
Baby pilates course: discover and see options online!

The baby pilates course is a great option for those who already work in the area and want to modernize their studio. Learn more about it!


Discover everything about the baby pilates course 

Descubra tudo sobre o curso de baby pilates 
Discover everything about the baby pilates course 

The baby pilates course was created to allow new mothers to return to the pilates studio as soon as possible. And that, of course, without leaving the little one aside.

The course, then, is aimed at those who work in a pilates studio and want to stand out in the market. Not only that, but also putting empathy into practice and adapting the exercise routine for those who are in a new phase of life: motherhood.

Many mothers feel guilty about returning to the activities of their lives in the first months of their baby's life. However, it doesn't have to and shouldn't be like that! After all, the woman continues to exist as a woman and a human being, with her own needs.

And among them are physical exercises, so important to health and well-being. What happens, however, is that most of the time traditional gyms and studios do not have space for a baby. Also, they end up not being safe.

The baby pilates course, then, introduces you to a whole new way of doing pilates. With it, motherhood is exalted and the child is brought close to the mother even in the exercises. Interesting, isn't it?

To learn more about the course, what it teaches and how it works, keep reading. Below you will find complete information. So, learn how to increase your range of services and become an instructor specializing in mothers!

Pilates course in the water: Learn everything here!

The pilates course in water is a training that people interested in the area should follow and it is super popular. See below for more information!

What is baby pilates?

Baby pilates is the name of a new category of pilates. There are several aspects of pilates, and this one adds to the others, such as floor and apparatus.

This Pilates modality is especially aimed at mothers. And not only that, she especially appreciates mothers who have young children, especially in the postpartum and postpartum period.

With this, the exercises are adapted for this special phase. It deserves this attention for many reasons. There are several transformations in the mother's body. Still, their routine is faced with completely new activities, not to mention new needs.

However, this does not remove the mother's need or desire to keep moving and with her exercises. The baby pilates course, therefore, focuses on adapting the exercises to this moment. And that's not all.

The activities take into account, yes, what mom is feeling and her new moment. However, it also allows her to exercise her motherhood to the fullest, since the baby is welcome in the classes.

Not only welcome, but also part of the exercises. In the classes of the baby pilates course, the instructor learns how the mother can use the child as a “weight” for the exercise. Also, how to include it in activities.

The child can stay close to the mother all the time. So she can exercise without losing sight of the offspring. Likewise, baby pilates completely respects the needs of mother and child. In this way, classes allow stops for breastfeeding and attention.

How it works?

Como funciona?
How it works?

The baby pilates course works with the adaptation of pilates exercises for women with babies in arms. The activities then start to include the baby itself. They also pay attention to the main concerns and needs of the student at that time.

Thus, the course turns to the instructors. That is, those who already work with pilates or intend to work in the area. With that, it becomes an opportunity to learn one more modality and offer it. This converts into profits and, equally, into getting closer to the students.

Is the course worth taking?

The appreciation of real motherhood grows every day. This means that there is more and more recognition of the difficulty of the phase after the birth of a child, especially in the first days and months.

Thus, the baby pilates course is a great way to value motherhood. Equally, to recognize their needs and limitations. Still, to allow the mother to continue participating in social life, in this case through exercises.

What are the benefits of baby pilates?

Quais são os benefícios do baby pilates?
What are the benefits of baby pilates?

If you still have doubts about the benefits of the baby pilates course, know that they end here. We separate below the main ones for mothers and babies, See, then, how this can be a profitable area and with demand from the public:

  • Mom's faster return to exercise;
  • Respect for motherhood and its limitations and needs;
  • Motor development of the child;
  • Increased mother-child interaction;
  • Inclusive activity that allows the socialization of the mother;
  • Muscle recovery after childbirth;
  • Prevents diastasis.

So, see how interesting it is to be able to offer your students a quicker return to physical activity after childbirth.

Fully online course options

Check out, finally, incredible pilates course options aimed at mothers with small and lap children.

Baby Pilates mini course - Voll Group

The first completely online baby pilates course belongs to the Voll Group. It's free and is divided into three modules in which you learn dozens of exercises in detail, as well as bonus materials.

Baby Pilates – Voll Group 

The second online baby pilates course option is also offered by the Voll Group. However, in this case it costs $ 197, as it offers more detailed and larger classes. The course follows the technique developed by Danielle Kuhni.

Baby Pilates – Patricia Bueno

Another online baby pilates course option is from instructor Patricia Bueno. The course is aimed especially at women who are mothers of babies. With that, it has exercises that apply within the first months of birth. They then advance according to the child's own developmental growth.

The course costs R$ 162 and offers a certificate of completion. There are 11 classes that are divided into 06 hours full of instructions and exercises. In addition, the course offers a 15-day money-back guarantee. So if you attend classes and don't like it, you can cancel and get your money back.

Online baby sitter course

The online baby sitter course is suitable for people who want to continue in the area, but do not have any experience. So, find out more below!

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