
Pet Mais Vida health plan: how to do it for your pet?

The Pet Mais Vida health plan is a great way to show even more affection for your dog or cat by taking care of their health. Learn how to sign!


Find out how to make the Pet Mais Vida health plan

Descubra como fazer o plano de saúde Pet Mais Vida
Find out how to make the Pet Mais Vida health plan

The Pet Mais Vida health plan for pets is one of the best options on the market today. Present in 12 Brazilian states, it is quite complete.

This is a health plan that focuses especially on pets. With that, it works very similarly to health plans for humans. That is, you pay a monthly fee and, in exchange, you have access to a series of wellness and health services.

In this way, it counts on care for prevention and treatment. The services to which you have access, however, depend on the chosen plan. After all, there are at least 8 package alternatives here. Thus, from the most basic to the most complete and complex.

Therefore, before contracting any plan, it is essential to know what each one of them offers. Only then will you know which one has the specific services for what your pet needs. Below, then, check out details about the packages and, in the sequence, how to contract the Pet Mais Vida health plan.


pet health plan

Pet Mais Vida

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The Pet Mais Vida health plan has several modalities and good coverage! Look here.

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What are the package options in the Pet Mais Vida health plan?

Quais são as opções de pacotes no plano de saúde Pet Mais Vida?
What are the package options in the Pet Mais Vida health plan?

As previously mentioned, there are 08 alternatives to contract the Pet Mais Vida health plan. Check out the services that each one of them guarantees and the monthly fee corresponding to each option.

More Ambulatory Life – R$ 65 monthly

This is the simplest option. Despite this, it already includes basic and indispensable services in the care of pets, ensuring prevention and treatment. Also see what it includes:

  • Consultations during business hours;
  • Laboratory tests.

Mais Vida Conforto – R$ 116 monthly

This option already has additional services that are very useful in the daily life of the pet:

  • Consultations during business hours;
  • Laboratory tests;
  • Vaccines;
  • Bath and grooming.

Mais Vida Corporativo – R$ 65 monthly

This option is exclusive to pets over 01 year old, see what it includes:

  • Consultations during business hours;
  • Laboratory tests;
  • Vaccines.

Mais Vida Plus – R$ 116 monthly

This option of the Pet Mais Vida health plan has no age limitation and is available for cats and dogs:

  • 24 hour consultations;
  • Hospitalization;
  • Anesthesia
  • Laboratory and imaging tests;
  • Vaccines.

More Family Life – R$ 249 monthly

Suitable for families with 5 to 10 pets:

  • Consultations during business hours;
  • Laboratory tests.

Mais Vida Plus Prime – R$ 232 monthly

Individual and quite complete plan:

  • 24 hour consultations;
  • Hospitalization;
  • Anesthesia;
  • Laboratory and imaging tests;
  • Bath and tosa;
  • Vaccines.

More Premium Life – R$ 228 monthly

It is distinguished mainly by the service at home, check out:

  • 24 hour consultations;
  • Home service;
  • Hospitalization;
  • Anesthesia
  • Laboratory and imaging tests;
  • Vaccines;
  • Castration.

More Life Premium Platinum – R$ 344 monthly

The most complex of the Pet Mais Vida health plan options, it offers:

  • 24 hour consultations;
  • Home service;
  • Hospitalization;
  • Anesthesia
  • Laboratory and imaging tests;
  • Vaccines;
  • Castration;
  • Bath and shave.

Where does Pet Mais Vida health plan offer its services?


However, Pet Mais Vida's health plan services for pets are present in 12 Brazilian states and the Federal District. Here's where you can get them:

  • Amazonas (Manaus);
  • Bahia (Salvador);
  • Ceará (Fortress);
  • Federal District (North Wing and South Wing);
  • Goiás (Goiânia – Setor Bueno);
  • Maranhão (São Luís);
  • Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte – South Center and Pampulha; Pouso Alegre and region);
  • Pará (Maraba and Parauapebas).
  • Paraíba (Campina Grande);
  • Paraná (Curitiba, Cascavel, Guarapuava, Maringá and Ponta Grossa);
  • Piauí (Teresina);
  • Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro – Jacarepaguá, Lagos Region and North Zone);
  • São Paulo (Campinas, Araras, Jundiaí, Rio Claro, São José dos Campos, Moema and Perdizes).

Step by step to make the Pet Mais Vida plan

Is the Pet Mais Vida health plan available in your area of residence? Well then, be sure to check out how to hire the services and packages.

However, you guarantee your peace of mind and also that your pet will find the best care possible.

So, to hire the services for your dog or cat, follow this step by step:

  • First, go to the Pet Mais Vida health insurance company website (;
  • Then click on “Plans” at the top of the page. Wait for the redirection that will open a screen with all the alternatives, as we saw above;
  • Click, at the bottom of the plan you are interested in, on “I want” and select your city and region, as listed above;
  • Then wait for the page to refresh. Scroll to the bottom and choose one of the ways to contact WhatsApp, "We'll call you" and "Send email". Choose the one that is most practical for you, so Pet Mais Vida will contact you to talk about the plans;
  • Complete and wait for the contact of one of the attendants of Pet Mais Vida for the sale of health plans for pets.

See more about here

Therefore, it is very easy to hire these services. The best thing is that you guarantee service directly with Pet Mais Vida professionals before signing any contract. Therefore, take the time to ask questions about the lack of services, for example.

Also, be sure to request all possible clarifications. Still, if you have any doubts, ask for help to determine which is the best alternative to Pet Mais Vida health plan for your little friend.

By the way, if Pet Mais Vida does not work in your area, don't worry. As we have already shown here at Sr Gato, there are other great health plans that serve throughout Brazil.

Porto Pet health plan: how to do it for your pet?

Have you thought about making the Porto Pet health plan? With it, your pet, whether it's a dog or a cat, will find assistance and care. Know more.

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