
Federal government benefits in 2022: who can receive each one?

The Federal Government is offering several benefits to families in poverty and extreme poverty. See here the prerequisites for each program and make sure you apply correctly.


Government benefits 2022: check out the programs that help families in vulnerable situations

Confira os benefícios do Governo Federal para a população em 2022. Fonte: AdobeStock.
Check out the benefits of the Federal Government for the population in 2022. Source: AdobeStock.

First of all, many families ended up feeling helpless with the entire global pandemic scenario. Thus, the Federal Government chose to put into practice some plans in order to help the population and reduce the impact on the economy. Thus, the benefits of the 2022 Federal Government are now available to ease the difficulties of Brazilians.

Incidentally, with the end of payment of Emergency Aid in 2021, many families ended up with no income, unable to return to the job market. That is, the benefits of the Federal Government in 2022 are highly expected by the people, as they may be the only way out for those who no longer have the resources to survive. See more below.

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What are the benefits authorized by the federal government in 2022?

Afinal, quais são os benefícios? Fonte: AdobeStock.
After all, what are the benefits? Source: AdobeStock.

The Brazilian socioeconomic scenario is not the best right now. In this sense, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many families are in a vulnerable situation and struggling to re-establish themselves financially. Thinking about it, we brought some benefits from the Federal Government in 2022 that are already in progress. See below.

Brazil Aid

First, the most anticipated 2022 Federal Government benefit is Auxílio Brasil, which came into effect in November 2021 replacing Bolsa Família. However, the appeal only covered those who had already registered for the previous benefit and the November and December payments did not serve new families.

How it works?

Now, in 2022, registrations have already been opened so that more families can start receiving the aid, which has a value of R$400.00. Payment is already scheduled for the entire year of 2022 and should maintain the same schedule as the predecessor program. According to the calendar, payment begins in the last 10 days of the month, following the order of the last digit of your NIS, Social Identification Number.

Who has the right?

However, it is worth remembering that there are some rules for who will sign up. You must have a monthly income of R$105.01 to R$210.00 per person in the family. In addition, it is necessary to be in poverty or extreme poverty. Finally, families living in poverty need to include, in their composition, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children, adolescents or young people up to 21 years of age.

To ensure that these people continue to receive assistance, it is important that they undergo prenatal care (if they are pregnant), that they follow the national immunization schedule and the nutritional status of children and young people. In addition, those aged between 18 and 21 need to enroll in an educational institution and follow a minimum school attendance.

How to receive?

To receive Auxílio Brasil, you need to be registered, by the city hall, in the Single Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government, be selected by the Ministry of Citizenship, in addition to ensuring compliance with the above prerequisites.

PIS/Pasep or Salary Bonus

First of all, you should already know the Abono Salarial, or PIS/Pasep.

How it works?

This is an annual worker benefit that can amount to up to one minimum wage, closed this year at R$1,212.00.

Who has the right?

If you want to receive the Salary Allowance, the worker needs to meet some requirements. First, you have to be registered with PIS/Pasep for at least 5 years. Afterwards, you cannot receive monthly remuneration above two minimum wages in force. Finally, you must also have performed paid work with a formal contract for at least 30 days in the year prior to the payment, the base year.

However, during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Federal Government had canceled the payment of the Allowance in the years 2020 and 2021. Accordingly, it intends to resume the payment schedule as early as 2022 using the base year of 2020.

How to receive?

In addition, the amounts will be credited by Caixa Econômica Federal and payment has already started in February of this year. According to Caixa, this year's calendar should release the amount in the worker's birthday month and the withdrawal can be made directly at Caixa's bank or digitally on the portal.

It is worth remembering that the calculation of the Salary Bonus considers the number of days worked in the base year. Therefore, the more months worked, the greater the amount received, which should not exceed the minimum wage. This is one of the benefits of the Federal Government for 2022 most awaited by the people.

13th INSS salary

Although the payment of the 13th salary to INSS retirees and pensioners has not been suspended in recent years, its schedule had been changed. In this sense, policyholders of the National Institute of Social Security had their 13th advance in the years 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

How it works?

Among the benefits of the Federal Government for 2022, the 13th of the INSS must then return to its usual payment schedule. That is, the first installment returns to August, with 50% of the amount being credited by Caixa Econômica Federal. Meanwhile, the second installment should reach the pockets of Brazilians in November 2022.

