do, you will be scolded with water, which felines tend to hate.

Offer feline activities

Finally, remember to offer your cats activities. It is not uncommon for scratches out of place to be just requests for attention. Thus, catify your home, placing niches and comfortable places for them. Also, remember to play with your little friend daily!

scratching posts for cats

Cat scratching posts are essential for these pets and for your home furniture. See which models are the best!

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