
Ayurvedic massage yoga course: discover 5 options!

Get to know the Ayurvedic yoga massage course today and see how it is possible to grant well-being and profit at the same time!


Discover the best options for taking an Ayurvedic massage yoga course

Curso de yoga massagem ayurvédica
Ayurvedic massage yoga course

The Ayurvedic yoga massage course is dedicated to passing on knowledge of relaxing techniques. They, in turn, are in demand in the market. See more!

Relaxing massages that seek to reduce everyday stress are gaining more followers every day. After all, the daily rush is common to many people. And it generates consequences for our organism and brings negative results.

Stress tends to act as a barrier to social and family relationships. In addition, it can cause other disorders, such as compulsions, anxiety attacks and even the development of hypertension.

Therefore, dealing with it is essential to ensure well-being. Not just the physical, but the psychic and what relates to social issues. And it is exactly how to control these issues that the Ayurvedic yoga massage course is dedicated to.

This course has numerous important techniques that help you pass on well-being to other people.

Therefore, based on yoga techniques and Indian medicine, it can be a great option, both for those who already work with massage therapy and for those who are new to the area.

To help, we separate a series of information about this type of course and its techniques. Also, below we have selected the 5 best course alternatives for you.

So keep reading and learn more about this course, about Ayurvedic massage techniques and how it can be combined with other yoga techniques.

What is Ayurvedic massage?

Curso de yoga massagem ayurvédica
Ayurvedic massage yoga course

Now that you've come this far, you must be wondering what, after all, teaches an Ayurvedic yoga massage course. Well, for that, we need to know exactly what this type of massage is.

Therefore, it is called Ayurvedic massage, a technique of Indian origin that, in turn, combines two methods: yoga and ayurveda.

Ayuverda is the name given to a set of techniques and concepts that belong to an alternative medicine that originated in India. In fact, the translation of the term from Sanskrit to Portuguese means “science of life”.

On the other hand, when we talk about ayurvedic yoga massage course we are also talking about the application of yoga methods. However, not just any methods. Here we refer to Ivengar Yoga.

However, this is a technique that is based on the doctrine of guru BKS Ivengar. It is this method that takes into account, for meditation purposes, the alignment of the body to the breath, mind and spirit. 

In this way, the combination of Indian alternative medicine and Ivengar-type yoga techniques led to the emergence of Ayurvedic yoga massage. It then returns to the balance of the body as a whole.

As a result, the technique is able to promote tranquility while combating stress and anxiety. Also, she's great for promoting balance of body and mind.

massage course

A massage course can open doors in the professional world. Today, see all about this possibility. Below, answer your main questions.

How does an ayurvedic yoga massage course work?

Curso de yoga massagem ayurvédica
Ayurvedic massage yoga course

Because the course works with a theoretical part, for knowledge of the techniques and their knowledge bases. In addition, it goes through the practical part, with the exercise of massages and monitoring by the instructor. 

5 Ayurvedic massage yoga course options

Finally, check out some great course options for this type of massage!

Ananda Yoga – Ayurveda Yoga Massage Course

This is a face-to-face course to learn the technique. It costs between R$ 1,900 and R$ 2,400 (depending on the payment method, whether in cash or in installments). Still, the course is face-to-face. Thus, it takes place in Ribeirão Preto.

However, with 90 hours of class and preparation, the course has 02 parts:

Theoretical Part: Introduction to Ayurveda; Massage as it is practiced in India and the West; Anatomy applied to Ayurvedic Massage (bones, muscles, lymphatic and circulatory system); Indications, contraindications, effects on the body; Subtle energies and the therapist/receiver relationship; The chakras; Nadis; The marma points; Hygiene and safety; Oils; Medicated oils; Hatha Yoga.

Practical Part: Patient and therapist preparation; Body massage with oils and powders and their stretching, pulling and stretching;

Holos Courses and Therapies – Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Course

Another option of ayurvedic yoga massage course belongs to the Holos institute. He teaches Indian practice in 16 hours that are divided into 02 days. In addition, the course is once again face-to-face. It takes place, then, in São Paulo, the capital.

However, the cost of the course is R$ 520 in cash or in up to 02 installments and R$ 570 for payment in 03 installments. See the program content:

  • Sacred Knowledge Yoga Massage Ayurveda;
  • The basics of ayurveda;
  • Tanmatras: the five senses;
  • The use of Ayurvedic powder and oil;
  • Meditation: in search of lost silence;
  • Chakras and yoga massage ayurveda;
  • Ethical principles;
  • Yoga: We are all one;
  • Practice sequence of Ayurvedic yoga massage.

Instituto União – Training in Ayurvedic Massage

Continuing our list of Ayurvedic massage yoga courses belong to Instituto União. With face-to-face classes, it has 16 class hours and takes place in the city of São Paulo.

In addition, the cost of the course is R$ 970 in up to 03 installments. The platform does not disclose programmatic content.

Humaniversidade – Ayurvedic Massage

Humaniversidade also offers an Ayurvedic massage course in the city of São Paulo. The course, however, opens from time to time. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the institution for information on new classes, contents and values, not disclosed on the page.

Ponto de Luz – Professional training in Ayurvedic Yoga-Massage

Closes our list of courses the one from the institution Ponto de Luz. It has 70 hours of classes divided into 02 modules. Each of them, then, has 05 days duration. They take place in the city of Joanópolis, in the interior of São Paulo.

Finally, it is again necessary to contact the platform to check the opening of new classes and new classes.

yoga course

Anyone interested in exercise and mental and physical balance will find a great opportunity in the Yoga course. See how to do and profit from it.

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