Although the discussion remains fervent about the 14th salary of INSS insured persons, the National Congress has not yet approved the Bill. Although it is a great expectation for this beginning year, there are still many steps on the way to confirming the benefit.

Who has the right?

People who already receive some benefit from the Institute can receive the 13th INSS salary in 2022. They are aid for temporary incapacity (sickness aid), accident aid, retirement, maternity pay, death pension or reclusion aid.

How to receive?

To find out how to receive the 13th salary from the INSS, you need to consult the calendar for the first and second installments of the benefit. Thus, you will know exactly the day you will receive the benefit.

Gas Allowance

Although it was created in 2021, the Gas Aid payment is scheduled to happen this year as well.

How it works?

Payment must begin with families that already have a CadÚnico registration or are beneficiaries of the BPC. The Gas Aid will be paid every two months and should last for the next five years.

Who has the right?

The benefit consists of the payment of 50% of the national average value of cooking gas for families with an income of up to half a minimum wage.

Furthermore, this is another one of the Federal Government's benefits for 2022, which should help low-income families who are unable to buy a gas cylinder. Families with women victims of domestic violence who have urgent protective measures are given preference in receiving.

How to receive?

The Caixa Econômica Federal is responsible for paying the Gas Aid for people selected by the Ministry of Citizenship.

New quota of Emergency Aid

One of the benefits of the Federal Government for 2022 is Emergency Aid for single parents.

How it works?

Although the benefit was extinguished in 2021, the Government released a new quota that should provide retroactive payments for solo parents. In this sense, only single mothers from single-parent families were entitled to receive Emergency Aid with double the amount in 2020 and 2021.

However, after revision by the National Congress, a new Law was approved that grants the benefit to parents of single parents, regardless of gender. That is, male fathers of families should receive retroactive amounts in 2022.

Although there is no exact date for payment of the amount, it is believed that Caixa will make the payment in just one installment. The total to be credited will be calculated based on the amount already received by the single parent family head in the years 2020 and 2021.

Who has the right?

Therefore, only those who are already registered with Caixa Tem should have the amount released, as it is a retroactive payment and not a new quota.

How to receive?

In addition, transfers are expected to take place at the beginning of the year and the calendar should be released soon.

Withdraw FGTS

Although it is a benefit already well known by Brazilian workers, a new round should be available for those who have not yet requested the FGTS birthday withdrawal.

How it works?

If you have a balance in active or inactive accounts of the Severance Indemnity Fund, you may opt once again for the anniversary withdrawal.

Who has the right?

Any worker under the CLT regime can request the birthday withdrawal.

How to receive?

Before receiving the FGTS birthday withdrawal itself, it is necessary to check the available amount. To do this, just access the FGTS application. To have the amount in hand, you must indicate a bank account for the amount to be transferred. It will likely be available for use within 5 business days.

Furthermore, this is another one of the benefits of the Federal Government for 2022 in an attempt to reduce the economic crisis in the country. If you are interested and have a balance in your FGTS, you can join the birthday withdrawal at the Caixa Econômica Federal ATM terminals or through the application.

Who can apply to receive these government benefits in 2022?

Mas, então, quem pode se inscrever? Fonte: AdobeStock.
But then who can apply? Source: AdobeStock.

Well, although the Federal Government's benefits for 2022 are benefiting millions of families in a state of vulnerability, it is important to pay attention to the rules of each program. This is because the payment will only be released to those who comply with the basic prerequisites already in place.

For example, for those who need to apply for Gas Aid, they must have an up-to-date registration with CadÚnico and already be a BPC beneficiary. Meanwhile, the Abono Salarial is only available to those who have a PIS/Pasep record for 5 years or more and have worked with a formal contract for at least 30 days in the base year.

Generally speaking, the benefits must benefit families in poverty or extreme poverty. Therefore, it is important to analyze each of the benefits offered and register correctly in order to be entitled to the value.

Now, if you are between 14 and 24 years old and, in addition to keeping an eye on the federal government benefits in 2022, want to be part of the Young Apprentice Program this year, see how to register at the link below!

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How to apply for the Young Apprentice Program

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