
Pregnancy test guide: how to do it correctly?

Want to find out if your pregnancy test was positive? There are many different brands nowadays, but they all have one step in common. Check out a complete guide!


Eager for the answer? We reveal the steps to take a perfect pregnancy test.

Então, entenda como fazer o teste de forma correta! Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, understand how to take the test correctly! Source: AdobeStock.

Want to find out how to take a pregnancy test? So, if you feel that restlessness, the suspicion that something is different, or if you are curious to know if a new life is on the way, take a pregnancy test.

But to get accurate answers and alleviate uncertainty, it's critical to follow the right steps. In this guide, we will reveal the secret of how to take a pregnancy test in the simplest way, leaving no room for doubt.

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Find out if there are chances of being pregnant by checking out just some common characteristics and symptoms of pregnancy! You will be able to find out before looking for the pharmacy test!

We will discover together the perfect time to perform the test, how to collect the urine sample, and, most importantly, how to interpret the results. And we will find out if the result can be false negative!

This way, get ready to unravel the mysteries of confirming pregnancy. Don't be anxious about the possibilities anymore, keep reading and discover the path to certainty and peace of mind!

How does a pregnancy test work?

The pharmacy pregnancy test is the most popular and the one we are portraying here. However, many people are unsure of how to do the test correctly and even how it works.

In this sense, this popular test has a substance that reacts when it comes into contact with the beta-hCG hormone, the pregnancy hormone. Therefore, your test will be positive if this hormone is found in your urine.

But be careful, hCG can also be produced by some types of tumors. So, if it is present, but it is proven that there is no pregnancy, it is essential to go to the doctor to understand the cause of this hormonal presence.

What is the right way to take a pregnancy test?

Afinal, como funciona? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, how does it work? Source: AdobeStock.

Now let's move on to the essential instructions for you to know how to take the pharmacy pregnancy test. Follow our step by step guide and, if in doubt, consult the test manufacturer's instructions.

Firstly, if you don't already know, you can buy this type of test at a pharmacy and carry it out in the comfort and privacy of your home or any other place where you can access your urine.

In fact, it's only worth taking the test if your period is late. First of all, take the test out of the box and urinate into a clean container. Then remove the test cap and place the absorbent tip directly into the urine.

Step by step to confirm the pregnancy test result

With the test in contact with urine, wait 5 to 10 seconds, or follow the manufacturer's instructions. Then, given the time, remove the urine test and place it on a straight surface, such as a counter or sink.

Finally, just wait 1 to 5 minutes, or follow the manufacturer's instructions, to check the test result. Thus, the result will be positive if there are two lines and negative if there is only one.

The two lines may be parallel or cross-shaped, depending on the brand of test. In the negative case, the line can be horizontal or vertical.

Attention, even if the second line is a little off, or weak, the test is still considered positive!

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Get access to up-to-date information about pregnancy and take the opportunity to record everything about your pregnancy daily with the Pregnancy + app. The platform is free!

How to know if the test is working

To know if the test is really working, it must present at least one risk. If this first scratch does not appear within 10 minutes, the test is faulty!

So, in this scenario, take a new test to find out whether it will be positive or negative for pregnancy.

Can you take a pregnancy test at any time of the day?

Both for those who are taking the first test in their lives, and for those who are not first-time passengers but still have doubts, there is an ideal time to take a pregnancy test!

Therefore, it is recommended that you use the first urine of the day. In other words, as soon as you wake up, take your pregnancy test to have more accurate results. This is because, as it is more concentrated, it may contain more hCG hormone.

However, the test is also reliable if carried out at any other time of the day! The most important thing is to wait approximately 4 hours without going to the bathroom! Furthermore, check the information on the product you purchase.

Can it happen that you are pregnant and the pharmacy test comes back negative?

Mas, será que é confiável? Fonte: AdobeStock.
But is it reliable? Source: AdobeStock.

Yes, the pregnancy test can give both false negative and false positive. In the first case, a false negative can happen when the test is performed too early and there is not yet enough hCG to detect.

On the other hand, false positives can also happen. For example, as in cases of miscarriage or tumors. However, this is a very rare type of result.

But, in any case, the ideal is that after taking the pharmacy pregnancy test, you go to your doctor and have a blood test carried out to measure hCG completely.

Other important tips and information!

The only way to take a pregnancy test and find out exactly the gestation period is through a blood test, which, based on the amount of hormone, will establish the period of pregnancy.

Furthermore, there is no need to carry out tests from different brands, as long as the test you use is regularized and approved by ANVISA. So, check this information on the packaging.

Furthermore, it is worth redoing the test if no line appears, when one of the lines is weak or if you carry out the first test too early in relation to your missed period!

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No more doubts! Now that you know all the tips on how to take your pregnancy test, be sure and find out once and for all whether the result is positive or negative!

Also, remember that you can do it from the first day of your missed period! But, if you still have fears and doubts, remember that it is always ideal to consult a gynecologist!

On the other hand, did you know that it is possible to have an eye exam without leaving home? This is possible thanks to apps available for Android and iOS that offer interesting options for you to find out if you need glasses!

In fact, it is worth highlighting that using these apps does not replace a visit to the doctor. In any case, come and discover the best eye exam apps in our post below and find out how your vision is doing!

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