
How can a focus app increase productivity?

Focusing and concentrating on tasks and obligations is increasingly difficult with social media! But why don't we use technology to our advantage? Check out apps to help you create strategies and improve concentration!


Master your time and achieve your goals! Try a focus app and boost your concentration!

Então, que tal aumentar sua concentração? Fonte: AdobeStock.
So, how about increasing your concentration? Source: AdobeStock.

If you waste time on distractions while trying to concentrate on an important task, like working or studying, perhaps you should check out an app to help you focus on your tasks!

The reality is that maintaining focus and concentration in today's digital world can be a real challenge, right? That's where strategies to improve productivity and concentration on different apps come in!




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Get organized to increase your productivity and concentration!

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Imagine being able to carry out your tasks with concentration, focus and without the constant buzz of social media notifications and emails. These apps are like a protective shield that allows you to dive deep into your work!

These apps go beyond full productivity, they affect your quality of life, your balance between work and leisure and, ultimately, your success. Read on to find out how these apps can transform your life.

What are the benefits of using an app to focus?

Using an app to focus offers a series of significant benefits for your daily life. First, it helps eliminate distractions, allowing you to fully focus on your tasks.

This results in a notable increase in productivity, with tasks being completed faster and more efficiently. In fact, the pandemic ended up leaving many jobs home office, which is difficult for some.

Additionally, these apps often incorporate techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which balances work and breaks to avoid fatigue, promoting consistent productivity throughout the day! Want to know more?

How to choose the best app to increase focus and concentration

Mas, qual o melhor app? Fonte: AdobeStock.
But, which is the best app? Source: AdobeStock.

When choosing an app to improve focus, consider some fundamental points. First, determine if the app is compatible with your device and operating system.

Next, evaluate ease of use, as an intuitive design is essential to have a more objective result.

Also, check if it offers customizable features like goal setting, blocking distractions, and time tracking.

Integration with other apps can be useful for a more complete experience, because some apps can manage your notifications. Read reviews and try free versions!


The objective of this app is certainly to help you focus! To do this, you must plant a virtual tree during the time you dedicate to your tasks. Then, you indicate the focus time and let the tree grow.

If you exit the app, your tree will die. So, it's important not to get distracted by other apps and features on your phone.

The more you focus, the more trees you will have in your forest. Additionally, you can choose different plant species to create.

Furthermore, the app allows you to pay for a tree to actually be planted and help the planet! So, check out more by accessing the app store on both iOS and Android!




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Improve your focus on daily tasks!

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Pomodoro Timer

The Pomodoro Timer app takes its name from being inspired by the famous study and focus method. So, with a rating of 4.8 on Google Play and more than 1 million downloads, this app sets a timer for you to complete your tasks.

With a minimalist design and definition of daily or long-term goals, you can achieve all your goals quickly, practically and focused!



Pomodoro Timer

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Start your studies with focus and concentration!

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An app that works for both iOS and Android, you'll have your focus directed where you need it! With Freedom, your social media notifications and other apps are blocked while you activate Freedom.

This way, without common distractions, you can keep your attention where it should be, on your work or study! In fact, you can use this app even on your notebook!




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Increase your productivity on a daily basis!

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Unlike the other apps presented, Trello will help you organize your daily tasks, increasing your productivity and focus! By applying the Kaban methodology, you have different boards and cards for tasks.

This way, you can see efficiently and objectively what your goals and deadlines are! Take advantage of the fact that this app is also available for iOS and Android!

Using an app to focus

Firstly, to download one of these apps you need to access your cell phone's app store. So, to focus, type the name of the ideal app in the search field, indicated with a magnifying glass icon.

Then, click on “download” or “get” and wait while the download takes place. Then, click on the app icon and start using it. In some cases, you will need to grant some access to the app to manage your smartphone!

Other tips

Other important guidance is that it can be helpful to set goals for your tasks. To do this, you can use timing features and personalized pauses, setting the time you prefer.

Additionally, you can use distraction blockers to stay focused. Another great initiative is the ability to evaluate your progress with tracking features. This way, you’ll know what needs to improve!

Remember to set reminders to start focused work sessions. Additionally, explore calendar integrations to align your focus sessions with daily priorities.

Additional Strategies to Increase Productivity and Concentration 

Seja mais produtivo! Fonte: AdobeStock.
Be more productive! Source: AdobeStock.

One of the most used methods for studying with apps is Pomodoro! This mechanism works as follows: you work a set amount of time, say 25 minutes, uninterruptedly.

Once this period is over, you can relax or engage in a leisure activity for a shorter period of time, say 5 minutes. Then, when it's over, return to your focus, objective, for another 25 minutes!

Another important tip is that whether you are studying or working, you can find a collective space, such as coworking spaces, to go with friends and help you stay focused!

In fact, you can use apps in conjunction with these techniques and change your life!

Discover other recommendations: Productivity and Time Management course!

Now that you know how to focus using the app that interests you most, download it as soon as possible and don't procrastinate any longer. In fact, you can also use our recommended strategies to have a more productive time!

But, if you are really concerned about learning more about how to organize yourself, set goals to change your life and manage your priorities in the best way, know that the Conquer platform has a Productivity and Time Management course.

You will have 15 hours of classes to access during a full year of availability. In addition, this course offers a certificate for those who complete it! Despite not being a free option, the course is highly recommended.

So, if you want to know more about this course and find out how you can stop wasting your time on randomness and focus on what really matters, check out our post available at the link below!

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Productivity and Time Management Course Conquer Plus

Discover the Productivity and Time Management course on the Conquer Plus streaming platform. Learn to focus, get organized, set goals and set priorities!

About the author  /  Filipe Travanca

Bachelor in History and Audiovisual by the University of São Paulo. Passionate about writing and literature, he works as a screenwriter, editor and short story writer, exploring the most varied themes and subjects. A great curiosity, who likes to study a little of everything and share these learnings in his texts.

Reviewed by  /  Samantha Scorbaioli

Senior Editor

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