
Standard Schnauzer Dog: learn all about this breed here!

Famous for its characteristic mustache, the Standard Schnauzer puppy is an excellent companion for families. By the way, this little dog is very intelligent, sociable and attached to its owners.


Find out all about the Standard Schnauzer dog breed

Conheça tudo sobre essa raça de cachorro. Fonte: Pexels.
Know everything about this breed of dog. Source: Pexels.

First of all, you must have already seen or heard about the Standard Schnauzer dog. After all, who does not know the friendly character Joca from the Disney movie “Lady and the Tramp”? In this sense, this little dog with whiskers can charm anyone with its sociable and courageous way.

Incidentally, this pet has an enviable intelligence and can even become somewhat stubborn if not trained from an early age. So, if you are thinking of adopting a Standard Schnauzer dog breed, learn all about it by following the reading below.

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What is the Standard Schnauzer puppy?

Well, as you might guess from its unique name, this friendly-looking dog has its origins in southeastern Germany. Incidentally, there are records of the breed dating back to the 14th century, such as the statue of a hunter and his Schnauzer in the city of Mecklenburg.

Furthermore, it is believed that the origin of this animal includes the German Poodle, Gray Wolf Spitz and Wirehaired Pinscher breeds. In fact, the Standard Schnauzer dog emerged as an intelligent, sniffing dog capable of hunting mice. However, he was always an excellent watchdog for German merchants.

Although breed standards began to be established in 1880, it only became recognized in the 1930s. Incidentally, it was during World War I that this pet ended up becoming quite popular outside Germany, drawing attention for its characteristic coat. and her charming personality in the United States.

Although in the past this breed had a good range of colors, currently there are only three accepted standards. The most popular colors are the double white and black and black and silver, as well as completely white or completely black. In this sense, their hair tends to be shorter along the body and longer on the face, giving rise to the breed's characteristic mustache.

Thus, this dog's muzzle tends to appear wider and be black in color, which matches its eyes, which are almost always dark. Furthermore, the ears are straight and triangular and its head is also wider. By the way, the whole body of the Standard Schnauzer dog is quite robust and he has an elegant bearing.

How much does a dog of this breed cost?

Afinal, quanto custa um filhote dessa raça? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how much does a puppy of this breed cost? Source: Pexels.

First of all, if you intend to acquire a Standard Schnauzer dog, you must pay attention to the three types of variations of this breed. First, the Miniature Schnauzer can be more expensive and harder to find. Meanwhile, the Standard and Giant variations are easier and cheaper.

In this sense, a Standard Schnauzer puppy can vary between R$800.00 and R$2,500.00. However, it is important to keep an eye on whether the lineage conforms to the standards of this variation. Therefore, always visit the kennel or breeder where you are buying your puppy.

Also, ask to meet the pet's parents and ancestors to make sure they are all healthy and well taken care of. It is worth remembering that there are many cases of clandestine kennels that do not respect the well-being of animals and, when buying from unknown places, you may be financing animal cruelty.

How big does it get and how long does it live?

As we mentioned before, the Schnauzer has three variations of size, the Miniature, the Standard and the Giant. Thus, among these three sizes, the Standard Schnauzer dog is the least likely to develop diseases. In fact, the breed in general is quite strong and healthy.

However, miniature dogs can have skin allergy problems and urinary diseases. Meanwhile, Giant Schnauzers end up developing hip dysplasia because of their size. However, the breed is still considered to be in excellent health and these animals often live between 12 and up to 16 years!

Furthermore, the Standard Schnauzer dog is the intermediate size between the miniature and giant versions. In fact, he was the dog that gave rise to the other two variations. In this sense, this dog is considered a medium-sized animal and its height varies between 46 and 50 centimeters at the withers for males, and 44 centimeters for females.

However, both females and males can have a good range of weight, usually staying between 15kg and 20kg. It is worth remembering that it is important to offer a good quality feed and establish a regular meal schedule. This way you prevent your pet from becoming an obese dog.

How to breed a Standard Schnauzer puppy?

Então, como criar um exemplar da raça? Fonte: Pexels.
So how to create a specimen of the breed? Source: Pexels.

So, if you are thinking about getting a dog of this breed, remember that it is among the 12 most intelligent dog breeds in the world! In addition, this dog is very active and energetic, which means that you need to have the time and willingness to walk him daily, as well as offer activities that challenge his intellect.

In addition, the Standard Schnauzer puppy is an excellent hunter and will always be alert to intruders, rodents and any other disturbance in the environment. Incidentally, he can be quite vocal, so keep that in mind before deciding to adopt a specimen of the breed.

Also, this dog can become territorial and stubborn if you don't train and socialize it from a young age. As he loves the company of his owners and his family, this is an easy task, as he will enjoy being there at all times.

Well, as you might have guessed, with their characteristic hair, more frequent brushing is required. However, baths can be more spaced: about once a month is enough for this breed.

Finally, remember to take your dog for regular appointments with the veterinarian. Routine exams, deworming and vaccinations must also be up to date to maintain your pet's health! It is also worth asking for indications of good rations for your Schnauzer, so you avoid other health problems caused by poor diet.

So, how do you like this smart and brave little dog? And how about meeting another friendly and very companion dog breed? Well, we're talking about Yorkshire! If you like small dogs with personality, you need to know everything about this breed. Access our content below and see all the details!

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