
How to download the Petlove app: easy and fast?

Petlove online pet shop offers a unique application with offers, promotions and exclusive uses. There you schedule deliveries of pet products and hire services for your pets.


Petlove app: how to download and get access!

Então, veja como ter acesso! Fonte: Petlove.
So, see how to get access! Source: Petlove.

Downloading the Petlove app is very easy and is ideal for anyone who needs to buy products for their pets without leaving home!

To download it, you just need to access your phone's app store and get the app for free. The program is lightweight and easy to use. Then you can click on the link below and download your app.




pet Shop pet

Get access to exclusive offers, as well as services and products for your pet!

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On the other hand, if you want to know more information about the Petlove application, how to download and how to use it, continue reading this text and get all your questions answered. So check out our step by step!

Step by step to download and use the Petlove app!

Então, confira o passo a passo para usar! Fonte: Petlove.
So check out the step by step to use! Source: Petlove.

First off, downloading the Petlove app is very easy. So go to your phone's app store. This application is available on both iOS and Android. In addition, its use is completely free.

Then search the magnifying glass for the name “Petlove”. Once you find the correct option, click download or get. Wait for the download to complete.

Now, enter the application and accept the usage, notification and tracking permissions that appear according to your preference.

On the other hand, if you are unsure about downloading the app directly from the store, you can also register your mobile number on the Petlove website and receive the download link via SMS directly on your mobile phone. 

Using the Petlove app

Now, after downloading it, you need to start using the Petlove application, ideally, you register. This is the only way to make purchases and enjoy all the benefits of the app to the fullest.

Then, in the lower right corner of the home page, click on “more”. Then click on “sign in” and, if you don't have a Petlove account yet, click on “create a new account”.

Thus, you must fill in all the requested information, such as name, email, CPF, among others. Now yes, you can use all the possibilities that the app offers.

In addition, you can browse by searching the magnifying glass for what you need. To do this, just use the keyword. Another option is to search by category. So you can browse by animal species, popular products or breeds!

Discover other recommended apps: Cobasi app!

Well, what did you think of knowing about how to download the Petlove application? It's easy and practical to use, isn't it?

But, on the other hand, if you want, you can find out about other pet shop apps available for download. Like, for example, the one from Cobasi! This is one of the oldest pet shops in Brazil.

So, to download, you can access your app store. The process is as simple as Petlove's. Also, you can keep both apps and do price searches!

Anyway, if you want to know more information about how to download and use the Cobasi app, click on the link below and check out our exclusive step-by-step!

Mulher segurando cachorro

Cobasi: learn how the application works!

The Cobasi app is very practical and easy to use. With it, you can buy all the products your pet needs in addition to items for your home without having to go to the store!

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