
Ashera cat: learn all about this cat breed!

Considered the most expensive breed in the world, the Ashera cat is a lab-bred hybrid. So, check out everything you need to know before adopting a cat of this exotic breed!


Discover all about the Ashera cat breed

Conheça o gato Ashera. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Meet the Ashera cat. Source: AdobeStock.

Considered the most expensive cat in the world, the Ashera cat emerged in the United States after a mix of wild cat DNA. In addition, this breed is a large breed, in addition to being very active and agitated. So, if you are thinking of getting an Ashera cat, stay tuned for the care and behavior information below.

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What is the Ashera Cat?

Afinal, qual é esse gato? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, what is this cat? Source: AdobeStock.

First, this breed of cat originated in the United States, at the beginning of the 21st century, through the manipulation of the DNA of some wild species. Thus, the Lifestyle Pets laboratory united the genetics of the Asian leopard, the African serval and the common cat, creating the current Ashera cat, a sterile hybrid.

That is, it is not possible to buy a cat of the breed and then cross them to obtain a litter and sell the puppies, as with other breeds. In this way, only 100 puppies of the breed are born per year, all created by the Lifestyle Pets laboratory.

Furthermore, this specimen of cat is quite exotic, with a strong and robust physique. They have the fur of a wild cat, much like a leopard with pointed ears. Thus, the hairs are short and glossy, with a piebald pattern.

Its tail is long, matching its long body. By the way, this is a giant cat, resembling a medium-sized dog. In addition, it has rounded eyes, almost always in shades of honey and green.

Thus, it is important to highlight that there are 4 types of the Ashera cat, they are:

  • Common, it is the Ashera with a characteristic figure, resembling a wild cat. It has cream color and darker spots.
  • Hypoallergenic, just like the Common Ashera cat, however, its fur is hypoallergenic. That is, they do not cause allergies.
  • Snow, is the variety with a whitish body and amber spots. Some specimens of this type have blue eyes.
  • Royal, the rarest and therefore most expensive variant of Ashera cat. Thus, they have a cream-colored body with black stripes and spots, quite exotic.

Although it is a hybrid cat and resembles a wild animal so much, the Ashera is very affectionate and companionable. So take care of him with love and affection.

How much does a cat of this breed cost?

So, the Ashera cat emerged from the genetic manipulation of the Lifestyle Pets laboratory. Thus, it is a hybrid race that does not exist naturally. Furthermore, this cat is sterile, which means that it is not possible to breed them with each other.

Thus, there are very few specimens of the breed in the world, as around 100 Ashera kittens are born per year. Thus, due to the demand and the delay in producing kittens from this cat, the values are very high. For example, a Common Ashera can cost around R$56 thousand reais!

Meanwhile, Hypoallergenic Ashera has puppies worth R$60 thousand reais. Furthermore, Ashera kittens from the Snow lineage can cost R$165 thousand reais, and those from the Royal lineage have an average value of R$ 317 thousand reais!

Even though the Lifestyle Pets laboratory provides a certificate of authenticity, advice to help you take care of the breed, insurance, vaccines and a microchip, the price is exorbitant. What's more, you have to face a queue to acquire a copy.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

Well, an Ashera cat is a hybrid descended from wild cats. Thus, he is a mixture of the Asian leopard, the African serval and the common cat. Therefore, it is considered a giant cat, being able to measure 1.3 m in length. In addition, this exotic cat can weigh from 12 kg to 15 kg.

The Ashera cat is still a very new breed and so far no signs of more serious health problems have been found. In this way, it is a healthy cat that does not require much maintenance other than routine visits to the veterinarian.

Although it requires special care because it is an exotic cattle, it is not yet known if it could develop any disease. Thus, breed cats have a good life expectancy, and can live for more than 15 years!

How to breed an Ashera Cat?

Então, veja como cuidar de um Ashera. Fonte: Unsplash.
So, here's how to care for an Ashera. Source: Unsplash.

First, if you are thinking of becoming the owner of a cat of this breed, then you need to start adapting your home to receive it. Even though it is a big and fearsome cat, you will be surprised when you discover that this breed is actually quite calm.

However, Ashera cats have a lot of energy, and they need walks, activities, and a lot of environmental enrichment so they don't get bored. By the way, the breed gets along well with other animals, and it might be a good idea to get him a companion.

Also, invest in scratching towers, vertical parks, as well as intelligence games. It's also important to set aside time each day to play with your cat and take it for walks. Yes, cats of this breed really like to go for a walk in the streets, being led by collars, almost like a dog. So, make sure you have enough time to give him the attention he needs.

Finally, it is important to feed your Ashera a Super Premium food, which is a more professional food. You can also include lean meats in your meals, but it is important to consult a specialized veterinarian before doing so.

By the way, do you want to know another exotic cat breed? So access our content below and find out everything about the Exotic Shorthair cat.

Exotic Shorthair Cat: Know everything about this breed

The Exotic Shorthair cat is an ideal family cat and gets along very well with children and other animals. Check out everything about this breed here!

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