
How to make the Rip Pet preventive plan?

At Rip Pet you can choose to carry out a preventive plan so you don't get so lost when your pet dies. Find out how to hire the services.


Rip Pet: know the preventive plan!

Então, descubra como contratar! Fonte: Rip Pet.
So find out how to hire! Source: Rip Pet.

Rip Pet is a pet crematorium that offers great possibilities, but how to do it?

Thus, you can contact the company and request a quote or ask more questions about the processes. All this can be done through the website that you find below.


Pet Crematorium

Rip Pet

cremation animals

Take precautions to give your pet a dignified end when he leaves!

You will be redirected to another website

In addition, we prepared a step-by-step and detailed some more questions about Rip Pet. Keep reading this text to find out!

Step by step to make the Rip Pet preventive plan

Então, confira o passo a passo! Fonte: Rip Pet.
So check out the step by step! Source: Rip Pet.

First, know that it is only possible to carry out the preventive plan over the company's telephone. For that, you need to access the Rip Pet website. At this time, take the opportunity to check all the information.

Then select the unit closest to you. That is, the one who will answer your call. This can be done by clicking on the city name at the top of the page.

Afterwards, you will already be redirected to the conversation page in the WhatsApp application where you can ask all your questions to the attendant.

Getting in touch

In addition, you can get in touch with Rip Pet through social networks such as Facebook and Instagram.

In addition, on the site there is also a form that you can fill in with your data, such as name, phone and email and wait for the company to contact you.

To do this, on the Rip Pet home page, click on “contact” at the top of the screen and fill in the necessary fields and send your question.

How much does the crematorium cost?

Rip Pet does not disclose its prices, for that it is necessary to contact the company through WhatsApp from the unit closest to you.

In addition to acquiring services, you can buy different objects for your pet's final rest. The site shows different examples of urns, picture frames, pendants, plaques and jewelry.

So you can put the ashes inside pendants, turn them into diamonds or use the traditional urn.


In addition, Rip Pet offers two model plans. The first option is individual cremation. In that case, your pet has a traditional cremation and you receive the ashes.

The other option is collective cremation. In this case, three animals are cremated at the same time and their ashes, mixed, are scattered in Rip Pet's garden.

This is a cheaper option and the ashes will be in a space full of nature with more than 100 thousand m².

In addition, in the preventive plan you can pay everything in up to 10 installments! Furthermore, everything is done transparently. That is, the pet tutor can follow all processes live or via video call.

Get to know pet health plans: Medicine with Affection!

How about knowing some health plan options for your pet? Medicine with Affection is a great option to take care of your pet's health.

Medicina com Carinho offers three types of plans: annual recurring, annual without recurrence and half-yearly.

So you can choose the best option for your pet and your pocket! In addition, you can carry out this plan for pets that already have the disease, with 50% coverage!

So, do you want to know more about how the Medicine with Affection plan works? Click the link below and stay inside!

Logo Medicina com Carinho fundo rosa

Health Plan Medicine with Love

This agreement has excellent payment possibilities, in addition to offering plans without a grace period and not requiring a minimum or maximum age for your pet.

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