
Clue app: be in harmony with your menstrual cycle!

Organizing your menstrual calendar and your period history is essential for good health. The Clue app helps you get this information in order for you to share with your doctor, so see if it's worth it!


Find out what the Clue app is and how it works: track your period and see predictions with up-to-date scientific data!

Então, conheça tudo sobre o app! Fonte: Clue.
So, get to know everything about the app! Source: Clue.

Monitoring your menstrual cycle is essential for your health. By the way, this data may be important during a medical appointment, for example. For this, the Clue application can help you record this information!

In addition, the platform is quite complete, with tools and resources that help you map the entire menstrual cycle. In addition, you can also choose to share your information via social media.

Nome app Clue

How to download the Clue app?

Downloading the Clue app is super easy! The platform is free to access and you can start using it once the download is complete.

That way, you can present your records to your doctor during a consultation, making analysis and diagnosis much simpler. By the way, the Clue app also helps you predict your fertile period.

So, do you want to better understand how the platform works, its tools and categories? See below everything you need to know about the app and find out if it's really worth it for you.

What is the Clue app?

Well, Clue is one of the most popular menstrual cycle monitoring platforms around the world! There are more than 10 million users currently using the application's tools.

In fact, the app is available for download for free. Although there is a paid version with more features, all major categories are also accessible in the free version of the platform.

Through the Clue app you can enter information about your health that is related to your menstrual period. There are numerous categories that you can choose to include in your calendar, such as:

  • Humor;
  • Body temperature;
  • pains;
  • Flow intensity, among others.

This way, you can accurately map your cycles so that the app can accurately predict your fertile period and date of your next period. That is, you no longer need to be taken by surprise every month!

App Clue really good and worth it?

Mas, será que o app vale mesmo a pena? Fonte: Clue.
But, is the app really worth it? Source: Clue.

While this is essential information about menstrual health, not everyone ends up remembering the details of their menstrual cycle every month. That's why the Clue app is so worth it!

With it you can register symptoms, variations, trigger reminders and follow the predictions of your period. All in a simple and organized way directly through your cell phone, just download the app.

In fact, the platform has a practical interface, with many visual resources that make its use very easy and intuitive. The application also has scientific articles for you to clear all your doubts.

How to download and use the Clue app?

Are you convinced that the Clue app is worth it for you? So just access your smartphone's digital app store to download the platform for free and start using it today!

The application is available for both Android and iOS users for free and you just need to download and register. By the way, access our content below and check out a complete step-by-step on how to use the app!

Nome app Clue

How to download the Clue app?

Downloading the Clue app is super easy! The platform is free to access and you can start using it once the download is complete.

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