
Get to know the professions that are trending for 2023 and their salaries!

Get ahead and find out which jobs are in high demand for this year, as well as average profession salaries! With this information, you can confidently plan your career goals for this year.


Most promising careers and how much companies pay for their professionals: what are they?

Área jurídica e de Tecnologia prometem receber bons profissionais. Fonte: Pexels.
Legal and Technology areas promise to receive good professionals. Source: Pexels.

Are you looking for job opportunities and want to know which professions are trending for 2023? Keeping an eye on market trends can be a daunting task, so we're here to help. 

As such, this post will guide you to explore some of the most in-demand professions out there along with their salaries. Are you ready to meet them?

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Top 6 online courses for 2023!

There are several types of courses for you to take without leaving home through practical and safe platforms. That's why we separate the best and most popular to study!

From professionals in the finance industry to human resources and beyond, let's take a look at the trends in the job market. Next, follow the most promising positions.

Also, read some of our course and improvement guides scattered throughout the text. They can help you get a replacement faster, in addition to being able to update your resume.

1 - Technology

In this year of 2023, the technology sector in Brazil is expanding like never before. Therefore, job opportunities are increasing, with people specializing in various activities. 

On the other hand, new and innovative businesses are emerging, creating opportunities for those looking to start their own venture in the technology industry. 

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5 companies with free technology training

Some companies are partnering with teaching platforms offering training courses in the technology area! Options range from PAN Bank to Cisco.

As such, outdated positions are becoming obsolete, while cutting-edge jobs are taking their place in the job market. 

With a growing demand for technological advancements across Brazil, professions in this sector are proving to be a great way to land a great job in 2023. 

Professions related to the Technology sector and average salary

  • CTO – R$ 19,322.00;
  • IT Manager – R$ 10,552.00;
  • Data Engineer – R$ 8,000.00;
  • Business Intelligence Analyst – R$ 4,389.00;
  • Front-end developer – R$10,095.00;
  • Back-end developer – R$10,483.00;
  • Product Manager – R$ 10,354.00.

2 - Logistics

Logistics is one of the hottest professions in Brazil for 2023. As companies and organizations continue to globalize, the need for efficient logistics solutions has become more important than ever. 

Thus, with the right tools and strategies, Brazilians working in this area can optimize delivery times, reduce costs and manage the supply chain more efficiently. 

Menina trabalhando em produção

New vacancies in free courses at SENAI

SENAI now offers new opportunities for virtual and face-to-face courses, paid and free, but all with a certificate! So you can leverage your career!

Several companies are developing cutting-edge solutions, using artificial intelligence and improving the customer experience while still maximizing resources. 

Consequently, those working in logistics in Brazil have a huge opportunity to impact businesses around the world.

So 2023 will bring many challenges, but also a lot of excitement for workers with experience in this promising area.

Professions related to the Logistics sector and average salary

  • Logistics Analyst – R$ 3,165.00;
  • Project Engineer – R$ 8,395.00;
  • Supply Chain Director – R$ 27,380.00;
  • Supply Chain Manager – R$ 15,405.00;

3 - Legal Area

Law is expanding in Brazil in 2023, with more individuals exercising professions in this sector. In addition, the legal system has seen a peak in enrollment of young professionals in search of stability and job satisfaction. 

So, as the world shifts to an increasingly technology-driven industry, legal professionals remain essential to any society. 

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Work online from home and earn well? See how!

These days, more and more professionals are choosing to do their work from home! In addition, there are several professions where you can earn good money!

As such, all occupations within the legal field are experiencing steady growth as this exciting sector continues to evolve. 

Therefore, with abundant promising job opportunities, it is likely that in 2023 professions related to the legal area will remain high in Brazil.

Professions related to the Legal sector and average salary

  • Tax Lawyer – R$ 4,912.00;
  • Judge - R$32,778.00;
  • Public attorney – R$29,177.00;
  • Legal Counsel – R$ 4,223.00.

4 – Financial Market and Finance

The financial sector in Brazil looks more than ready to grow in 2023, with an increasing number of professionals entering the sector. 

Furthermore, with investors looking for higher returns and the government offering better financing and loan options to entrepreneurs, there will be an increase in demand for qualified professionals in this area. 

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4 contests 2023: discover the opportunities

The 2023 budget foresees a large investment in public tenders. Some have already been opened and released, others are yet to happen. Check out 4 opportunities!

Banks and other financial institutions are hiring more people as they look to do business with larger entities as well as grow their own investment portfolios. 

Popular professions on the rise by 2023 include banking, digital payment processing, 3D printing, IT technology projects and cryptocurrency trading.

Professions related to the Financial sector and average salary

  • Chief Financial Officer – R$ 13,525.46.00;
  • Compliance Analyst - R$ 5,848.00;
  • Leader of Product Managers – R$ 12,000.00;
  • Controllership coordinator - R$ 8,411.00.00;
  • M&A Manager – R$ 19,000 – R$ 41,300.00;
  • Cybersecurity Engineer – R$ 5,189.00.

5 - Human Resources

Driven by global trends, professions in the human resources sector in Brazil are experiencing a growth spurt in 2023. 

That is, with the increased demand for HR skills, new rising professions are being created, such as: specialists in organizational development, recruitment analysts and career counselors. 

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SENAC Customer Service Course: find out!

The SENAC Customer Service Course is accessible and ideal for anyone wanting to enter the job market. It is offered in person at SENAC units.

In this way, the Brazilian government has already started to contribute significantly to help ensure the advancement of this important sector, investing resources in public-private training programs and initiatives. 

So, with these advances coming into effect, we can expect many more job opportunities in this area throughout the year. 

Professions related to the Human Resources sector and average salary

  • Compensation and benefits analyst – R$ 5,161.00;
  • HR Director – R$ 3,500.00;
  • Business Partner (manager) – R$ 14,339.00;
  • Recruitment and Selection Analyst – R$ 3,065.00;
  • Business partner (analyst) – R$ 6,445.00.

6 – Marketing and Sales 

Well, professions in the Sales and Marketing sector are also on the rise in 2023.

Businesses across the country are eager to take advantage of the latest trends in marketing while increasing their sales figures in order to stay competitive. 

10 best free digital marketing courses

Here are some totally free and online digital marketing course options. So, if you intend to enter this market, the time is now!

As a result, career opportunities in this booming sector are only growing, making it an exciting time for anyone considering working in this field.

So, with passion and determination, sales and marketing can be the perfect profession for ambitious individuals looking for a dynamic career path.

Professions related to the Marketing and Sales sector and average salary

  • Digital Marketing Analyst – R$ 3,004.00;
  • Account executives – R$ 4,239.00;
  • Market Intelligence Analyst R$ 4,535.00;
  • E-Commerce Manager – R$ 3,540.00;
  • CRM Analyst - R$ 4,044.00.

So, taking into account all the points we discussed, any of these professions seen have the advantage of stability and evolution within the sector. 

Of course this is not a complete list, there may be even more lucrative fields to discover! As such, it is up to you to decide which profession you want to invest in to guarantee a promising future!

And, finally, if you want to continue to know everything about jobs, courses and placement in the job market, why not find out about some vacancies? Well, then get to know the InfoJobs application below!

According to your information and professional experience, it will connect you with the best companies with open positions. This could be your chance, so don't waste time and access the following content!

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Infojobs app: find your next job!

Get to know the Infojobs app and find out which is the next job opening for you! There are more than 17 thousand companies advertising daily through the app.

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