
Breed dog price: what is the average? Look here!

Do you know how to stipulate – albeit generically – the price of purebred dogs? Know, today, the general values with which purebred dogs are marketed.


Find out what the price is to have a purebred dog

Mas, afinal, qual é a média de preço de cachorro de raça?
But, after all, what is the average price of a breed dog?

Anyone who dreams of having a purebred dog needs to keep an eye on the price of a dog. After all, it varies by breed, breeder and other issues. See everything about it here!

Breed dogs are those that preserve the original characteristics of a group. Thus, they must come from purebred animals, as well as repeat physical and behavioral characteristics of their peers.

So you can know what to expect when adopting them. Of course, just like humans, they also have variable personalities. However, there are standards for intelligence and affection, for example, just as there are for height and weight. And all of this gains importance when it comes to adopting a dog.

After all, the search for purebred dogs by many is precisely to ensure some security in terms of size. Likewise, regarding socialization facilities with other animals or people. On the other hand, many simply seek them out because they admire their beauty.

But what is the investment value for someone who wants to buy a purebred dog? Below, check the price of purebred dogs and plan ahead!

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What is the average value of a purebred dog?

Então, qual o valor médio de um cachorro de raça?
So what is the average value of a purebred dog?

This answer varies by a lot! After all, there are breeds that are more difficult to breed than others. Or else they demand greater care with the breeders and offspring. In these cases, the price is usually higher.

In addition, issues such as supply and demand also influence the price. After all, here animals are treated like products. Therefore, the more you look for specific breeds, the greater the value, especially when there are few animals of the type on the market.

Also, remember that some dogs come back into fashion from time to time. For example, in the 1990s poodles were among the most in demand. Then, they gave way to other breeds, such as Shitzu, Maltese and Yorkshire, among others.

Finally, remember that the quality of the breeder will always influence the dog's selling price. Always be wary of sales with a breed dog price outside the general average. In the same way, always check the breeder's authorizations and the way they treat the animals.

Otherwise, you can finance the mistreatment of animals. Likewise, you can acquire a fragile puppy that has not undergone the necessary care to maintain its health and well-being,

What is the cheapest dog breed?

As we saw above, there are several factors that influence the price of purebred dogs. However, there are some that usually have lower value. Check out some of the main ones:

  • Poodle: from R$ 800;
  • Shih tzu: from R$ 900;
  • Brazilian terrier: from R$ 800;
  • Schnauzer: from R$ 800;
  • Lhasa Apso: from R$ 800.

Therefore, see that even the cheapest purebred dogs have values close to R$ 1 thousand. Thus, it is necessary to consider that they require a good initial investment, as well as for day-to-day care. Among them are special rations, for example.

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Dog price: see average prices per size

Média de valores por porte.
Average values per size.

Below, we separate some prices for the most sought after dog breeds. It is necessary to bear in mind that generally the values will start from close to R$ 1 mil. Therefore, it is an investment.

Also, be sure to consider opting for adoption over purchase. After all, there are many abandoned animals full of love to give. And today it is even easier to adopt them, as there are several NGOs and institutions that work with them.

That way, you can give a home to a little being full of love and as beautiful as a purebred dog. The joy and companionship will be the same and, likewise, you will avoid sponsoring mistreatment of animals and treat the dog as a little being of love, and not as a product.


See average values for some of the top large breed dogs. They are the ones that demand the most care with space and food, and also have prices that vary greatly according to each breed. Look:

  • Dalmatian: R$ 1,200 to R$ 2 mil;
  • Dobermann: R$ 1,200 to R$ 4,500;
  • Dogo Argentino: R$ 1,200 to R$ 4,000;
  • German Dog: R$ 2,000 to R$ 5,000;
  • Golden Retriever: R$ 1,200 to R$ 4,500;
  • Siberian Husky: R$ 800 to R$ 1,500;
  • German Shepherd: R$ 1,500 to R$ 5,000;
  • São Bernardo: R$ 1,500 to R$ 4,500;
  • Terra Nova: R$ 2,500 to R$ 5,500.


See also the price of medium-sized breed dogs that are usually practiced in the market:

  • Bull Terrier: from R$ 1,500 to R$ 2,000;
  • English Bulldog: R$ 2,500 to R$ 8,000;
  • American Cocker Spaniel: R$ 2 mil to R$ 5 mil;
  • Chow Chow: R$ 2 thousand to R$ 4 thousand;
  • Sharpei: R$ 1,500 to R$ 2,000.

small dog price

The price of small breed puppies vary greatly from one another. In general, they operate above R$ 1 thousand as a starting value. See some of the values of these dogs to know, on average, how much you will need to invest to have one of them:

  • Beagle: from R$ 800 to R$ 2,500;
  • Maltese: R$ 1,200 to R$ 4,500;
  • Pekingese: R$ 1,200 to R$ 3,000;
  • Pug: R$ 2000 to R$ 5000;
  • Toy Poodle: R$ 800 to R$ 2,000;
  • Pinsher: R$ 1,200 to R$ 1,500;
  • Lhasa Apsop: R$ 2,500 to R$ 8,000;
  • Shih Tzu: R$ 900 to R$ 7.00;
  • German Spitz: R$ 1,500 to R$ 7,000;
  • Basset: R$ 1,500 to R$ 4,000.

So, consider these values before making a purchase, as well as don't put aside the idea of adopting a dog!

And if you want to know more about dog breeds, continue reading with our recommended content below!

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The Pinscher 0 breed is one of the smallest dog breeds that exist, they are very small, and are famous for being stressed, but affectionate! See more!

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