Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course: increase your income!
If you are looking for a free course to earn even more without leaving home, check out the Perfumery and Handmade Cosmetics Course! Take advantage of the opportunity to earn extra income in the cosmetics industry!
Invest in your creativity with the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course and create your own fragrances!
Do you want to know if the Perfumery and Handmade Cosmetics course at WR Educacional is really worth it? Know that here you will learn all the details about the different manufacturing techniques for these products!
In addition, WR Educacional is a totally reliable institution for you to enroll and obtain benefits. That way, you can take the course without leaving home, completely free of charge and you can even get certified, isn't that great?
Incidentally, the perfumery course allows you exclusive freedoms, such as choosing your own workload. In any case, you will have technical and theoretical training to specialize in the area.
In addition, let's get to know other exclusive details and understand how you can enroll in this course and if it's really worth it to get you out of the red as a form of extra income!
How does the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course work?
First, to understand how the perfumery and handmade cosmetics course works, it is important to note that all content is virtual and free! Also, you can choose your workload.
Class hours can vary between 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 hours! That is, the difference is in the amount of content and training you will obtain. For example, in the case of 10 hours, you will only learn 11 topics.
On the other hand, the 60-hour course features 36 study items, including: General Pharmacology, Smoothing Active Principles, Importance of PH in soaps, Skin Types, Basic Cosmetology, among many others.
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Is the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course really good and worth it?
The WR Educacional Platform itself is worth it, as it is a recognized institution that only offers free courses and already has more than 10 million students across the country! In addition, the platform provides a certificate!
In this way, to obtain proof of completion, it is necessary to take a test at the end of the course! Thus, to be approved, you must obtain a minimum grade equivalent to 6! Then you can apply.
The certificate brings several exclusive advantages! To prepare and send the document, it is necessary to pay R$79.90 to the platform. However, the value may decrease if you request the certificate of 3 free courses.
Advantages and disadvantages
One of the main advantages of taking the course is that it is completely free and virtual, with class hours selectable according to your availability, which facilitates your access according to your interest.
In addition, access to the certificate that allows you to work overtime, improve your resume, take advantage of public tenders, internal promotions and other benefits that may be of interest to you.
Furthermore, with the Perfumery and Handmade Cosmetics course, you can become a creator of perfumes and cosmetics in one of the fastest growing industries in the country. So you can make your extra income!
How to take the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course?
Well, if you want to enroll in the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics course, learn how to do it with our step-by-step guide below. First, you need to access the WR Educacional website.
Then, on the homepage, click on the orange “study free” button. Then click on “full list of Free Online Courses”. This way, you will be redirected to the page where you can select any of the courses.
Finally, fill in the field with the name of the course and click on “search”. Incidentally, WR offers an intuitive and accessible platform for anyone who wants to register for their free courses. Enjoy and check out the official website below!
How to enroll in the course?
Once you find the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course, click on it. So, on the course page, you just need to fill in your details, such as: email, name, mobile phone and password. Then choose the hourly rate.
By the way, in this case, it is worth remembering that the lower the workload, the less complete your learning will be, as fewer topics will be available. You can check the details on the course page itself.
Once you select the best time option, just click on the orange “enroll” button and enjoy all the benefits that the WR Educacional course will offer you!
Discover other recommended courses: Sommelier Perfume Course by Renata Ashcar
Did you see how the Handmade Perfumery and Cosmetics Course is totally free and worth it? So, take the opportunity to enroll as soon as possible. But, if you are looking for other types of perfumery course, how about getting to know other options?
For example, Renata Ashcar's Perfume Sommelier Course may be an interesting option for you. Despite being a fully paid course, you get exclusive bonuses, such as basic fragrance kits!
That way, you can do your own tests at home! So, if you want to know more, how about checking out our exclusive review of this course available on the Hotmart platform?
Sommelier Perfume Course by Renata Ashcar
Renata Ashcar offers a great opportunity for anyone who wants to work with perfume creation. The course has complete content, with incredible bonuses.
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