
Dog vomiting: what to do to help?

It is ideal to know, when the dog is vomiting, what to do. After all, vomiting indicates that something is not right. See how to act!


Find out what to do if your dog is vomiting

Descubra o que fazer se o seu cachorro estiver vomitando
Find out what to do if your dog is vomiting

Do you know what to do when the dog is vomiting? It is imperative that tutors know how to recognize what is happening and how to act. See, today, important tips.

Dogs can vomit for many reasons. And it is possible to recognize each of them by the color of the vomit. Thus, it becomes easier to know the cause and solution for the situation.

So, see how to act when the dog is vomiting and what to do. With this, ensure the safety and well-being of your pet!

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What makes the dog vomit?

O que faz o cachorro vomitar?
What makes the dog vomit?

As stated above, there are several causes for dog vomiting. For example, poor digestion. Or else consumption of something incompatible with your body. In the same way, it can indicate the existence of some disease.

So, see below what are the main reasons why the dog is vomiting according to the color of the vomit. See, then, what to do in this type of situation and how to keep your dog safe.

Dog vomiting yellow

One of the most common types of dog vomit is yellow. This is usually related to bile, which is a substance produced by the liver. By the way, in addition to vomiting, the dog can also appear foaming.

See what are the main reasons for the dog to vomit in yellow color:

  • Liver disease or disorder;
  • Empty stomach;
  • Pain;
  • Anxiety.

For many reasons in this case, the best thing to do for a dog vomiting yellow is to take him to the vet. Thus, he will be able to make a diagnosis with full exams. That way, don't postpone or set aside this very important care!

green dog vomit

Another common color to appear when the dog is vomiting is green. Again this is related to the presence of bile. After all, the more this substance is in the vomit, the more greenish it will be.

But then what to do with dog vomiting green? What could have caused him this and what to do? As for the reasons, once again we refer to the dog's liver. It is very common that here the situation is caused by an empty stomach.

After all, an empty stomach in contact with the bile released by the liver causes irritation to the digestive organ. So, feed your dog, offer him water, and give him a break. If the situation repeats itself, then contact the veterinarian. That way, protect your pet.

Dog vomiting white, what to do?

This is the situation where the dog vomits a kind of whitish foam. In this case, again, there are several answers to why the dog is vomiting and what to do. Among the main reasons are:

  • Food poisoning;
  • Illnesses;
  • Infections in the digestive system;
  • Nausea;
  • Reflux;
  • Indigestion.

Again, then, here is a case of watching your dog and, if the symptom doesn't stop, taking him to the vet. After all, this is the only professional able to determine what happened and how to treat it.

Dog vomiting blood

This is a situation that usually generates a lot of concern about a dog vomiting and what to do. After all, blood indicates that there is some internal wound. Before despairing, however, check that it does not come from a wound in the animal's mouth.

If so, the coloration will be bright red and thicker. On the other hand, if it refers to an internal condition, the red will be brownish. See the main causes of this blood, when not referring to mouth sores:

  • Parvovirus;
  • Distemper;
  • Verminosis;
  • tick disease;
  • Infection;
  • Internal injuries;
  • Cancer;
  • Ingestion of a sharp object.

The solution, then, could not be any other: seek the veterinarian to analyze the vomiting dog and to carry out tests and treatments. Only in this way is it possible to maintain the tranquility and safety of your pet.

Dog with brown vomit

Finally, not infrequently the dog appears vomiting brown. The reasons, again, are diverse. However, here there is a recurring and somewhat annoying situation: coprophagia. This is nothing more than the ingestion, by the dog, of its own feces.

This condition is most often associated with anxiety or a need for attention. So observe if this is the case and seek treatment with the vet. Training can help here, as well as spending more time with your friend.

When it is not a case of coprophagia, the cause is usually related to food. That is, the ingestion of some food that did not go well with the dog. And what to do with a dog vomiting in these conditions? Let him lay it out.

Afterwards, help with his hydration and let him rest. Below, you can also see more tips on how to treat your dog after episodes of vomiting.

How long can a dog be vomiting?

Quanto tempo um cachorro pode ficar vomitando?
How long can a dog be vomiting?

The dog can vomit once or several times, spaced. Therefore, there is no way to determine. However, if it is intermittent and very constant, do not delay to act!

What's good for cutting down on vomiting?

It is very important that there is no attempt to stop vomiting. After all, you should let the dog put what is bad for him out. So be patient. Wait for the dog to recover naturally.

In the meantime, try to suspend feeding for at least 01 hour. If you feel weak and hungry, opt for a fat-free natural yogurt without dyes. Also, never offer him medication suitable for humans. This can cause poisoning.

Other treatments for the dog during this situation is to have clean water available.

This way he can replace the fluid he lost with vomiting. Finally, when the dog is vomiting what to do involves veterinary assistance. In this way, be sure to contact the veterinarian who accompanies you.

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