
New vacancies in free SENAI courses with certificate

SENAI now offers new opportunities for virtual and face-to-face courses, paid and free, but all with a certificate! That way, you can jump-start your career.


Discover opportunities to study at SENAI!

Então, veja a lista de cursos e escolha sua formação! Fonte: SENAI.
So, see the list of courses and choose your training! Source: SENAI.

SENAI recently launched new openings for courses that offer certificates! By the way, there are both paid and free courses for you to take advantage of and study a new area!

If you don't know SENAI, don't worry, we'll explain everything about it! This institution has several units throughout Brazil. In addition, there are more than 4 thousand vacancies for those who want to sign up!

Menina pensativa fazendo prova

4 contests 2023: discover the opportunities

The 2023 budget foresees a large investment in public tenders. Some have already been opened and released, others are yet to happen.

In addition, you can choose to study remotely or in person, depending on the course! On the other hand, the units that offer face-to-face opportunities are smaller.

So, if you want to know how to take the next step in your career, you can find out about some of the opportunities offered by SENAI!

What is SENAI?

SENAI is the acronym for the National Service for Industrial Learning. Thus, as the name implies, the school acts as a teaching model focused on professional education.

Thus, the institution offers technical secondary education, as well as higher and even postgraduate education. So, at SENAI you will find a learning opportunity for your career.

SENAI operates in several areas, a total of 28, such as: Environment, Logistics, Energy, Design, Automation, among other different categories. In addition, the whole of Brazil has more than a thousand physical units! 

In addition, it is worth noting that SENAI's objective is to train workers who have the technical and inventive capacity to act and improve the national industry!

Why take courses with certificates?

Mas, será que vale a pena? Fonte: SENAI.
But is it worth it? Source: SENAI.

Incidentally, as we have already pointed out, the new vacancies open at SENAI that are on this list offer certificates. And what is the real importance of obtaining a certification for a course?

Well, the main reason is the very proof that you have completed the training and that you are able to work in the area in which you are looking for a job! Also, certification can help you with other points.

For example, you can win salary increases and become eligible for some public tenders!

Furthermore, the fact that many of the offered options are classes and courses in virtual mode, facilitate the democratization of access to information and teaching! So enjoy and choose the course that suits you and your interest!

How to register?

That way, now that you're really wanting to sign up, know that the process is relatively simple. First, it is necessary to enter the SENAI website and search for the course in question.

In addition, all the vacancies mentioned above can be removed from the site at any time, or it is still possible that the registration process has already been completed, depending on the moment you are reading this text.

In any case, check out the options available by unit and state and register without leaving your home. Just follow the website sequence and that's it!

Also, remember to check whether the vacancy is free and whether it is offered in person or virtually!

Course vacancies with certificates

Então, aproveite e confira as vagas! Fonte: SENAI.
So, enjoy and check out the vacancies! Source: SENAI.

Well, as already mentioned, there are 4,570 vacancies in new courses with SENAI certificate. However, only a few states are making face-to-face opportunities available.

That way, you can choose between face-to-face courses in Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Paraná and Pernambuco! If you can't be present in any of these states, consider virtual courses!

By the way, more than half of the vacancies available are for the state of Espírito Santo! Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that, a professional education website from SENAI, also has open vacancies.

Thus, these digital vacancies are limited and still offer EAD certification!

Information and communication technology

With this course, among the new vacancies at SENAI, you will be able to learn about the processes of:

  • Networking service;
  • Software, hardware;
  • Technical standards;
  • Governance Practices;
  • Network assets;
  • Mitigation of attacks;
  • among other issues relevant to the ICT universe!

In addition, this is a free course and can be done in person! So check out the locations!

Full Stack Developer

Firjan Senai, the unit in Rio de Janeiro, also offers some new vacancies, such as full-stack programmer. But what does it mean?

You will learn some languages and codes that Front-End and Back-End programmers use. In addition to learning how to develop systems and applications.

In this way, it is possible later to work with software, websites, communication agencies, among other places!

Mão escrevendo em caderno com imagens conceituais de aprendizado

Top 6 online courses for 2023!

There are several types of courses for you to take without leaving home through practical and safe platforms. That's why we separate the best and most popular to study!

Technical Course in Administration

This is already a more common and known course. Thus, among the new vacancies that SENAI offers, you can obtain a certificate as an administrator!

Thus, you will learn fundamental information about administrative processes, taking into account ethical, legal, qualitative issues and social and environmental responsibilities!

This, always with the help of modern and appropriate techniques for each situation!

Energy Efficiency

This is one of the new openings at SENAI focused on professional specialization. So, you will need to have a background in electronics. That's because here, you'll learn about energy systems.

Thus, the trained professional should think about sustainable development, applied to energy consumption, pricing and consumption optimization for companies and public bodies.

lean manufacturing

The recent term, which translates as: lean manufacturing, is one of the new themes in the vacancies of courses offered by SENAI.

Then, in Lean Manufacturing, you will learn how to make the manufacturing and construction process optimized, improving development and keeping the quality level high!

Learn more: Free Online Courses SENAI

If you would like to know more about the new vacancies with a certificate at SENAI, how about getting to know other course options, such as those offered free of charge on the same SENAI platform?

When you are low on money, this is a great option to leverage your professional career. Thus, you can study organizing your own time, without having to spend extra to get around.

Furthermore, there are broader course opportunities than just the face-to-face options! So, if you want to know more about this modality, check out our post. Then just click the link below!

Senai Free Online Courses: discover the options

In addition to being a secure platform, Senai is a renowned educational institution. See here everything about the free online courses that Senai offers.

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