
Cat care for kittens: everything you should know!

Here's everything you need to know about caring for kittens, including how to feed them, keep them safe and healthy. Including how to make them have a lot of fun!


How to care for a kitten? Important guidelines for the first steps of the pet

Alimentação, vacinas, brincadeiras... Aqui tem tudo o que você precisa saber. Fonte: Pexels.
Food, vaccines, games... Here's everything you need to know. Source: Pexels.

Before even adopting a feline animal, it is very important to research some care for kittens. Thus, it is possible to prepare for the arrival of the animal, in addition to really knowing if you are ready for it.

After all, watching your kitten grow will be one of the most fun things you'll ever do! Few things are as cute as kittens, but all that cuteness also comes with a lot of responsibility.

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Thinking about it, we made a complete guide to help you in those first steps. After all, the first twelve weeks are the most important. This is the time to create solid foundations for your feline's health and behavior.

So, if you're the lucky new mom or dad of a kitten, read on to find out what to expect during this first period, what steps to take, and how to prepare for the kitten.

What is the first care for kittens? The visit to the vet

Um exame completo no veterinário é importante para a saúde do seu gato. Fonte: Pexels.
A thorough vet checkup is important for your cat's health. Source: Pexels.

Taking your kitten to the vet is one of the first things you should do. This visit is important, as it will rule out any health issues for your pet, as well as allow you to ask important questions.

Your vet will do a complete checkup that includes:

  1. A review of your kitten's history: your veterinarian will want to know where you found him (if he was, for example, purchased or adopted), and any other medical care your cat may have received so far;
  2. A thorough examination of the kitten's mouth, ears and eyes, followed by an examination of the body, gently feeling the abdomen, lymph nodes, joints and skin;
  3. He will make observations of the kitten's movements (walking, sitting, stretching etc);
  4. Recommendation for neutering surgery if the kitten has not already been neutered will also be one of the kitten care. This is because this procedure helps prevent future behavior and medical problems.
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Additionally, your veterinarian may recommend that your feline receive vaccinations, such as rabies and the triple (V3), which is for a trio of upper respiratory tract illnesses: feline rhinotracheitis, feline calicivirus, and feline panleukopenia.

He may also suggest additional vaccinations, depending on your pup's history and the number of pets in your household. Lastly, ask as many questions as you need!

Knowing which behaviors are normal for a cat this age will help you identify abnormal behaviors if they occur. So, don't hesitate to ask your questions.

How to teach your kitten to use the litter box?

Okay, you've already been to the vet and found out the first steps you need to take with the kitten. But what about when you get home? One of the main concerns of new cat parents involves the litter box.

While this behavior is instinctive and most cats pick up on it on their own, some felines need a little help. Then gently place them in a litter box after eating.

Also, always praise when they succeed and ensure successful behavior i.e.:

  1. Provide several boxes in areas where the kitten can easily find them.
  2. Keep boxes clean.
  3. Prevent other animals from disturbing your kitty when he is using the litter box.

Feeding and caring for kittens: how and what should your feline eat?

You will likely receive recommendations from your veterinarian for a complete and balanced diet. There are many dry and canned foods made specifically for the nutritional needs of kittens.

And, because your kitty is growing quickly but still has a small stomach, he'll need frequent, small meals. So create a routine that allows you to eat more often throughout the day.

Gato pedindo comida

Best cat food brands

Find out how to choose the best food for your cat by analyzing good and bad ingredients on packaging. Meet the most famous brands and see if they are worth it!

Also, know that, when offering canned food, one of the precautions you should take with kittens is to discard any leftovers that remain on the plate for more than 20 minutes.

Still, always leave clean, fresh water at his disposal. Finally, do not offer milk. Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk is not nutritious enough for kittens and can cause diarrhea.

How to play with a kitten?

Tenha uma rotina de brincadeiras com seu animal. Fonte: Pexels.
Have a playtime routine with your pet. Source: Pexels.

Each kitten has its own personality, but most kittens have many behavioral traits in common. First of all, one of the most important care for kittens is to play!

That's because it helps them learn about the world around them and socialize with people and other pets. As such, your kitten will begin to exhibit natural instinctive behaviors when playing.

For example, he might chase and attack toys (or other cats!). When playing, one of the things you'll need to do with kittens is to nurture good behaviors that will last into their adult lives.

Therefore, never encourage your kitten to fight with your hand or other body parts. This will help him understand that biting and scratching is not acceptable behavior.

gato cinza deitado em cama

Cat neutering: everything you need to know

Castration is not only to prevent your cat from having kittens, it is also a care and prevention for his health. Learn all about this surgery here!

You can help him satisfy these instincts by introducing safe toys with no loose parts for him to chew, ingest, or choke on. Play with your kitten at least once a day.

This will help him form a strong emotional connection with you. If you have children, monitor this interaction to make sure it's a positive experience for both kitten and child.

How to establish sleep patterns?

After playing, your kitty will likely participate in yet another of her favorite pastimes: sleeping! To help your kitty establish sleep habits, play with her an hour before bed at night.

This is one of the cares for kittens that helps you spend energy to sleep through the night and recharge your batteries after playing so much. Also, watch for changes in behavior.

That is, kittens are naturally active and playful – if your kitten is exhibiting lethargic behaviors and showing no interest in food, see a veterinarian immediately.

Regular care for kittens: what else do I need to know?

Although kittens start licking themselves (their own version of bathing) around 3 to 4 weeks of age, they may not yet have formed this habit.

So introduce regular grooming to get your kitten used to being brushed, combed and having her nails trimmed. Make this process easier and more fun by gradually introducing care tools.

Also, allow your feline to explore them before using them. Let him sniff and play with the comb, and praise him when he lets you brush his coat or trim his nails.

Make these moments as relaxed and fun as possible so your kitty makes positive associations. You can even offer him a treat when he lets you cut his nails.

That way, your kitty will be excited every time he sees you with the nail clipper. The idea is to make this care for kittens a routine just when he's still young, so that it's normal in adult life.

And, if you need help knowing how much monthly a kitten can spend from your budget, check out the content we've prepared below. In it, we answer you how much it costs to keep a pet!

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How much does it cost to have a cat? Expense Tips!

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