
AfroEstima Salvador Course: see if it's worth doing online!

The AfroEstima Salvador course is divided into 3 tracks according to the level of your business. In addition to online content, it offers face-to-face classes at different centers in the capital of Bahia. Find out how it works and if it's worth it!


Salvador AfroEstima Course: free training for Brazilian Afro-entrepreneurs!

Conheça tudo sobre o curso! Fonte: AfroEstima Salvador.
Know everything about the course! Source: AfroEstima Salvador.

Registration for the AfroEstima Salvador course is open and, if you are or want to be an Afro-entrepreneur, it is worth registering. With the course, you will learn everything about ethnic tourism in the region.

But, after all, what is ethnic tourism? This aspect of tourism is closely linked to the lifestyle of local people, involving communities and worldviews. That is, it goes far beyond just a place.

AfroEstima com fundo verde

How to take the AfroEstima Salvador course?

Find out how to register for AfroEstima Salvador and take the opportunity to learn everything about Afro-ethnic tourism. See the step by step!

In this sense, the course seeks to qualify Afro-entrepreneurs in the capital of Bahia, strengthening their businesses. Participants should learn more about digital marketing, Afro tourism, management, among other topics.

Want to check out more details on how the AfroEstima Salvador course works and if it's worth it for your professional profile? So read on and find out more about the topic below before signing up!

How does the AfroEstima Salvador course work?

Although it is a content aimed at the Afro-entrepreneur, the AfroEstima Salvador course is also worthwhile for those who still have no experience in the field. That is, if you have basic knowledge of the subject, the course will help you.

First, it is worth remembering that all course content is free, with face-to-face classes at different centers in Salvador, in addition to online content. Among the topics covered, some of the main ones are:

  • Digital marketing;
  • Afro-Brazilian history and culture;
  • Personal development;
  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Sustainability, among other related issues.

Incidentally, it is important to note that the course will be divided into 3 different knowledge tracks. The first one, for those who have basic knowledge of the subject or want to start a business in the tourism area.

Meanwhile, the second track has content aimed at those who already have a business up and running. The third and final track is for Afro-entrepreneurs with higher revenues who want to focus on accelerating their businesses.

What are the benefits of this course?

Afinal, quais os benefícios? Fonte: AfroEstima Salvador.
After all, what are the benefits? Source: AfroEstima Salvador.

In addition to being a project created specifically to encourage Afro-entrepreneurs in Salvador, the course is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to start their career in the area. After all, it gathers valuable information on the subject.

Although it is aimed exclusively at black tourism professionals, the course is of great importance for ethnic tourism in the region. The objective is to strengthen business in the capital of Bahia.

In addition, all classes must receive a free certificate valid throughout the national territory to enrich their professional profile. The course is an initiative of the Municipality of Salvador in partnership with PRODETUR.

Is the course good and worth it?

Targeted at Afro-entrepreneurs in tourism, the AfroEstima Salvador course is worthwhile for anyone wishing to invest in their career. In addition to offering face-to-face classes, its content will also be available online.

That is, the objective is to serve the largest number of black professionals interested in the subject and who want to acquire more knowledge. Even if you are starting your business, this course can also help you.

Learn all about Afro-tourism, Afro-Brazilian history, entrepreneurship, leadership, business management and much more! The course is free and you don't need to put your hand in your pocket to invest in your professional profile.

How can I enroll in the AfroEstima Salvador course?

Now that you have a better understanding of how it works, how about taking this opportunity to enroll in the AfroEstima Salvador course? Your content will definitely help your business take off!

To do so, simply access the website and click on the “Subscribe” option according to the path your company belongs to. The entire registration process is online and simple. By the way, want to check out a step by step on how to do it? Then see below!

AfroEstima com fundo verde

How to take the AfroEstima Salvador course?

Find out how to register for AfroEstima Salvador and take the opportunity to learn everything about Afro-ethnic tourism. See the step by step!

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